
  1. 也指出了研究现况和趋势。最后,介绍了在中国原子能研究院HI-13串列加速器上的一些高自旋态研究。

    Present status and future trends , are also indicated . Finally , some studies of high spin states on the HI-13 tandem accelerator of IAE are introduced .

  2. 采用Hela细胞体外培养,169Yb和125I(由中国原子能研究院同位素所提供)分别置入培养液中照射细胞,观察射线对细胞杀伤范围。

    Hela cells were cultured in vitro and exposed to radiation from 169Yb and 125I seeds ( provided by Department of Isotopes , China Institute of Atomic Energy ) which were put into the culture solution respectively to observe the killing range of the radiation .

  3. 英国哈威尔的原子能研究所;

    Altomic Energ y Research Establishment at Harwell , England ;

  4. 地球模拟器是由日本宇宙开发事业团、日本原子能研究所以及海洋科学技术中心共同开发的矢量型超级计算机,用于预测及解析整个地球的大气环流预测、全球变暖预测、地壳变动等。

    Earth simulator is a parallel vector super-computer which developed by National Space Development Agency of Japan ( NASDA ) and Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute ( JAERI ) and Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology ( JAMSTEC ) .

  5. 描述了中国原子能科学研究院AMS测量中使用的飞行时间探测器、多阳极电离室、Bragg探测器、入射离子X射线探测器以及充气飞行时间探测器。

    The TOF , multi-anode gas ionization chamber , Bragg and X-ray detectors in accelerator mass spectrometry are described .

  6. 计算了不同厚度聚乙烯,不同厚度铅衰减器和CR-39探测器组合的能量响应函数以及不同叠层探测器的能量中国原子能科学研究院硕士(博士)学位论文分辨率。

    Energy response functions and energy resolutions for different combinations have been calculated .

  7. 在中国原子能科学研究院HI-13串列加速器上建立了一套高分辨的弹性反冲探测分析系统。

    Elastic recoil detection technique with high depth resolution has been developed at the HI-13 tandem accelerator of CIAE .

  8. 介绍在中国原子能科学研究院HI13串列加速器上,对αSi1-xCx∶H薄膜样品进行弹性反冲探测分析的方法和结果。

    Elastic recoil detection analysis of α - Si_ ( 1-x ) C_ ( x )∶ H foils has been performed at the HI-13 tandem accelerator of CIAE .

  9. 中国原子能科学研究院的游泳池反应堆SPR已运行了24年。

    A study of level 1 probabilistic safety assessment ( PSA ) on the Swimming Pool Reactor ( SPR ) which has been operated for 24 years at Institute of Atomic Energy ( IAE ) is presented .

  10. 介绍了中国原子能科学研究院同位素研究所新建的99Tcm发生器生产线灌注系统设计和运行情况。

    A control system design and its operation for the production line of 99 Tc m generator are introduced .

  11. 介绍了在原子能科学研究院T-600高压倍加器上用D-T中子作为稳态中子源,采用硅PIN探测器记录了裂变铀靶的裂变碎片能谱,并对裂变靶中子探测系统的中子灵敏度进行了刻度。

    In this paper , the D-T neutrons from T-600 neutron generator is used for measuring fissional fragment energy spectrum by silicon PIN detector at CIAE . The neutron sensitivity is calibrated for the fissional target neutron detection system .

  12. 从1992年以来在中国原子能科学研究院就一直在利用常规束流的地面模拟试验手段在HI-13串列加速器上开展辐射效应评估方面的研究工作,并取得了很多成果。

    Since 1992 , a lot of research works to evaluate the radiation effect have been carried out on HI-13 Tandem Accelerator using traditional broad beam to simulate the space radiation , and many achievements have been acquired .

  13. 本文介绍了在KrF激光系统天光一号(原子能科学研究院高功率准分子激光实验室)上利用长脉冲紫外激光开展状态方程测量的初步探索&平面冲击波产生的实验研究。

    This paper presents the attempt of applying a long-pulse , low intensity KrF laser , Heaven-I , which is established in China Institute of Atomic Energy ( CIAE ), to testify the feasibility of EOS measurements in the High Power Excimer Laser Laboratory ( HPELL ) .

  14. 对中国原子能科学研究院游泳池反应堆回路水中16N和19O的放射性活度进行测定。

    Measurements of activities for ~ ( 16 ) N and ~ ( 19 ) O nuclei in the loop water of swimming pool reactor at China Institute of Atomic Energy were carried out .

  15. 中国原子能科学研究院同位素所四十年的成就

    Forty years of radioisotope production in the Institute of atomic energy

  16. 中国原子能科学研究院某些实验室内氡浓度的测定

    Measurement of radon concentration of some typical laboratories in CIAE area

  17. 中国原子能科学研究院放射性工作人员个人剂量监测(1985&1990年)

    Individual dose monitoring of radiation workers in ciae ( 1985 & 1990 )

  18. 中国原子能科学研究院辐射加工技术开发和应用

    Development Technologies of Radiation Processing and Their Applications in China Institute of Atomic Energy

  19. 介绍了建于中国原子能科学研究院的氢化锆固态零功率反应堆。

    The Zirconium Hydride Solid Zero Power Reactor built at China Institute of Atomic Energy is introduced .

  20. 自从他大学毕业后,他一直投身于原子能的研究。

    He have is devoted to the study of atomic energy ever since he graduate from the university .

  21. 本方法已用于中国原子能科学研究院高放废液及含钚废水中铀的测定并能直接测定后处理工艺过程中某些分析点的铀含量。

    The uranium in the high level radioactive liquid waste from China Institute of Atomic Energy ( CIAE ) is determined by this method .

  22. 本文研究了从1986年1月到1987年8月期间,中国原子能科学研究院同位素研究所生产的放射性药物的核纯质量问题。

    Batches of Radiopharmaceuticals made in the Radioisotope Department of IAE from Jan. 1986 to Aug. 1987 have been investigated in terms of radionuclidic purity .

  23. 着重介绍中国原子能科学研究院的HI-13串列加速器质谱计装置的粒子鉴别技术。

    The particle identification techniques used in the accelerator mass spectrometry ( AMS ) system based on the HI-13 tandem accelerator at China Institute of Atomic Energy have been introduced .

  24. 自从中国原子能科学研究院的方锦清研究员提出非线性反馈控制策略以来,在这些方面的研究中近几年已经取得了不少进展。

    In recent years , people have obtained many research findings in these aspects since Researcher Fang Jin-Qing in China Institute of Atomic Energy brought forward nonlinear control strategy to control beam halo-chaos .

  25. 中国农业科学院原子能利用研究所为上述应用已成功地合成了多种同位素标记化合物,尤其是农用化学品的标记。

    Many kinds of labelled compound , especially of labelled agro-chemicals have been synthesized in the Institute for Application of Atomic Energy ( IAAE ), Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences ( CAAS ) .

  26. 为了开展核物理、粒子物理和凝聚态物理方面的研究,在中国原子能科学研究院建成了1台β核磁共振及β核四极共振谱仪。

    In order to conduct the study on nuclear physics , particle physics and condensed matter physics , the β - NMR and β - NQR spectrometer was established in China Institute of Atomic Energy .

  27. 中国原子能科学研究院正在设计研究的100MeV强流质子回旋加速器中真空室内的残余气体和磁场中的洛仑兹剥离将导致部分负氢离子束流损失,并在真空室内产生辐射剂量。

    In CIAE 's 100 MeV high intensity proton cyclotron , the H ~ ( - ) dissociation caused by residual gas and Lorentz stripping during acceleration can make some beam losses and result in radioactivity .

  28. 为解决辐射场所中子能谱和剂量当量率的现场测量,中国原子能科学研究院放射性计量测试部建立了两种类型的多球谱仪:分别基于主动式和被动式探洲器。

    Two types of multi-sphere spectrometers , based on active and passive detectors respectively , were established by the Division of Radiation Metrology of China Institute of Atomic Energy for measuring the neutron energy spectra and dose equivalent rates in radiation workplaces .

  29. 利用飞行时间法,用机械选择器测量了中国原子能科学研究院重水反应堆热柱的中子能谱.结果表明,该热柱能谱和理论Maxwel谱有偏离。

    The neutron energy spectrum at the thermal column of the heavy water reactor of China Institute of Atomic Energy has been measured by using a mechanical chopper by time-of-flight method . The result shows that the energy spectrum deviates from Maxwell distribution .

  30. 核不扩散机制中的国际原子能机构功能研究

    The Function Analysis of International Atomic Energy Agency in the Nonproliferation Regime