
  • 网络Blastomere;cleavage
  1. 卵裂球细胞乙型肝炎病毒FISH检测法的建立

    Establishment of a FISH Method for HBV Detection in Human Blastomere

  2. 目的建立单卵裂球PCR技术,为开展单基因病的着床前遗传学诊断奠定基础。

    Conclusion : Single blastomere PCR is stable and reliable , and it can be used for preimplantation genetic diagnosis .

  3. 不同发育阶段小鼠胚胎S-期、M-期卵裂球的检测以及低温对胚胎细胞DNA合成的影响

    Determination of S phase and M phase Blastomeres and Effect of Low Temperature on DNA Synthesis in Mouse Embryos

  4. 正常人的34个单卵裂球细胞的PCR扩增成功率为88.2%;

    The amplification success rate of 34 single blastomeres for the healthy adults was 88.2 % ;

  5. 首先采用MDA对单卵裂球细胞进行全基因组扩增,然后对胚胎及其亲本进行单倍体分析。

    After whole genome amplification of single blastomeres by MDA , haplotyping was taken .

  6. 结论:早期小鼠胚胎的卵裂球中含有LN;

    Conclusion : LN existed in the blastomere during early mouse embryo development ;

  7. FISH及RIA法检测体外发育的人胚卵裂球染色体数目和颗粒细胞分泌功能

    Detection of numerical deviation of chromosomes in blastomeres developed in vitro and granulosa cells secretory function by fish and RIA

  8. 到桑椹胚期,卵裂球内及间质中同时出现LN阳性反应物质。

    In morula , positive LN immunoreactive substance appeared simultaneously in both blastomere and extracellular matrix .

  9. 巢式聚合酶链反应-序列特异引物法用于单卵裂球HLA-A位点分型研究

    HLA-A site genotyping on single blastomeres is studied by nest-PCR-SSP method

  10. 单卵裂球建立ES细胞的成功率与胚胎发育阶段负相关。

    The ES cell lines establishment efficiency from a single blastomere of embryo is inversely proportional to the embryo development stages .

  11. D3妊娠组所移植胚胎的平均卵裂球数及评分显著高于D2组、P<0.01;

    The average number of blastomere and score of embryo in D3 were much higher than D2 , P < 0.01 ;

  12. CO2浓度15%时,覆盖经三蒸水处理的石蜡油组,有15%的胚胎发育到4-细胞阶段,但4-细胞胚胎的卵裂球不规则,很快退化;

    At the CO 2 level of 15 % , 15 % embryos developed in the 4 cell stage with irregular blastomere and degenerated quickly in the group whose paraffin oil was treated with distilled water ;

  13. 方法分别以波尔(Bore)山羊耳部成纤维细胞、山羊-兔异种克隆桑椹胚卵裂球为核供体,以兔卵母细胞为受体,进行连续核移植。

    Methods : Serial nuclear transfer was conducted with the goat ( Bore ) ear fibroblast cells ( original group ), the blastomere of goat-rabbit inter-species cloned morula ( serial I and II group ) as the donor cells and rabbit oocytes as the recipient cells .

  14. 胞质分裂结束时,DCB位于2个卵裂球其中之一的细胞质内或在赤道板处被分割成两部分。实验结果首次提供了栉孔扇贝雌核发育的细胞学证据。

    At completion of cytokinesis of the first cleavage , the DCB was seen either in the cytoplasm of one of the two blastomeres or on the equatorial plate as two partitional parts .

  15. 脆性X综合征:(1)采用PCR方法检测智力正常的重庆人FMR-1基因(CGG)n拷贝数;(2)采用巢式PCR方法检测单个淋巴细胞和单个卵裂球细胞FMR-1基因(CGG)n拷贝数。

    Fragile x syndrome ( 1 ) To detect ( CGG ) n copies of FMR-1 gene of normal people in Chongqing by PCR ( 2 ) To detect the copies of ( CGG ) n in single lymphocyte and blastomere by nested PCR .

  16. 结果:Day3胚胎发育速度、卵裂球核数量和碎片类型在两组间差异有显著性(P<0.05)。

    Results : A statistical difference was observed in the rate of embryo development , blastomere nuclei quantity and the type of fragmentation between the two groups ( P < 0.05 ) .

  17. 方法通过扩增HLA-A第2外显子评价单卵裂球巢式第1轮扩增的成功率,用巢式PCR-SSP法进行单卵裂球HLA-A分型。

    Methods By nest PCR on HLA-A exon 2 , the success rate of first-round amplification was estimated for single blastomeres . Based on the first-round amplification , the HLA-A genotype of every single blastomeres was analyzed by commercially available PCR-SSP kits .

  18. 胚胎干细胞(ESC)建系取材包括桑椹胚的卵裂球、囊胚的内细胞团(ICM)、上胚层细胞和原始生殖细胞(PGCs),甚至从新生鼠睾丸细胞也分离得到ES样细胞。

    The inner cell mass ( ICM ), blastomeres , epiblasts and primordial germ cells ( PGCs ) are usually used as primary materials for the establishment of embryonic stem cell ( ESC ) lines . ES-like cells have even been isolated from neonatal mouse testis .

  19. 以CZB为基础培养液,培养小鼠4、8-细胞胚胎单卵裂球,研究葡萄糖、牛磺酸和猪输卵管上皮细胞共培养在其体外发育中的作用。

    CZB medium was used as a base medium to study the function of taurine , glucose and porcine oviductal epithelial cells system in the culture of blastomeres isolated from mouse 4 ? 8-cell embryos .

  20. 牛体外受精后5-~10-细胞期的胚胎用0.5%链霉蛋白酶处理分离单一卵裂球,然后用100ng/ml长春花碱处理10h,制作染色体标本。

    Bovine embryos developing to the 5 ~ 10 cell stage were separated into individual blastomere with 0 5 % protease . After treatment with 100 ng / ml vinblastine sulfate for 10 h , they were prepared for chromosome samples .

  21. 结论在第1轮扩增成功的基础上,巢式PCR-SSP法用于单卵裂球HLA-A分型准确可靠,可用于临床上筛选与需要造血干细胞移植的患儿HLA型等同的胚胎。

    Conclusion The above research results indicated that based on the successful first round amplification of single blastomeres , nest-PCR-SSP strategy offers a convenient and reliable option for HLA genotyping on single blastomeres , which is a key process in pre-selecting HLA-identical sibling for allogeneic cord blood cell transplantation .

  22. 卵裂球电脉冲融合制作昆明小鼠四倍体胚胎

    Forming Tetraploid Embryos with Electric Fusing Blastomeres of Kunming Mouse Embryos

  23. 单卵裂球的扩增成功率为75.4%。

    The amplification success rate of single blastomere was 75.4 % .

  24. 卵裂球的存活状况对冻融胚胎种植率的影响

    Impact of blastomere survival on implantation rate of frozen-thawed embryo transfer

  25. 猪胚胎卵裂球的细胞核移植

    Nuclear Transplantation of Pig from Blastomeres Nuclear Transplantation in Porcine Embryos

  26. 小鼠2、4、8-细胞胚胎卵裂球体外培养的研究

    Study on in vitro culture of blastomeres derived from mouse 2,4,8-cell embryos

  27. 单个卵裂球荧光原位杂交标本前处理的研究

    Research on the Pre-treatment Technique for Single Blastomere before Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization

  28. 小鼠2和4细胞胚卵裂球电融合参数的研究

    Electrofusion Parameters of Blastomeres From Mouse 2-And 4-Cell Embryos

  29. 因此,有可能对单个卵裂球的基因筛选导致一个有活力的胚胎被丢弃。

    Hence , potentially viable embryos will be discarded upon screening a single blastomere .

  30. 卵裂球数量及胚胎碎片对人冻胚卵裂球存活状况的影响

    Impact of blastomere number and fragment on the blastomere survival of human cryopreserved embryos