
wú dú shé
  • nonpoisonous snake;innocua
  1. 方法:将3种无毒蛇血清分别与4种蛇毒混合,注入NIH小鼠腹腔,观察NIH小鼠生存时间。

    Methods : Each kind of serum of nonpoisonous snake was mixed with each kind of four venom .

  2. 问题:确认是无毒蛇咬伤,如何处理?

    Q : how to deal with the confirmed bite by nonpoisonous snake ?

  3. 北美和亚洲各种以啮齿目动物为食的无毒蛇。

    Any of various nonvenomous rodent-eating snakes of North America and Asia .

  4. 无毒蛇血清中对抗蛇毒的解毒因子初探

    Antitoxin Factors in Serum of Nonpoisonous Snakes Detoxicating Several Kinds of Venom

  5. 颈部为亮黄色的欧洲无毒蛇;在英格兰很普遍。

    Harmless European snake with a bright yellow collar ; common in England .

  6. 包含北美猪鼻蛇在内的一种小的无毒蛇。

    A genus of small colubrid snakes containing the North American hognose snakes .

  7. 美国东南部林地中无毒蛇。

    Harmless woodland snake of southeastern United States .

  8. 它们是在当地收集的无毒蛇。

    They 're a nonvenomous species collected locally .

  9. 你知道如何分辨毒蛇和无毒蛇吗?

    Do you know how to distinguish a poisonous snake from a harmless one ?

  10. 沃那比蛇是一种无毒蛇,它们身长可超过4.5米。

    This non-venomous wonambi grew more than 4.5 meters ( 15 ft ) long .

  11. 在毒蛇搜索著青蛙的同时,一种很相像的无毒蛇也追捕著它古怪的猎物。

    While the viper seeks frogs , a rather similar non-poisonous snake pursues its own quirky prey .

  12. 各种大型无毒蛇,它通过缠绕挤压而杀死猎物。

    Any of various large nonvenomous snakes that kill their prey by crushing it in its coils .

  13. 目的:对几种无毒蛇血清进行筛选,寻找对抗多种蛇毒的天然成分。

    Objective : To elucidate the antitoxin factors in the serum of nonpoisonous snakes which could inhibit several kinds of venom .

  14. 北美洲的多种无毒蛇,传说它们可以将尾衔于口中,如轮滚动般行进。

    Any of various harmless North American snakes that were formerly believed to take tail in mouth and roll along like a hoop .

  15. 而这并不是因为生存竞争强迫而成的,蛇可以和数千种的无毒蛇一样,不依靠毒药捕食而谋生。

    It was not forced upon them by the survival competition ; they could have caught and lived on prey without using poison just as the thousands of non-poisonous snakes still do .

  16. 1994年至1997年作者对安徽省皇甫山自然保护区的蛇类资源进行了调查,共发现蛇类11种,其中有毒蛇3种,无毒蛇8种。

    By the survey of snakes in Huangfu Shan Natural Preservation Fields from 1994 to 1997 , the author has found 11 kinds of snakes , in all with one to several specimens of each kind except T.

  17. 这就意味着所有蛇类的祖先都是毒蜥蜴,也就是说,根据这项研究,关于蛇的祖先这个问题来讲,根本就没有无毒蛇之说,包括黄颌蛇。

    This suggested that the common ancestor of all snakes was actually venomous lizard , which means that actually , according to this research , anyway , in terms of the snakes ' ancestry , there is no such thing as a non-venomous snake , not even colubrids .

  18. 那么一条无毒的蛇怎么保护自己呢?

    But how do you defend yourself if you are a harmless snake ?

  19. 生活在水里或水边的各种无毒的蛇。

    Any of various mostly harmless snakes that live in or near water .

  20. 它是一条无毒的蛇。

    It is not venomous .

  21. 在这个过程中,他们学会了识别有毒的蛇和无毒的蛇,并经常抓无毒的蛇来吃。

    During this period , they have learnt how to distinguish poisonous snakes form innoxious ones and often catch them to eat .

  22. 横斑锦蛇被誉为“世界上最美丽的蛇”,是一种温和、无毒的蛇种。

    Elaphe perlacea , hailed as the most beautiful snake in the world , is a mild and non venomous snake species .

  23. 据星期五消息,Furtivo,Dryadophis家庭的成员之一,是一条无毒的蛇,但却很活跃。这条蛇可能是在飞机起飞前悄悄溜进飞机,或者隐藏在乘客的手提行李里面。

    It said Friday that Furtivo , a member of the Dryadophis family of snakes , wasnon-venomousbut " feisty . " The snake may have snuck onto the plane before take-off , or hitched a ride in a passenger 's hand luggage .