
  • 网络primitive art;Prehistoric art
  1. 生命最初的愉悦及其物化&论原始艺术的发生生产原料(PI)用的起始物料来自哪个国家?

    The Initial Delight and Materialization of Life & On the Emergence of Primitive Art The starting material for producing API from which country ?

  2. 一是史前艺术或原始艺术,一是有史载记录后的艺术。

    One I s on prehistoric art or the primitive art .

  3. 论原始艺术中抽象变形的装饰美

    On the decorative beauty of the abstract transfiguration in the primitive art

  4. 现代艺术与原始艺术内蕴的融合

    The Integration of Accumulation in Modern Art and Original Art

  5. 现代雕塑起源与原始艺术

    The original of modern sculpture and " Primitive Art "

  6. 从此,原始艺术发展成文明时代的艺术。

    From then on , an art of civilized period is developed .

  7. 回溯与创造:原始艺术和现代艺术

    Recollection and Creation : Primitive Art and Modern Art

  8. 原始艺术与地理环境的关系

    On the relation between original art and geographical environment

  9. 原始艺术充满神秘美的魅力。

    Original art is full of beautiful mysterious glamour .

  10. 原始艺术对自然力囿限的冲脱

    On the Break-through of Original Art out of the Confinement of Natural Forces

  11. 我们要高度重视原始艺术风格的仿古青铜器。

    We pay great attention to the original art style of archaize bronze .

  12. 浅析原始艺术精神在民间美术中的体现

    The Embodiment of Primitive Art in Folk Art

  13. 原始艺术的象征性表现在多方面,其中艺术的形式化是象征性的一个成因。

    Formalism is a important cause for the symbolism in primitive literary and arts .

  14. 如摩西创造的那些原始艺术常常很有趣引人注意。

    Primitive art such as that by Grandma Moses is often colorful and striking .

  15. 新乡土派注重原始艺术氛围和自然的生态功能;

    The new rustic style attaches importance to original artistic atmosphere and ecological function ;

  16. 对原始艺术起源说的反思

    Reflections on the origin of the primitive art

  17. 原始艺术服务于其审美性

    Primitive art serves for its aesthetic character

  18. 原始艺术与现代审美追求相结合是原生态舞蹈发展的方向。

    The combination of original art and modern aesthetic pursuit is the orientation of its development .

  19. 论原始艺术的线性特征

    The Linear Features of Primitive Art

  20. 在新视角下浅析原始艺术与儿童画的相似性

    Under the New Perspective , Analysis the Similarity of the Original Art and Paintings of Children

  21. 三峡民间美术是原始艺术的延续和发展。

    The Three Gorges folk arts are the continuation and development of the human primitive arts .

  22. 她的最新收藏将重新设计的巴基斯坦传统风格与绘制在丝绸上的原始艺术相结合。

    Her latest collection combines redesigned traditional Pakistan styles with original art pieces painted on silk .

  23. 最早的诗歌总集《诗经》就是这种原始艺术,表现欢乐之情的篇章占很大比重。

    ShiJing as the oldest poetry is the primitive art integrating poem , music and dance .

  24. 原始艺术是在科学、宗教、巫术、神话等一系列的人类生存活动中显示自身的:它是在科学思维的发展中孕育;在宗教意识的成长中萌发;

    The primitive arts activities exist in the sciences , the religions the witchcrafts and the myths .

  25. 原始艺术与祭祀行为渐渐衍化为民俗。

    Primitive art and religious rituals fused , while passed down the generations , to become folklore .

  26. 原始艺术的发生和初期发展,又与原始宗教、原始巫术关系密切。

    The birth and early development of primitive art was closely connected with primitive religion and witchcraft too .

  27. 现代绘画形式语言的符号概念并不是凭空出现的,原始艺术的表达形式多采用简单的格式塔,是原始巫术、图腾和禁忌的符号式表达。

    Original art using a simple gestalt , it is the symbolic of original witchcraft , totems and taboos .

  28. 岭南民间美术传承岭南古越族人的原始艺术,在中华民族文化滋润中成长发展。

    It inherited the primitive arts of ancient Yue people and developed by absorbing essence of the Chinese culture .

  29. 在传统艺术阶段,技术与艺术较原始艺术阶段而言有着明显的分离。

    In the traditional art phases , technology and art more primitive art phases in the separation of obvious .

  30. 对自由的朦胧意识是原始艺术及宗教产生的思想源头

    Consciousness of freedom is the thought fountain-head of primitive art and religion & The origin of mankind , art and religion