
yuán tiáo
  • primitive streak;bole;whole trunk
原条[yuán tiáo]
  1. Windows环境下原条量材设计优化软件的开发

    The design of tree - length measuring optimum software under Windows

  2. 根据广度搜索法原理通过主程序框图求出X1到Xn的所有路.再通过反向追踪框图从所有路中找出一条原条售价最大的路。

    According to the scope searching principle , it is calculated and gained the whole pathes from x_1 to x_n and a path of the highest price of tree-length of the whole by reverse tracing .

  3. 桦木小径原条干燥可行性初探

    Preliminary Approach to the Drying Feasibility of Small Diameter Birch Logs

  4. 桦木小径原条干燥特性的研究

    A Study on the Drying Characteristics of Small Diameter Birch Logs

  5. 原条运材汽车列车承载梁间距的研究

    Spandrel Girder Gap of Log-hauling Trucks and Trains in Safe Transportation

  6. 对兴安落叶松原条造材增值的探讨

    Discuss on the increment of tree - length bucking of Dahurian Larix

  7. 人工磁场对鸡胚原条起始位置的影响

    The Effect of Magnetic Field on the Origin of Chickens Embryonic Shield

  8. 原条造材优化设计的研究

    A Study of the Optimal Design for Tree Stems Bucking

  9. 杉木原条出材量(率)表的编制研究

    Establishment of Economic Volume Table ( Rate ) of Chinese Fir Pole-timber

  10. 网络分析在原条造材优化设计中的应用

    Application of network analysis in optimal tree stems bucking

  11. 原条卸车门式起重机工作速度优化组合的研究

    Study on optimal combinations of working speeds of gantry crane for unloading tree-length

  12. 小径原条剥皮方式对木材干燥的影响

    The affection to wood drying by the way of small diametre log peeling

  13. 原条重心位置的测定与变化规律的研究

    Study on the measurements and varing laws of the gravity center location of tree stems

  14. 原条量材设计中数据库技术的应用

    Application of Database Technique on Tree-length Scaling

  15. GB4815-1984杉原条材积表

    Volume table of chinese firtree poles

  16. 原条量材设计中木材等级的确定

    Grading Logs in Tree-length Scaling Design

  17. 原条运材公路曲线加宽与汽车尾杆的研究

    A study on truck tail shaft

  18. 用干形指数法编制原条材积表及商品材积表的探讨

    Approach to drawing up tree-length volume table and commercial volume table by stem form exponent method

  19. 关于原条运材汽车承载梁合理安装位置的研究

    A study on the optimum location of carring beam in universal truck for the tree-length transportation

  20. 原条检验方法的探讨

    Methods of tree length testing

  21. 最小熵反褶积贮木场均衡生产原条最小贮存量计算方法的研究

    Minimum entropy deconvolution a study on Calculation of the minimum reserve of tree length ensuring balanced production in log yard

  22. 本文利用网络分析技术对原条造材进行了优化设计,原条上的造材决策点作为网络的节点。

    The optimal design on tree stems bucking has been made by using the technique of network analysis in this paper .

  23. 本文论述和分析了我国原条合理造材技术的发展和研究情况,归纳和探讨合理造材方法。

    The authors expound the development and research of reasonable bucking technologies of tree-length and discuss the ways of reasonable bucking .

  24. 本文论述了原条量材设计原则及原木验收管理办法。

    In this paper , the authors expound the principles of tree-length measuring design and management methods of logs checked and accepted .

  25. 原条运材车辆是林区桥梁的主要荷载型式,运材车辆荷载对桥梁的动力作用同一般公路桥梁的车辆荷载相比有很大的区别。

    Log-track is the main form of loads in forest bridges , the bridge dynamic actions caused by log-track are quite different from those caused by normal truck in highways bridges .

  26. 用缆索起重机测量了红松、云杉、冷杉、椴木、杨木、桦木、栬木和榆木等树种原条的重心位置。

    The article measures the gravity center locations of tree stems with cable crane , the species of tree stems including korean pine , drangon spruce , fa-ber fir , linden , poplar , birch , elm , etc.

  27. 该原条量材设计有向图软件是依充分利用木材使用价值的前提下、产销合同之内、原条售价最高的原木为基本原则进行编制的。

    Under using wood value sufficiently , the directive drawing program of tree-length measuring is designed , considered the contract period of production and sale and logs of the highest price of tree - length sale as basic principle .

  28. 以与原条流量有关的生产和贮存费之和最小,组织原条运输和贮木场作业均衡生产为目标,运用现代控制理论建立了原条流宏观和微观控制的数学模型。

    To minimize the production cost and storage cost of tree length flow and balance the tree length transportation and operation in log yard as the objective , the macrocontrol and microcontrol mathematical models of tree length flow are developed .

  29. 结果:简式MMPI60%的条目鉴别指数在0.2以上,比原MMPI条目的鉴别指数(53%)提高。

    Results : the discrimination of 60 % items were over 0.2 , higher than MMPI ( 53 % ) .

  30. 新的B样条曲线满足原B样条曲线和扩展的点。

    The new B spline curve satisfies original curve and extension points .