
wú qióng dà
  • infinity;infinitely great;infinitely great quantity
无穷大 [wú qióng dà]
  • [infinitely great quantity;infinity] 一个变量在变化过程中其绝对值永远大于任意小的已定正数,这个变量叫做无穷大,用符号来表示

无穷大[wú qióng dà]
  1. 有人还预测,未来的LED寿命上限将无穷大。

    Someone also predict that future LED an infinite life cap .

  2. 单机无穷大系统算例和多机系统算例证实了所提方法的优越性。

    Simulations for single-machine infinite system and multi-machine system verify its superiority .

  3. 这些排列可以增加到无穷大。

    These permutations multiply towards infinity

  4. 对单机无穷大系统进行非线性H∞励磁控制器的设计。

    A design of nonlinear H ∞ excitation controller for single-machine infinite-bus power system is proposed in the paper .

  5. 在单机无穷大电力系统中应用的非线性仿真表明,这种智能PID控制器满足电力系统电压和稳定性协调控制的要求,且具有较强的鲁律性。

    Results of nonlinear simulation of the intelligent PID controller applied in the single-machine infinite-bus power system are presented in the paper as well .

  6. CART回归树能有效地处理单机无穷大系统的回归问题。

    The usage of regression tree in regression questions is validated in the one-machine infinite bus system .

  7. 使用VLSI对计及励磁的单机无穷大电力系统暂态稳定进行仿真分析

    The Analysis of the Transient Stability of the One-machine Infinite Bus Power System with Excitation Using VLSI

  8. 基于等值单机无穷大系统的多机系统PSS设计

    PSS design in a multi-machine system based on equivalent single machine infinite bus power system

  9. 半空间的Rayleigh波波速始终是一个临界速度,当荷载速度达到Rayleigh波波速时,系统响应会趋于无穷大;

    Rayleigh wave speed in half-space is always a critical velocity and the response will become infinite when load speed reaches it .

  10. 研究了基于T-S模糊模型控制理论下单机-无穷大电力系统的励磁控制设计。

    This paper introduces the control theory of excitation controller via T-S fuzzy model about single-machine infinite-bus power system .

  11. 推导了包含单个UPFC的单机无穷大系统数学模型,同时利用改进欧拉法对方程进行求解;

    Have derived the mathematical model of the single machine infinite bus power system installed with an UPFC .

  12. 在霍金温度为零的时候态是可分离的,而在黑洞将要完全蒸发掉,也就是霍金温度趋近于无穷大时,粒子态是一个最大纠缠的Bell基。

    Especially , the particle state is unentangled when the Hawking temperature is zero and approaches a maximally entangled Bell state when the black hole evaporates completely .

  13. 首先针对含有TCSC的单机无穷大系统的非线性模型,建立了状态空间方程;

    Firstly , according to nonlinear model of single-machine infinite-bus system containing TCSC a set of state equations is built ;

  14. 此外,ZnO晶须具有压敏特性,在低电压(9V)下成高阻状态,测量值为无穷大;

    They have high resistance properties under low voltage ( 9V ), and the measured value is infinite .

  15. 提出了利用免疫算法为单机无穷大系统设计PSS。

    In this paper , the design of PSS for single machine connected to an infinite bus using Immune Algorithm ( IA ) was proposed .

  16. 对一单机无穷大系统,设计了励磁和调速系统的分散自校正控制器,参数辨识技术仍采用递推最小二乘法(RLS),系统模型采用三阶线性离散模型。

    Parameter identification technique is the recursive least square ( RLS ) method . System model is presented by 3-order linear discrete-time model .

  17. 采用MATLAB分析工具对单机无穷大系统暂态过程进行仿真,介绍了PSS的基本功能,并分析了PSS对于系统暂态稳定性的影响。

    This paper simulates the transient process of a single machine infinite bus system in MATLAB and introduces the basic function of PSS as well as its influence on power system .

  18. 将该方法应用到含有未知参数带有静态无功补偿器(SVC)的单机无穷大系统。

    Then the proposed method is applied to nonlinear adaptive control of Static VAR Compensator ( SVC ) of a single-machine infinite-bus system containing some unknown parameters .

  19. 相类似地,传统磁路定理认为:在铁芯中,由于磁场的高斯定理,通过铁芯各个截面的磁通量φB是相同的。这个定理的理想使用条件是铁芯的磁导率趋于无穷大。

    Similarly , the magnetic flux through core section has been regarded as always the same by traditional magnetic circuit theorem on the basis of Gauss theorem , and it only can be used when the permeability of iron core tends to be infinite .

  20. 外激励模型是考虑了汽轮机DEH系统、热力系统以及单机对无穷大电网的机电耦合数学模型。

    The combined math model of a digital electro hydro control system , thermal cycle system and a infinite electric network is considered .

  21. 本文利用MATLAB软件建立了某电力单机无穷大系统的仿真模型,对发电机各种失磁故障进行了仿真分析,总结了失磁故障特征,为发电机失磁保护提供了理论依据。

    This article built a model of single machine infinite power system with MATLAB . Then simulated several kinds of generator loss-of-excitation faults and summarized their characteristics , which established theory foundations of putting forward reliable LOE protection measures .

  22. 对于包含STATCOM的单负荷-无穷大电力系统,分析了STATCOM对系统电压静态稳定性的作用。

    In addition , we study the effect of STATCOM on static voltage stability of one-load infinite-bus power system .

  23. 研究了包含静止无功发生器(STATCOM)的单机-无穷大电力系统的吸引域。

    The region of attraction of one-machine infinite-bus power system with static synchronous compensator ( STATCOM ) was estimated .

  24. 由于无穷大、NaN和0的特殊行为,当应用浮点数时,可能看似无害的转换和优化实际上是不正确的。

    Because of the special behavior of infinity , NaN , and0 , certain transformations and optimizations that may appear harmless are actually incorrect when applied to floating point numbers .

  25. 研究包含静止同步补偿器(STATCOM)的单机-无穷大电力系统鲁棒镇定控制。

    The robust stabilization control for one-machine infinite-bus electric power systems with STATCOM ( static synchronous compensator ) is studied .

  26. 作为实例设计了单机&无穷大系统中机组PSS的参数,计算机数字仿真表明,本方法设计效果良好。

    Using this method the PSS is designed for a single machine-infinite bus system , and the results of digital simulation show that this method is very effective and useful .

  27. 通过无穷大接地导体平面上矩形背腔式微带天线的RCS计算,验证了该方法的正确性。在此基础上,计算了两组有限尺寸金属载体上背腔式微带天线的RCS曲线。

    The RCS 's of a rectangular cavity backed aperture in an infinite ground plane and two cavity backed microstrip antennas mounted respectively on a finite metal object are calculated and analyzed .

  28. 为验证本文设计的TCSC控制系统的有效性,对单机无穷大系统的静态和暂态稳定性进行MATLAB仿真分析。

    In order to test the validity of TCSC control system designed in the paper , a MATLAB emulation and analysis was carried out for static and transient stability of single machine infinite bus system .

  29. 本文通过对含UPFC的单机无穷大系统中一些关系式的研究,建立了基于不同状态量的状态方程,并据此设计出了其最优控制系统。

    This paper first studies the relational expressions of a single machine infinite bus system including UPFC and the state equation is presented based on various state varieties .

  30. 提出了一种利用协同控制理论设计可控串联补偿电容器(TCSC)控制器的方案,并以单机无穷大系统为例进行了仿真试验。

    A method based on synergetic control theory for the design of TCSC controller is presented and the simulation in a single machine infinite bus power system is made .