
  • 网络house rent
  1. 有一次,为着房屋租金的事情,父亲把房客的全套的马车赶了过来。

    Once , due to a dispute over house rent , he took away by force a tenant 's horse-drawn cart and drove it home .

  2. 在这儿,房屋租金很高。

    Property rental is quite expensive here .

  3. 当然这样的房屋租金比市场价格低得多。

    Of course , rental fees for such housing are much below the market prices .

  4. 他认为,继续给付房屋租金就是将钱向水一样往外泼。

    In his opinion , continuing to pay rent each month for his apartment is just pouring money down the drain .

  5. 对于租房者和打算购房者来说,房价上涨不仅会增加他们的房屋租金,而且未来将付出更多的购房成本。

    The price of housing rising will increase the rent and the cost of purchase in future for renter or buyer .

  6. 如甲方提出终止请求,应退回剩余的房屋租金给乙方。

    If Party A needs cancel this contract , Party A must return surplus rent which Party A was received to Party B.

  7. 虽然房价在2011年减少了4%,房屋租金却因为缩水的房屋闲置率涨了2.4%。

    Though house prices sank 4 % in 2011 , rents posted a 2.4 % increase , thanks to tumbling vacancy rates .

  8. 要通过政府新建、收购、改建以及社会捐赠等方式多渠道筹集房源,小户型租赁住房短缺和房屋租金较高的地区,近期政府要加大建设力度。

    In those areas in which small rental-apartments are in shortage and housing rents are high , the government should build more housing for rent .

  9. 对于房屋租金,则要在弄清出租行为性质的基础匕结合夫妻双方的协同努力进行分割。

    On the basis of making clear of the rental behavior , the concerted efforts of both husband and wife must be considered in the rent segmentation .

  10. 有些人的固定收入无法在洛杉矶一类地方支付房屋租金——在洛杉矶,空房率不到3%。

    And there are some on a fixed income who cannot afford the rent in places like Los Angeles , which has a vacancy rate of less than 3 percent .

  11. 在这座亚洲商业之都,人们对豪华住宅的需求依然强劲,而且房屋租金仍在不断上涨&2006年上半年的涨幅已逾6%。

    Asia 's business capital continues to see strong demand for luxury homes and its rents are still rising - by more than 6 per cent in the first half of 2006 .

  12. 国内42个主要城市的房租统计数据显示,北京、上海和深圳三大一线城市的房屋租金在全国遥遥领先,广州、杭州、厦门和三亚紧随其后。

    Statistics for rent in 42 major cities show that Beijing , Shanghai and Shenzhen - cities in the first tier - take the lead in housing rent nationwide . They are closely followed by Guangzhou , Hangzhou , Xiamen and Sanya .

  13. 房屋月租金为(币)整;

    Monthly rent shall be ( currency ) per calendar month ;

  14. 过去一年,伦敦待租房屋的租金同比增长了50%,巴黎则同比增长了三分之一。

    Over the same 12-month period , London listings grew by half and those in Paris a third .

  15. 而空租期的租金收益主要受房屋的租金、空租期、房屋存贷量影响。

    The rent income in free-rent period mainly depends on values of house rent and free-rent period and leasing house quantity .

  16. 你们应该给我们足够的住房加上一定的现金,这样我们才可能通过房屋的租金维持我们的基本生活。

    You 've gotta give us enough housing units – plus cash – so we can maintain our living standards by generating enough rent revenue .

  17. 另外,单位附近房屋普遍租金较高,在附近租房对我来说真的很困难。

    In addition , the rents for apartments around the company are quite high , and it is difficult for me to afford renting a house .

  18. 房屋和公寓租金上涨将成为推动通胀的一大动力。

    Increased rates for rental homes and apartments will serve as a big drive of a rise in inflation .

  19. 目前房屋每周有租金收入650纽币,是绝佳的投资机会,也是生活忙碌达人的理想居所。

    Currently receiving $ 650 per week , this is a great investment or home for professionals with busy lifestyles .

  20. 在香港,公共房屋的平均租金为1320港元(约合1082元人民币),是市场价格的三分之一。29%的香港居民住在由政府提供的71万套公租房中。

    In Hong Kong the average public housing rent is 1,320 HK dollars ( 1,082 yuan ), one third of the market price ; 29 percent of its residents live in 710,000 public homes .

  21. 房屋租赁市场中租金的确定方法研究

    Research on Evaluation Methods for the Price of Houses Rented

  22. 随着经济缓慢复原,房屋空置率下降,国内土地价格及房屋租金也开始上升。

    As the economy slowly recovered , vacancy rates declined and national land prices and rents increased .

  23. 在租赁期间,乙方将该房屋转租给第三方或与第三方交换房屋以赚取租金的,必须首先获得甲方的书面同意。

    During the lease term , if Party B subleases the Premises to a third party or exchanges the Premises for a house rented by a third party , it must first obtain the written consent of Party A.