
luǎn mó
  • egg membrane;egg envelope;oolemma
  1. 卵膜厚度约为2.78μm,卵膜表面平滑光洁;

    The thickness of egg membrane is 2.78 ? μ m. The egg membrane is watched smooth under the lower magnification of SEM ;

  2. 对滤泡小泡和滤泡腔、皮质泡的作用以及卵膜结构变化作了讨论。

    The follicular alveolus and cavity , the function of the cortical alveolus and the change of the egg membrane structure are discussed .

  3. 结果显示:华鲮成熟卵子直径1.2mm左右,仅有一个受精孔,卵膜表面有大量的不规则褶皱,精孔器表面平整;

    The result showed the diameter of the egg was 1.2 mm , there was a hole of fertilization and abundant abnormity drape in the surface of the egg and the micropylar apparatus leveled up .

  4. 中国鲎卵膜发生的研究

    Studies on Genesis of Egg Envelope in Tachypleus tridentatus

  5. 卵膜的去除是提高抗冻剂渗透性的有效方法之一。

    Removal of membrane was one of efficient methods of improving penetrability of Cryoprotectants .

  6. 本文还对滤泡细胞和卵膜的作用进行了阐述。

    The function of the follicle cells and egg envelopes is discussed in this paper .

  7. 鲶近成熟卵膜显微和超微结构

    Studies on the micro-and ultra-structure of the envelope in near mature egg of Silurus asotus

  8. 南方鲶卵巢滤泡细胞和卵膜生成的组织学研究

    Studies on the histology of development of follicle cells of ovary and egg envelopes in Silurus meridionalis Chen

  9. 太平洋鲱的孵化,正是由于孵化腺分泌的孵化酶软化了卵膜,从而使胚胎较容易的破膜而出。

    The hatching of Clupea pallasi is easily done because of the softening of chorion by hatching enzyme .

  10. 在授精开始的30秒内,测得卵膜附近约86%的精子沿着凹沟进入精孔管;

    In 30 seconds , 86 % of sperm entered micropylar canal along the grooves around the micropyle ;

  11. 卵膜孔一些动物卵细胞覆盖膜上的小孔,精子可由此进入。

    A pore in the membrane covering the ovum of some animals through which a spermatozoon can enter .

  12. 精子以其核突起附着在卵膜上,并迅速发生顶体反应。

    The sperm contacts with vitelline membrane by its radial arms of the nucleus , and undergoes acrosome reaction immediately .

  13. 黄海太平洋鲱受精前后卵膜的动态变化

    A study of the ve , Fe and plasma membrane of Clupea pallasi eggs during the dynamic change process of fertilization

  14. 初级卵膜源于卵母细胞,次级卵膜由晚期滤泡细胞分泌形成。

    The secondary envelope may be deposited on the primary envelope surface and it is formed by the substances secreted from the granules cells .

  15. 目的探讨显微授精时由于卵膜弹性不同产生的不同破膜方式对卵母细胞受精率及卵母细胞闭锁率的影响。

    Objective To evaluate the relationship of different injection pattern with the results of the fertilization rate and oocyte degeneration rate after intracytoplasmic sperm injection ( ICSI ) .

  16. 硬骨鱼类卵膜孔的特殊结构以及精子入卵后随即发生的皮层反应为其实现单精受精提供了保障。

    The special formation of fertilization cone and the cortical reaction occurring immediately after the sperm penetration into matured egg support the effective and reliable barrier for the monospermy .

  17. 由壳膜和受精膜构成的孵化膜为初级卵膜,保护胚胎发育,直至幼体破膜而出。

    The hatching membrane which was composed of chorion and fertilization membrane was the primary egg membrane , and protected the embryo development from harm material till the larva hatched .

  18. 胚胎附着系统的形成与雌蟹的行为、腹肢粘液腺分泌的粘液、卵膜的超微结构及各层的变化有关。

    The time sequencing of formation of the embryo attachment system is determined by the behavior of females , the activities of cement glands as well as changes of egg membrane ultrastructure .

  19. 结果表明,胚胎附着与母体腹肢的结构、黏液腺分泌的黏液相关,也与胚胎表面结构、次级卵膜的形态和结构密切相关。

    The results showed that embryo attachment have relevance to not only structure of pleopods , mucus that mucus gland excretive , but also characteristics embryo surface , morphology and structure of the secondary membrane .

  20. 滤泡细胞具有生成次级卵膜、合成卵黄蛋白并加工成卵黄前体颗粒和中间颗粒、产生类固醇激素和协助排卵等作用。

    Follicle cell had four founctions : to secret substance to form the secondary envelope , to synthesize yolk-protein and to make it into pre - yolk granule and intermediate yolk granule , to secrete hormone and to stimulate ovulation .

  21. 结果显示:2/4例卵胞膜细胞瘸有ER、PR;

    Of 4 theca cell tumor , 6 of 8 granulosa cell tumor had ER and PR.

  22. 抗人卵细胞膜抗体的制备及其免疫避孕的可能性

    Preparation of oocyte plasma membrane antibody and its immuno-contraception possibility

  23. 精孔细胞和卵胶膜源于滤泡细胞。

    The micropylar cell and the stick membrance of the egg are derived from the follicular cells .

  24. 用电镜对两种轮虫休眠卵卵膜的初步观察

    Preliminary Observation on the membrane of the Resting Eggs of Two Kinds of Rotifers with an Electronic Microscope

  25. 目的:探讨利用人卵细胞膜抗原制备抗受精抗体的可能性。

    Objective : To study the possibility for the recovery of oocyte plasma membrane antigen as to produce anti fertilization antibodies .

  26. 在卵黄发生期,ER-α和β则在卵被膜、卵黄膜和核膜表达。

    In the vitellogenetic stage , ER-a and β were expressed in the egg envelope , yolky membrane and nuclear membrane of oocytes .

  27. 继1987年发现泥鳅成熟卵卵膜孔涡旋状结构后,作者又发现大银鱼卵膜孔区域呈现沟脊放射状结构。

    After finding the whirlpool like structure of micropyle of the mature egg of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus in1987 , we discovered again that there is a radiate structure .

  28. 以胎儿胎位、脊柱、肝脏、胃泡、降主动脉、卵圆孔膜方向等判别左、右心室。

    Left or right ventricle was distinguished by fetal position , spine , liver , aerogastria , descending aorta or the blood direction of foramen of ovale .

  29. 结果显示,对照组螺卵胶膜由胶原纤维层和基底膜组成,卵细胞核大,呈圆形或椭圆形,染色质丰富,细胞内含丰富的线粒体、内质网和分泌颗粒等。

    The result showed there was a membrane of Oncomelania eggs which was composed of collagenic fibre and a basic layer and a large nucleus of round or ellipse shape with rich chromatin , many mitochondrions , endoplasmic reticula and secretory granules etc.

  30. 结果表明,HCG对卵母细胞膜电位有去极化作用,酪氨酸可以使膜电位呈现超极化反应,并能抑制HCG的去极化作用。

    The results showed that HCG depolarised membrane potential of toad oocytes , while tyrosine directly caused membrane , hyperpolarization , and inhibited the depolarization induced by HCG .