
  • 网络original system
  1. 结果表明:若该H∞状态反馈控制问题有解,则原系统可以通过状态反馈实现鲁棒镇定。

    The results show that if the solution of the H_ ∞ control problem exists , the original system can be robustly stabilized by a state feedback control .

  2. 原系统存在的缺陷主要包括功能重复的代码和不合理的设计,这些问题在大型J2EE系统尤其是BOSS系统中普遍存在。

    The main faults of the original system contain duplicated codes and defective design , and these are common for J2EE system especially BOSS .

  3. 在集装箱岸边装卸桥小车电机控制系统的基础上,增加一套PLC故障诊断和保护控制装置,原系统的继电器控制回路和转速控制回路继续使用。

    This paper discusses new trolley safety control system with PLC based on the original relay control system to act as fault diagnosis and protection control .

  4. 原系统主要存在以下问题:现场的传动设备、传感器与PLC之间仍然是采用I/O硬线连接。

    There are mainly following problems existed in the originalsystem : Driving equipment and transducer in the field are still connected with PLC by I / Olines .

  5. 强化系统的pH比原系统高0.46,而ORP低25.84mV。

    And the pH was 0.46 higher than that in original system , whereas the ORP was 25.84 mV lower .

  6. 这会导致在ODM中创建新的设备实例,原系统中的设备以“defined”状态列出。

    This will result in new device instances being created in ODM and the devices from the original system listed as " defined " .

  7. 改造后,解决了原系统存在的问题和隐患,使PLC系统的功能日益完善、可靠。

    After revamp , the problems and hidden peril of the original system are solved so that the functions of the PLC system are being perfected and more and more reliable .

  8. 通过构造辅助系统和Lyapunov函数,证明了原系统、其相应的周期系统及辅助系统的一致持久生存性。

    Uniform persistence for the original system , the corresponding system and the assist system is proved , by constructing assist system and Lyapunov-type function .

  9. 提出了基于J2EE平台和XML技术的四层并存体系结构,它综合利用了目前各项技术的长处,充分利用了原有的数据库资源,平滑地将原系统更新为基于Web的新系统。

    This paper gives a four-tier architecture based on J2EE platform specification and XML , which used fully the existed data resources , and smoothly changed the old system to the new based on Web one .

  10. 指出当反馈变量系数向量属于一个确定线性变换的r维不变子空间时,原系统的绝对稳定性,可化为一个r阶系统的绝对稳定性。

    It is pointed out that the absolute stability of the original system can be reduced to one of a new system of r-order when the coefficient vector of the feedback vector belongs to a certain invariable subspace of r-order .

  11. 常常会分配给磁盘设备(包括rootvg中的磁盘和外部SAN磁盘)与原系统上相同的名称。

    The disk devices , including those in the rootvg as well as external SAN disks , usually will be assigned the same names as on the original system .

  12. 与此同时,数字控制器的脉冲传递函数D(Z)也应发生相应变化,以保证仿真模型与原系统模型等价。

    At the same time , pulse transfer function D ( z ) of the digital controller must also change correspondingly , to ensure that the simulation model is equivalent to the real system model .

  13. 将原系统模拟控制器改造成PLC控制,并使用触摸屏作为人机界面,因而控制精度高,稳定性好,工艺设定、系统监控及维护更加方便。

    Simulation controller of original system is changed to PLC control and touch screen is used as interface , so control precision is high , stability is better and process enactment , system monitoring and system maintenance are more convenient .

  14. 本文对原系统模型加以改进,在Struts框架下引入持久数据层,hibernate技术能解决访问数据库带来的复杂编码和大量维护的问题。

    This thesis improves on the original system , introduced persistent data layers in Struts framework and using hibernate visit database will solve the problems of complex coding and a great deal maintenance .

  15. 针对非线性离散系统,构造T-S模型,引入参数不确定项和时滞项,使得模糊模型能够更精确逼近原系统。

    For nonlinear discrete systems , the T-S model is constructed and the parametric uncertainty and time-delay terms are introduced to make the fuzzy model approach to the original system more exactly .

  16. FSK来电信号自动刷新原有的系统日期时间,DTMF来电信号对原系统的时间,日期的设置无影响。

    FSK caller signal automatically refresh existing system date and time , DTMF telephone signal to the original system , the time and date settings had no effect .

  17. 使用Backstepping算法,设计了误差系统鲁棒自适应逆最优控制器和参数自适应律,从而解决了原系统的鲁棒自适应逆最优跟踪问题,并给出性能估计。

    The inverse optimal controller and parameter adaptive laws were designed by using Backstepping algorithm , thus solving the robust adaptive inverse optimal tracking problem was solved for the continuous system .

  18. INA法的基本思想是通过选择预补偿器使原系统的逆前向传递函数矩阵成为对角优势阵,从而实现各输入输出变量之间的基本解耦。

    The INA 's basic idea is that , through selecting pro - ( compensator ,) inverse pro-transitive function matrix of previous system can be changed into diagonal preponderance matrix .

  19. 升级或功能拓展则只需要在原系统中加入相应的功能模块就可以实现,无需对硬件及DLL进行改动。

    The promotion or the function expansion be come to realize only needs in the original system to join the corresponding function modules , does not need carries on the modification to the hardware and DLL .

  20. 首先以飞机原始非线性十二阶微分方程为对象,利用直接反馈线性化(DFL)理论对飞机原始非线性方程进行线性化,将原系统等效于一个六阶的线性系统。

    At first , the original system with twelve-order differential equation is linearized to a six-order system by the DFL theory , and then control laws are designed by classical control method .

  21. 在系统分析与优化设计过程中,对原系统进行了全面系统地分析,利用UML建模技术建立了系统优化功能模型、信息模型,对扩展的功能模块与原系统模块的集成关系进行了详细设计。

    During the process of systemic analysis and optimization design , the original system is fully analyzed . With the help of UML , the function model and the information model are established . After that , the extended modules and their integration with the original modules are designed .

  22. 通过应用EDIS进行装备管理数据集成,保持了原系统的自治性,有效的解决了部队装备数据集成的问题。

    The EDIS integrates the army equipment data , which keeps the autonomy of legacy systems and effectively solves the data integration problem .

  23. 磷酸原系统的供能能力、糖酵解系统供能速率及其调节能力和机体的抗酸能力是100m运动员加速能力、最大速度能力和速度耐力的限制性因素。

    The energy supply capacity of the phosphagen system , the rate of energy supply in the glycolytic system , its adjustment and resistance to acids of the body were the restrictive factors of the sprinters in their endurance , maximum speed and acceleration .

  24. NNα阶积分逆系统由一个静态神经网络加若干积分器构成,将其串联在原系统之前,原系统则解耦成若干个相互无关的SISO伪线性积分系统。

    The NN α - th order integral inverse system consists of a single static NN and several integrators . Connecting it directly with the original nonlinear MIMO system , one can decouple and linearize the nonlinear coupled system into a number of independent pseudo linear SISO systems .

  25. 3.100M、200M和400M运动员无氧代谢的特征呈现出显著的项目差异,100M运动员表现出更为优秀的磷酸原系统供能能力,而200M和400M运动员则是乳酸能系统供能占据优势。

    100M and 200M and 400M athletes show significant project differences of characteristics of anaerobic metabolism , 100M athletes appears to own more excellent ability of the original system phosphate fuel ability while 200M and 400M athletes have greater advantage over power-supply of lactic acid power system . 4 .

  26. 本文提出的设计方法不需要对原系统进行Anderson-Moore的迭代计算,直接利用求得的降阶模型解出近似的最优输出反馈阵。

    There is no need for the Anderson-Moore iterative calculation by the method presented in this paper , and a good approximation to the optimal output feedback matrix can be directly found , using reduced model .

  27. 既不要对原系统进行模型变换,也不要对交叉项进行界定。

    Neither the model transformation nor the bounding cross-terms is employed .

  28. 论文首先优化原系统的功能结构,实现结构的优化设计。

    Firstly , the functional architecture of the system is optimized .

  29. 在原系统基础上的程序开发技术

    Development Techniques of the Program on the Foundation of the Original System

  30. 同步过程不改变原系统的混沌性质。

    This process will not alter the character of the chaos system .