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  • gene arrangement
  1. 这种基因排列方式在核糖核酸酶A超家族中是唯一的,并且在整个基因组中也是非常罕见的。

    This gene arrangement is unique in the ribonuclease A superfamily , and is very rare in the whole human genome .

  2. 其中K-means聚类简单快速,但待聚类数目、初始聚类中心的选择、基因排列顺序以及基因表达谱数据的分布都会影响聚类结果。

    K-means clustering is simple and fast . However , the number of cluster centers , the choice of initial cluster centers , the distribution of gene order and gene expression data will affect the correctness and precision of clustering results .

  3. FDSR算法主要思想为,先在基因排列中找降序小队,在其末元素和逆相邻元素之间作相应的翻转操作。

    The soul of FDSR Algorithm is finding the descending strip in permutation and then make a corresponding reversal operation between the last item and the con-adjacent one every time .

  4. 之所以独一无二,是因为那种独特的基因排列组合以前不曾出现过。

    Unique because that particular permutation has not appeared before .

  5. 值得注意的是同属的两个物种具有不同的基因排列顺序。

    It is noteworthy that two species belonging to the same genus show different gene arrangements .

  6. 基因组重组是基因组改变基因排列顺序的生化过程。

    The genome team reorganization is the genome team changes the gene order of rank the biochemistry process .

  7. 高等植物叶绿体基因组中这种基因排列方式还未见报道。

    The arrangement pattern oi these genes was observed in chloroplast genome in higher plants for the first time .

  8. 我们不但比较分析了新测定贝类的线粒体基因组基本组成和基因排列,同时也重建了异齿亚纲的系统发生关系。

    We not only compared the mitochondrial genome organization and gene arrangements , but also reconstructed the phylogenetic relationships of subclass Heterodonta .

  9. 十足目动物线粒体基因排列顺序的比较研究显示,在绒螯蟹中发现的4基因块的重排,对十足目高级阶元的系统发生研究是有用的信息。

    Comparisons of mitochondrial gene arrangements of decapod suggested that rearrangement of the four gene-block found in Eriocheir is informative for high level phylogenetic study of decapod .

  10. 随着遗传作图的不断发展,人们开始比较不同物种的基因组,并且揭示了一种从未被发现的基因组水平上基因排列顺序的保守性。

    With the advance of genetic mapping and comparing of different genomes , an undiscovered type of conservation was revealed : the conservation of gene content and gene orders on the genome level .

  11. 基因组重组排序问题来源于基因组中基因排列顺序的比较。其目标是找到最短的重组操作序列,将一个基因组转变为另一个基因组。

    The goal is to find the shortest sequence of genome arrangements operations that transform one genome into another . The genome team reorganizes the sorting question to originate in the genome team the gene order of rank comparison .

  12. 综述了有关线粒体基因组(mtDNA)多态性与运动能力的研究:mtDNA为16569bp的双链闭环分子,含有37个基因,排列紧密,无内含子。

    This paper sums up the mitochondrion DNA polymorphism and human athletic performance . The result shows that MtDNA is double-stranded circular of 16569 bp in length containing 37 genes .

  13. 虽然基因组重组过程非常复杂,但根据基因重新排列的方式最终可将其归结为几种基本操作。

    Although genome rearrangement is a complicated process , there are several basic operations .

  14. 由于基因的排列方式,即使在最理想的环境里我们也注定会解体和死亡。

    We are genetically programmed to disintegrate and perish , even under ideal conditions .

  15. 随之,发展出比较遗传学概念:研究基因的排列顺序和基因数量的学科。

    And it lodged the concept of comparative genetics : the science that studies gene content and gene orders .

  16. 哺乳动物Ⅰ型角蛋白基因均排列在同一条染色体上,且排列的顺序基本一致,反映出进化中的保守性。

    Mammalian type ⅰ keratin genes are located on the same chromosome location , and with basically the same as the order , reflecting the conservative nature of evolution .

  17. 这些基因直线排列在每一个人体细胞的46条染色体上,携带着制造人类机体内的全部组织、器官、激素以及各种酶的指令。

    These genes , strung out along the46 chromosomes in virtually every human ceil , carry the instructions for making all the tissues , organs , hormones and enzymes in our body .

  18. 存在于染色体内的DNA长链上的基因呈有序排列。

    Genes are arranged in order along the DNA strand within the chromosome .

  19. 基因按照顺序排列在染色体上,包含构成生命的DNA。

    Genes are organized along chromosomes . These contain molecules of DNA , the building blocks of life .

  20. 本文以长江华溪蟹为代表,通过对线粒体基因组序列的测定,从基因序列和排列顺序2个方面探讨淡水蟹类在短尾类中的系统地位;

    We determined the mitochondrial DNA sequence of 5 . yangtsekiense and discussed the phylogenetic status of freshwater crabs in Brachyuran according to gene arrangement features and sequence data sets .

  21. 人类的变异受限于我们的基因可能存在哪些排列。

    Variation among humans is limited to the possible permutations of our genes .

  22. 牦牛2个α-珠蛋白基因在染色体上排列顺序的确定

    Confirming of the order of yak ′ s two α - globin genes in the chromosome

  23. 例如分析从一根头发上所提取的基因样品的基因排列足以使未来的雇主和保险公司推断出此人可能得的遗传病从而对是否录用他或接受其投保持审慎或保留态度。

    The DNA from a single human hair , for example , may be sufficient to alert a prospective employer or health insurer to a person 's genetic predisposition to disease .

  24. 基因组重构是改变基因在基因组中排列顺序的生物过程,可归结为三种主要操作:移位、反转和转位。

    Genome rearrangement is a biological process which changes the arrangement sequences of the gene in genome . It can be summed up to three main operations : translocation ; reversal and transposition .

  25. 调节员工离职行为的因素有两个,分别是个体外部因素和组织内在因素;这7个基因在基因簇中串联排列,每个基因都由6个外显子和5个内含子组成。

    And accommodating variables of turnover behavior consists external factor and internal factor . The 7 DFR-like genes were found to be arranged in a tandem array , and all of them comprised 6 exons and 5 introns .

  26. 动物线粒体基因组是一个结构和基因组成的相对保守、基因排列紧凑的闭合环状分子,是研究基因组结构、功能和进化的最佳模型。

    Animal mitochondrial genome is a circular molecule , and used as a useful model for structural , functional and evolutionary genomics studies . Its structure and gene content are stable and predictable .

  27. 除了一些差异外,两种物种的基因是同源的,很多基因的排列顺序也一致。

    Apart from a couple of differences , the genes were identical , and many of them were arranged in the same order .

  28. 在总结了68种节肢动物线粒体基因组的测序种类、基因组组成、结构及基因排序情况的基础上,特别对节肢动物线粒体基因组基因排列顺序数据进行了详细的分析。

    The features of complete mitochondrial genome from 68 species of arthropods have been surveyed and summarized with respects of their genomic organization , contents , and gene order , and in particularly gene order of these mitochondrial genomes have analyzed in details .

  29. 羊毛硫细菌素的生物合成基因包括结构基因、修饰基因、加工基因、转运基因、免疫基因、调节基因,它们成簇排列于产生菌的染色体或质粒上,构成数个转录单元。

    The gene clusters of structure , modification , processing , transporting , immunity , regulatory and associating genes are located in a several transcriptional units .