
  • 网络oval window
  1. 卵圆窗缺如处理的研讨

    Study on Treatment of Absence of the Oval Window

  2. 结果在豚鼠的颞骨标本上准确定位出下列中耳结构:鼓膜、听骨链、卵圆窗、圆窗、咽圆窗鼓管鼓口、面神经等;

    Results The located structures of the middle ear in the guinea pig include tympanic membrane , ossicular chain , oval window , round window , tympanic foramen of eustachian tube , facial nerve , etc ;

  3. 卵圆细胞(ovalcells)是肝脏内体积小、细胞质清澈、核卵圆形、不易定性的细胞。

    Oval cells are small cells with scant cytoplasm and ovoid-shaped nuclei .

  4. TNF-α和IL-6在卵圆细胞介导的肝再生中的作用

    The Role of TNF - α and IL-6 in Oval Cell-mediated Liver Regeneration

  5. 利用大鼠Y染色体特异性PCR技术检测卵圆细胞源性肝癌细胞

    Detection of liver cancer cells originated from hepatic oval cells using rats ' Y chromosome specific polymerase chain reaction technique

  6. 大鼠肝癌组织中卵圆细胞C-kit和PCNA的表达

    Significance of C-kit and PCNA expression in oval cells in rat hepatocellular carcinoma

  7. 胰腺HGF对大鼠肝卵圆细胞调控的探讨

    Effect of HGF of Pancreas on Hepatic Oval Cells in Rats

  8. 所筛选的肝卵圆细胞进一步体外培养并进行ICC和RT-PCR,检测其分化生成成熟的肝细胞和胆管细胞的能力。

    The hepatic oval cells sorted by FACS were further cultured and tested the ability of bipotential differentiation by ICC and RT-PCR .

  9. 大鼠终纹床核卵圆核内CRF与NT的共存&相邻切片法研究

    Coexistence of corticotropin releasing factor and neurotensin in the oval nucleus of the bed nuclei of the stria terminalis in the rats

  10. 分别在半卵圆中心、基底节区和大脑脚层面测量主要白质束的FA值。

    Fractional anisotropy ( FA ) were measured in some main white matter structures of peripheral white matter , basal ganglia , cerebral peduncle etc.

  11. 结果部分卵圆细胞、过渡细胞之PNA,PHA,UEA阳性;

    Result Some of the oval and transitional cells were positive for PNA , PHA and UEA ;

  12. 胰腺HGF、脾脏TGF-β1对大鼠肝卵圆细胞增殖的影响

    Effect of HGF in Pancreas and TGF - β _1 in Spleen on Hepatic Oval Cells in Rats

  13. 方法选择体重150~200g的雄性Wistar大鼠,建立肝卵圆细胞增殖模型(2-AAF/PH)。

    Methods Male Wistar rats weighing 150 ~ 200 g were used to establish a model for hepatic oval cell proliferation ( 2-AAF / PH ) .

  14. PNS可通过影响CX/GJIC的表达,调节肝卵圆细胞的增殖过程。

    The process of hepatic oval cells proliferation can be regulated by CX / GJIC which was influenced by PNS .

  15. 头颅MRI示双侧大脑半球半卵圆中心、放射冠、基底节区多个点状长T1、长T2异常信号。

    His cranial MRI showed the abnormal long T1 and T2 signals at bilateral centrum ovale , corona radiate and basal ganglia area of the cerebral hemisphere .

  16. PKC信号通路在实验性肝癌发生过程中的变化特征及与卵圆细胞增殖转化的关系

    Expressional Characteristics of Protein Kinase C ( PKC ) Signal Transduction System and Their Relationships with Proliferation and Transformation of Oval Cells in Experimental Hepatocarcinogenesis

  17. D-GalN大鼠模型肝卵圆细胞的活化和增殖

    Activation and proliferation of hepatic oval cells in the D-GalN rat model

  18. 转化生长因子(TGFβ1)在DMN大鼠肝硬化形成与逆转过程中可能起到控制肝脏卵圆细胞过度增殖的作用。

    TGF β 1 can prevent HOC from excessive proliferation in the course of formation and reversion of rat cirrhosis treated with DMN .

  19. 肝损伤的异常修复就意味着可能癌变,作为肝干细胞代表的卵圆细胞是否也参与了原发性肝细胞癌(HCC)的形成?

    If the disorder repair for the hepatic injury means possible carcinomatous change , does the oval cell take part in the formation of the hepatic cellular cancer ( HCC )?

  20. 结果39例PVL的MRI表现:(1)脑白质减少:单纯在三角区12例,三角区和半卵圆中心7例。

    Results MRI manifestation : ( 1 ) quantitative reduction of white matter : only in trigonal area 12 cases ; at trigonal and semiovale center 7 cases .

  21. 背景:脑白质疏松(leukoaraiosis,LA)指皮质下区(半卵圆中心)或脑室周围白质的斑点状或斑片状改变。

    Background : Leukoaraiosis ( LA ) fingers that the alba makes the speckled or patchy change around brain ventricles or subcortical areas ( centrum ovale ) .

  22. 结果cHaras和cMyc基因的过表达参与了肝癌变的全过程,其中cHaras的过表达与癌前嗜碱性肝细胞灶、cMyc基因的过表达与卵圆细胞增殖关系密切。

    Results The overexpression of c Ha ras was closely associated with the formation and proliferation of the precancerous basophilic hepatocyte foci , while that of c myc with the growth of the oval cell foci .

  23. HBx联合AFB1诱导肝卵圆细胞体内转化为肝癌的实验研究

    The Experimental Study of Hepatic Oval Cell Lines Transformed into Liver Cancer Following Transfection with HBx Gene and Treatment with Aflatoxin B1 in Vivo

  24. 与正常组比较,AFB1组卵圆细胞有1577个基因表达出现变化;肝细胞出现了805个。

    Compared with the control , there were 1577 genes having changing expression in oval cells isolated from AFB1 group , 805 genes in hepatocytes .

  25. 但由卵圆细胞转化而来的增生肝细胞结节却具有癌前期病变的特征,表现为肝细胞异型、γ>和AFP阳性。

    However , proliferous nodus of liver transforming from the oval cells showed the characteristics of precancerous pathological changes of hepatocarcinoma , i. e. atypical morphology of hepatocytes and positive hepatocytes of γ - GT , AFP .

  26. WNT信号途径也参与了肝卵圆细胞活化的过程和肝卵圆细胞的增殖和分化相关。

    Conclusion The WNT signaling pathway plays a role in the process of hepatic oval cell activation , which is associated with the proliferation and differentiation of the hepatic oval cell .

  27. 目的肝脏卵圆细胞(HOC)在二甲基亚硝胺(DMN)致大鼠肝硬化形成与消减过程中表达的动态变化,探讨其病理生理意义。

    Objectives To study the dynamic change of hepatic oval cells ( HOC ) in the process of rat liver cirrhosis formation induced by dimethylnitrosamine ( DMN ), and to explore its pathophysiology significance .

  28. 结论:苦参碱抑制卵圆细胞增生,使卵圆细胞的超微结构发生改变,降低Thy-1、AFP、γ-GT酶表达,表明苦参碱可诱导卵圆细胞表型改变。

    CONCLUSION : Matrine can inhibit the proliferation of oval cells , induce ultrastructure changes , and suppress the expression of Thy-1 , AFP , and γ - GT .

  29. 卵圆核内CRF和NT免疫反应阳性神经元向中央杏仁核投射&荧光金逆行追踪结合免疫荧光双标记法研究

    Projections of crf - and NT-containing neurons in the oval nucleus of the bed nuclei of the stria terminalis to the central nucleus of the amygdala in the rat & a study combining Fluoro-Gold retrograde tract-tracing with immunocytochemistry

  30. 结论在致癌因素的存在下,PCNA首先表达于卵圆细胞;PCNA表达的动态演变对肝癌的发生有一定的预警作用。

    Conclusion Under the experimental circumstance when liver cancer is caused by the carcinogenic agent , PCNA may be firstly expressed in the oval cells , and the dynamic expression of PCNA may be an indicator for the early diagnosis of hepatocarcinogenesis .