
  1. 通过对历史文献与考古资料的研究,本文特别强调中原地区与苏姓起源及播迁有着密切的关系。

    Based on a study of historical documents and archaeological materials , this paper particularly emphasizes the close relationship between the Central Plains and the origin and the distribution and migration of the surname of Su .

  2. 文章试图通过大量的文献资料、历史遗迹与考古发现来探求佛教在物质文化各方面的渗透与影响。

    In this article , the author tries to explore and seek the influence of Buddhism on every respect of material culture through a large amount of historical documents and material , historical remains and archaeological discoveries .

  3. 方法利用历史文献记载与考古发掘资料综合研究分析。

    Methods Synthetic analysis of historical document and achievement in archaeological investigations .

  4. 另外,本文还对《诗经》中的车马描写做了详细的文学剖析,并阐释了它的历史文化意义与考古价值。

    Moreover , this studies also from the literature angle , the carriages and horses description has made the analysis to " Poetry ", and has explained its significance and the value in detail .