
  • 网络Crazy English;crazyenglish.org
  1. 2001年,《疯狂英语阅读版》诞生,成为国内第一本由外国专家全程编辑、并能在网上下载MP3的双语杂志。

    Reader 's Edition was added in2001 , making Crazy English the first bilingual magazine edited by foreign experts and offers MP3 download in China .

  2. 我有信心赢得这次疯狂英语演讲比赛。

    I have confidence in winning the Crazy English speech contest .

  3. 李阳疯狂英语给你一个全新的概念;

    Li Yang Crazy English gives you a brand new concept ;

  4. 早上好,李阳疯狂英语公司。

    A : Li Yang Crazy English Company , good morning .

  5. 如果聚众学习疯狂英语,流脓也难以阻挡!

    Nothing Can Stop Pus If We learn Crazy English Together !

  6. 疯狂英语方法可以帮你提高你的语言能力。

    Crazy English method can help you develop your language skills .

  7. 我在广州李阳疯狂英语公司工作。

    I 'm working at Li Yang Crazy English in Guangzhou .

  8. 疯狂英语学习法之语言学分析

    A linguistic Analysis of The Way of Crazy English Learning

  9. 疯狂英语教学的启示&情感因素与语言教学

    Implications of Teaching in Class of " Crazy English "

  10. 疯狂英语是学英语的好方法吗?

    Is Crazy English a good method of learning English ?

  11. 疯狂英语课程对我的口语很有帮助。

    This Crazy English course is very beneficial to my spoken English .

  12. 第一、我把锻炼当成了比教疯狂英语更重要的使命。

    I consider exercise to be more important than teaching Crazy English .

  13. 疯狂英语在国内上都很有名。

    Crazy English is very famous at home and abroad .

  14. 只要学习疯狂英语,英语就是小菜一碟!

    English is a piece of cake if you study Crazy English !

  15. 噢,三个月前,我们一起参加了疯狂英语集训营。

    Oh , we attended Rockey English Camp together three months ago .

  16. 我完全同意你对疯狂英语的看法。

    I completely agree with your views on Crazy English .

  17. 我是李阳疯狂英语的音乐制作人。

    I 'm the audio producer here at Li Yang Crazy English .

  18. 我只是从今年开始认真学习“疯狂英语”。

    I just started studying Crazy English seriously this year .

  19. 如果你学疯狂英语,那就容易多了。

    It will be a lot easier if you use Crazy English .

  20. 我知道,有很多疯狂英语学习者都渴望成为一名专业的导游。

    I know that many Crazy English learners aspire to being professional guides .

  21. 疯狂英语能帮助你征服内心的恐惧。

    Crazy English can help you conquer your fear .

  22. 众所周知,李阳市疯狂英语的创始人。

    As everyone knows , Li Yang is the founder of Crazy English .

  23. 让疯狂英语来帮忙你建立梦想中的人生。

    Build the life of your dreams with the help of Crazy English .

  24. 疯狂英语的主要特色是什么?

    What are the main features of creasy English ?

  25. 老师兼设计师在教我们疯狂英语。

    The teacher and designer teachers us Crazy English .

  26. 我建议你开始学习疯狂英语。

    I suggest that you start learning Grazy English .

  27. 来加入我们大喊疯狂英语。

    Come join us and yell crazy english .

  28. 欢迎来到我们的疯狂英语训练营!

    Welcome to our Crazy English Training Camp !

  29. 疯狂英语给我的生命带来阳光。

    Crazy English brought light into my life .

  30. 李阳疯狂英语让你时刻充满成就感。

    Li Yang Crazy English fills you with a strong sense of achievement everyday !