
fánɡ mén
  • door
  1. 他猛然冲出房门,像着了魔似的。

    He flew out of the room like a man possessed .

  2. 房门打开,一间温暖舒适的小屋展现在眼前。

    The door opened to reveal a cosy little room .

  3. 她把房门敞开着。

    She had left the door wide open .

  4. 房门一开,铃声丁零响了。

    A bell tinkled as the door opened .

  5. 我们必须把沙发翻转过来才能搬过房门。

    We 'll have to tip the sofa up to get it through the door .

  6. 他虚掩房门,以防我会需要他。

    He left the door ajar in case I needed him .

  7. 这会儿布莱克再锁房门已太晚了。

    It was too late now for Blake to lock his room door

  8. 我从她头上方的架子上拿走了房门钥匙。

    I took the key for the room off a rack above her head

  9. 他把卧室房门重重地关上,然后逃跑了。

    He slammed the bedroom door behind him and fled

  10. 我偷偷在路易斯的房门下面塞了一张便条。

    I slipped a note under Louise 's door

  11. 当我推开特雷弗的房门时,他正腰杆笔直地坐在床上。

    When I pushed his door open , Trevor was sitting bolt upright in bed .

  12. 她穿着袜子冲出房门,跑着上楼梯时发出轻柔的咚咚声。

    She dashed out through the door , her stockinged feet thumping softly as she ran up the stairs

  13. 结果她拄上了拐杖,后来又用上了助行架,最后连房门都出不了了。

    She eventually used a cane , then a walker , and finally was confined to the house .

  14. 没有比一头冲进自己的公寓摔上房门更让我开心的事了。

    There 's no thought more pleasing than the prospect of tumbling into my apartment and slamming the door .

  15. “晚安,我亲爱的孩子们,”我们关上她的房门时她对我们说道。

    ' Good night , my dears , ' she called to us as we closed her door behind us .

  16. 手里拿着房门钥匙,知道米莉和孩子们在等他,这一刻千金不换。

    With his door key in his hand , knowing Millie and the kids awaited him , he wouldn 't change places with anyone .

  17. 当她走近房门时,她的脚步迟疑起来。

    As she neared the door her steps faltered .

  18. 他试图修理房门,可是他一修更糟了。

    He tried to repair the door , but he really botched it up .

  19. 我刚走进房门,所有的灯都亮了起来。

    Just as I entered the house , all the lights came on .

  20. 她把房门闩上,不让他们进去。

    She barred them out of her room .

  21. 留张便条挂在你房门上,请服务员把你的房间整理一下。

    Leave this notice hanging on your door , asking the servant to make up your room .

  22. 当那个穷户付不起房租时,房主便把他们赶出房门。

    The owner forced the poor family out of the house when they could not pay the rent .

  23. 带上你的房间钥匙和身份证,关上你的房门并上锁。

    Take your room key and ID , close and lock the door to your room .

  24. 推开浴室锈迹斑斑的房门,雷茜来到了一个老式的学校休息室。

    Pushing the door open , Lacey entered an old fashioned school restroom .

  25. 有时房门会慢慢打开,敞着不动

    Then , sometimes , the door slowly opens and gapes ajar for a moment .

  26. 这栋老建筑已经在地震中变了形,房门自然也已经扭曲得不像样。

    The old building had shifted in the earthquake and the door was jammed shut .

  27. 随着房门打开时的嘎吱的声响,雷茜走了出来,打算去洗洗自己的收。

    The stall door opened with a creak as Lacey walked out and started to wash her hands .

  28. 他浑身哆嗦着下了床,走下楼来以后发现每间屋子的房门下方都有这么一个小洞,他简直惊呆了。

    He bolted out of bed trembling . When he went downstairs , he was shocked to see that every door in the house had a snake-sized arch beneath it .

  29. 月光刚好能让他看清房门底下的地方,于是他吹灭了蜡烛,拔出剑来站在那等着。

    There was just enough moonlight for him to see the bottom of his door , so he blew out his candle and unsheathed his sword . Then he stood waiting .

  30. 孩子们还穿着睡衣,满身是泥地躺在外面。打开房门,他发现屋子里面更乱。橱柜上堆着盘子,地上散落着狗食,桌子下面有一只打碎的玻璃杯,后门旁还有一堆沙子。

    When he opened the door , he found an even bigger mess : dishes on the counter , dog food spilled on the floor , a broken glass under the table and a pile of sand by the back door .