
  1. 你从历史课本上随便抽个问题来问我我如果答对了

    Ask me any question from the history lesson , l get it right

  2. 你的历史课本在那边。

    And your history book is over there .

  3. 法文的文法课本和法国历史课本对我来说似乎乏味极了。

    My French grammar book and French history book had seemed very dull to me .

  4. 去读历史课本。

    Try reading a history book .

  5. 而且,我的历史课本也没有提到说这个来自中国的拒绝在合约上签字的人是个天主教徒。

    And my history book also neglected to mention that the guy from China who refused to sign was also a Catholic .

  6. 其实,历史课本里的那些老家伙跟我们一样,在如何撕碎敌人方面也是奇招百出。

    In fact , those old guys in your history textbooks were just as imaginative as we are today at pounding foes into the dust .

  7. 您能想像的到,这些您所聆听的歌谣,能够传达出历史课本上找不到的奥沙克生活吗?

    Can you imagine what listening to these songs will tell you about life in the Ozarks that you won 't find in a history book ?

  8. 也许世界上不同的国家之间相互交换历史课本,来看一下别人是怎么样来处理同一套实事的是一个不错的想法。

    It might be a good idea if the various countries of the world would occasionally swap history books , just to see what other people are doing with the same set of facts .

  9. 但不管历史课本上出现的那些图片描绘的是何情形,大多数奴隶实际上是被其他非洲奴隶贩子卖到欧洲的——奴隶制度已经在这片大陆存在了数千年之久。

    But despite the picture painted by many history textbooks , the majority of those slaves were actually sold to Europeans by other African slave traders - slave traders who had been operating on the continent for thousands of years .

  10. 其中一些曾解救犹太人的意大利人已被写入历史课本:这部纪录片突显出巴尔塔利是如何为意大利的犹太人传递伪造文件的:他骑着自己的自行车“训练”,穿行于修道院和教堂之间。

    Some of these Italian rescuers are already in the history books : the documentary highlights how Bartali carried false documents for Jews across Italy as he " trained " on his bike , cycling for miles between monasteries and churches .

  11. 我只是在上中学时从《烟台历史》课本上了解到的,记得同时介绍得还有一件乾隆期的九龙玉瓶。

    I just studied from , I remember that Kowloon jade bottle in Qianlong period was also is introduced in that time .

  12. 历史地图册是根据国家教委颁布的历史教学大纲、历史课程标准编制的历史课本的配套教材,是中学生学习历史不可或缺的重要组成部分。

    History atlases are supporting textbooks which are written according to the syllabus and curriculum standard issued by the state education commission for History courses . They are essential to middle school students when learning History .