
luǎn cháo yán
  • oophoritis
  1. 根据现有的研究表明:可能是在ZP3糖蛋白上至少有两个T细胞介导的抗原决定簇,诱发卵巢炎;

    Becauce mZP3 protein was shown to possess at least two T cell epitopes and the capacity to induce T cell-mediated autoimmune oophoritis .

  2. Addo等认为,该菌主要危害产蛋鸡,可以引起输卵管炎、卵巢炎、腹膜炎、败血症、心包炎、肝炎、肠炎、呼吸道等疾病。

    Addo considers that the bacteria mainly impacts laying hens and that can cause salpingitis , ovarian inflammation , peritonitis , sepsis , pericarditis , hepatitis , enteritis , respiratory and other diseases .

  3. 5个卵巢炎性肿块中2个为输卵管卵巢结核,伴有大网膜改变。

    Two of 5 inflammatory masses turned out to be tuberculous with omental involvement .

  4. 第30天VSEM与卵巢浸润炎性细胞数量、类型差异较大。

    The VSEM had more differences in soakage inflammation cell number and type of the ovary on 30th day .

  5. 多囊卵巢综合征与炎性反应

    Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Inflammatory Reaction