
niǎo wō
  • bird's-nest;shed;nests
鸟窝[niǎo wō]
  1. 每当大风降临时,鸟窝常常因芦苇折断而掉下来,里面的蛋和幼鸟也被摔破摔死,无一幸免。

    Whenever there is a big wind , the nest always falls to the ground when the reeds break . All the eggs and young birds are killed .

  2. 还有这只叫Molly的,到离家两小时路程的一个小树林里去捣鸟窝。

    and Molly , who travelled two hours from home to hunt from a birds " nest in a wood .

  3. 这个巨大的鸟窝床是由MeravEitan和GastonZahr设计的绿园展览作品的一部分。

    This giant bird nest was designed by Merav Eitan and Gaston Zahr as part of the Green Garden Exhibition .

  4. 整个岛上都是大大小小的鸟窝。

    The island is covered with nests , big and small .

  5. 帕克:嘿,那儿有个鸟窝。

    Parker : Hey , there 's a bird 's nest .

  6. 艾伦发现树上有个鸟窝。

    Alan found a bird 's nest in the tree .

  7. 第一批复活节篮子做得像鸟窝一样。

    The first Easter baskets were made to look like birds ' nests .

  8. 农夫轻敲知更鸟窝边。

    Nung-fu taps the rim of a robin nest .

  9. 我是说,离开这个鸟窝。

    I 'm talking removal from our dungeon in the crow 's nest .

  10. 回到你的鸟窝里去,你们这帮秃鹫。

    Back to your nest , you vultures .

  11. 我没有鸟窝,只有小小心一颗。

    I even don 't have a nest , but just a little heart .

  12. 鸟窝与头发我姐姐是一位小学老师。

    My sister , a primary school teacher ,

  13. 拍张我炸飞鸟窝的照片!

    Pictures of me blowing up stuff !

  14. 其实是个鸟窝模型。

    It 's actually a birdhouse kiT .

  15. 那些苍翠的松树记着查利云第一次想去掏鸟窝。

    The verdant pines remember the first time she wanted to rob a bird 's nest .

  16. 在那段没有你的日子里,就像鸟窝咖啡没加糖一样苦。

    In those days without you , just like the nest of coffee without sugar bitter .

  17. 如果受到惊扰的话,这鸟可能会丢弃鸟窝,让雏鸟死去。

    If disturbed , the bird may abandon the nest , leaving the chicks to die .

  18. 如果你想造一个鸟窝,要思考到如下一些问题。

    Here is something to think about if you 'd like to build a bluebird house .

  19. 我不是东跑西跑找鸟窝,就是在结冰的河上溜冰。

    I had run about after birds ' nests , or skated on the frozen river .

  20. 我把鸟窝炸了!

    I blew up the birdhouse !

  21. “我没看到鸟儿,老师,只能看到鸟窝。”那孩子回答说。

    " I didn 't see the bird , ma'am , only the nest ," replied the child .

  22. 根据报道,在空军采用猕猴驱鸟法的一个月时间里,两只猴子已拆除了180余个鸟窝。

    Two macaques have cleared about 180 nests in the month since the PLA adopted them , according to the report .

  23. 多种澳大利亚鸟类,其雄鸟建造精致的弓形鸟窝以吸引雌鸟。

    Any of various birds of the Australian region whose males build ornamented structures resembling bowers in order to attract females .

  24. 北京的鸟巢体育馆是复杂交错的钢架结构,看上很像一个鸟窝。

    Beijing 's Bird 's Nest stadium is an interlocking mesh of steel that looks much like a roost for birds .

  25. 天气暖和,它有开放式的窝,像鸟窝一般,用枝条在树枝间修成。

    For warm weather it will have an open nest like a bird 's , built of sticks in the branches of a tree .

  26. 我真的有酒窝在面皮上,我的屁屁上。在大树的上端有一个鸟窝。

    I do have dimples in my cheeks , my butt cheeks . There is a bird nest at the upper part of the tree .

  27. 他去取小鸟的窝,那个筑在一根大树枝上的鸟窝;树枝断了西蒙掉下来落在肮脏的泥沼里。

    He went to take a bird 's nest , was built upon a bough ; the branch gave way and Simon fell into a dirty slough .

  28. 亚丁还为一对树燕做了一些鸟窝,这样这里很快就会簇拥着好多蛋了。

    Aden also made dozens of birdhouses like this one for a pair of tree swallows that will soon get a lot more crowded when these eggs hatch .

  29. 我现在是多么悔恨自己蹉跎光阴啊!悔恨自己从前逃课去掏鸟窝,去萨尔河溜冰!

    How angry I was with myself because of the time I had wasted , the lessons I had missed , running about after nests , or sliding on the Saar !

  30. 园丁鸟一种澳大利亚和新几内亚园丁鸟科的鸟类,其雄鸟常用草、小枝和色彩亮丽的材料建成大而精致的鸟窝以吸引雌鸟。

    Any of various birds of the family Ptilonorhynchidae of Australia and new guinea , the males of which build large , elaborate structures of grasses , twigs , and brightly colored materials to attract females .