
  1. 目的研究无菌尿的老年患者,经尿道前列腺电切术(TURP)时接受预防性抗菌方案的疗效。

    Objective To study the efficacy of antibiotic prophylaxis in old patients with negative urine cultures , who were submitted to transurethral prostate resection ( TURP ) .

  2. 经尿道前列腺电切术前无菌尿的患者行预防性抗菌的合理性评价

    Analysis on antibiotic prophylaxis in transurethral prostate resection of old patients with sterile urine

  3. 术前有菌尿症的病例,87.5%有前列腺细菌感染;术前无菌尿症的病例,仅21.3%有前列腺细菌感染。

    The incidence of infected prostatic tissue in patients with preoperative bacteruria and with negative urine culture were 87.5 % and 21.3 % respectively .

  4. 结果I-AIN常在感染后数日至数月发病,呈轻度蛋白尿、无菌性白细胞尿或(和)血尿,伴近、远端肾小管功能异常,重症出现急性肾衰竭。

    Results I-AIN occurred in several days to several months after systemic infection . Clinically the patients had mild proteinuria , leucocyturia and hematuria associated with tubule dysfunction , sometimes with acute renal failure in sever case .