
yuán zǐ tǐ jī
  • atomic volume
  1. 计算结果表明,金属间化合物TiAl的平均原子体积和结合能与实验数据一致。

    The calculated results were compared with the experimental ones , and the results show that the calculation of atomic volume and cohesive energy are in agreement with the experimental ones of TiAl metallic compound .

  2. 结果表明:OA理论得到的fcc-Au电子结构中的共价d电子数最少,从而导致fcc-Au具有最大的单键半径以及最大的原子体积;

    The results show that it is the smallest number of covalent electrons in d state of fcc-Au among that of the three structures that leads to the biggest single bond radii and atomic volume .

  3. Cu-Ni合金组元的偏原子体积与平均原子体积的关系

    Relationship between partial and average atomic volumes of components in Cu-Ni alloys

  4. 确定无序bcc结构Ta-W、Nb-Mo、Ta-Mo合金的能量相互作用的方程都为第9方程和原子体积相互作用的方程都为第9方程。

    The atom volume interacting function and energy interacting function between atoms in disordered Ta-W , Nb-Mo and Ta-Mo system with bcc structure are determined for the ninth function .

  5. 作出了Ti-Al合金系各相的热力学性质、原子体积、电子结构和成分的关系曲线,为合金性能的改善及合金设计提供了参考依据。

    The effects and selection of the third component have been analyzed . The curves of thermodynamics , atomic volumes , electronic structures and the curves of the properties have been given , which supply the foundation for the design of Ti-Al .

  6. 气态主族元素标准熵与原子体积关系的研究

    Study of relationship between the standard entropy of gas main group element and the atomic volume

  7. 一个原子体积大约是,一个埃的三次方。

    And an atomic volume , it 's going to be on the order of1 angstroms cubed .

  8. 用MonteCarlo方法对考虑骨架原子排斥体积的聚乙烯链的形状进行了研究。

    The average instantaneous shape of polyethylene chain with excluded volume was studied with Monte Carlo method .

  9. 我们把原子的体积称作。

    V So let 's call our atomic volume little v.

  10. 和普通干电池相比,原子电池体积小、重量轻。

    Atomic cells are very small and very light as compared with ordinary dry cells .

  11. 原子核的体积大约是原子的一万亿分之一。

    A nucleus is about one billionth the size of an atom .

  12. 物质波在一个氢原子的球形体积内也只有一定的分立波才能发生共振。

    Only discrete wavelengths of matter waves may resonate within the spherical volume of a hydrogen atom .

  13. 当氮原子上带有体积较大的取代基时,在相同的条件下,化合物更容易以双酮式构型存在。

    The compounds with bulky substituents on N-atom preferably exist in keto form on the same condition of determination .

  14. 原子钟具有体积功耗小、环境适应性强、频率稳定性和漂移率等电性能指标高的优点,因此广泛用于通信、导航、时间频率计量等军民用工程。

    With the advantages of low unit volume power consumption , strong circumstance adaptability and high stability of frequency , atomic clocks have been widely used in military and civil applications , such as communication , navigation and frequency standard .

  15. 结果表明,随着溶质原子浓度和体积膨胀的改变,位错的运动速度存在高速和低速两个分支;位错的临界脱钉应力值随着溶质原子浓度和体积膨胀的增加而增加。

    The results reflect that the dislocation motion have two branches of high velocity and low velocity with the change of the solute concentration and the volume dilation ; the dislocation critical de-pinning stress rises with the increment of the solute concentration and the volume dilation .

  16. 为了进一步进行更加精确的计算,需要附加各种修正(Breit相互作用、QED修正以及原子核的有限体积效应)。

    In order to make a more accurate calculation , we must take higher order effects into account , such as Breit interaction , QED correction , and finite nuclear effects .

  17. 本文提出一个计算有机分子晶体中非氢原子平均表观体积的经验方程。

    An empirical formula of assessing the average apparent volume of atoms ( eucluding hyd-ogen ) in the unit cell of an organic crystal is proposed .

  18. 记录了系统能量、体积、径向分布函数及公共近邻的变化,并在0K分析了弛豫后系统原子内能、原子Voronoi体积及原子应力等热力学性质的分布情况。

    The radial distribution function , common neighbors , internal energy and volume of the system were recorded during the processes . The atomic internal energy , atomic Voronoi volume and atomic stress field of the relax system were analyzed at zero temperature .

  19. 原子中的正电荷分布在整个原子体积上。

    The positive charge in the atom is spread over the whole atomic volume .

  20. 原子核几乎构成了原子全部质量,体积却是微不足道。

    The nucleus makes up nearly all the mass But only a minute fraction of the volume of the atom .

  21. 本文还对钌原子簇的能量,电子性质和磁性随原子的体积和结构变化进行了定量相关性分析。

    A quantitative correlation was provided between the energetic , electronic , and magnetic properties of ruthenium clusters and the cluster structure and size .

  22. 小型铷原子频标是使用最广泛的原子频标,体积小、高性能、环境适应能力强和价格相对低廉是小型铷原子频标的主要特点。

    The atomic frequency standard most widely used at present is the miniature rubidium frequency standard ( MRAFS ), which is characterized as small size , high performance and suitability to the environment and more inexpensive than other atomic frequency standard .

  23. 原子核是最重的结构,而它仅仅占据原子体积的一小部分。

    The nucleus of the atom is heaviest structure , and it occupies only a fraction of the volume of the atom .

  24. 温度上升过程中,3种结构的原子单键半径大小顺序为:fcc>bcc>hcp,导致相应的原子体积大小顺序为:fcc>bcc>hcp;

    The order of single bond radii of the three structures during the elevation of temperature is fcc > bcc > hcp , and it is the same order for atomic volume .

  25. 聚乙烯链短程骨架原子之间的相互作用近似考虑为三级相互作用,长程骨架原子之间的相互作用近似为骨架原子之间存在排斥体积。

    The short range interactions of the chain are considered approximately as third order interactions , while long range interactions are excluded volumes of skeleton atoms .

  26. 近年来伴随着科技的发展,某些应用领域对原子频标的性能提出了新的要求,如在不牺牲原子频标稳定度的前提下,减小原子频标的体积、重量,降低其功耗等。

    In recent years , with the development of science and technology , we have made further demands to the performance of atomic frequency , for example reducing size , weight , and its power consumption without sacrificing the stability of atomic frequency .