
jī dǐ jié
  • basal ganglia
  1. CT监护立体定向抽吸治疗外伤性基底节区血肿

    CT-guidied stereotactic aspiration applied in the treatment of traumatic basal ganglia hematoma

  2. 脑基底节区对称性低密度病变的CT诊断

    CT Diagnosis of Symmetric Hypodense Lesion in the Basal Ganglia

  3. 丘脑和基底节区生殖细胞瘤的MR影像

    MR Imaging of Germinomas Arising From Basal Ganglia and Thalamus

  4. 婴幼儿基底节病毒性脑炎CT诊断

    The CT diagnosis of infant ' sviral encephalitis of basal ganglia

  5. 实验性大鼠脑出血后基底节区白三烯C4的变化及意义

    Change in leukotriene C_4 level in the basal tissue after experimental brain hemorrhage in rat

  6. CT指导下基底节区脑出血锥颅抽吸治疗有效性与安全性的临床研究

    Security and validity of stereotaxic aspiration of ganglionic intracerebral hemorrhage under computerized tomography

  7. CT脑灌注成像在基底节区腔隙性脑梗死的初步应用

    The Preliminary Study of CT Cerebral Perfusion Imaging on Basal Ganglia Lacunar Infarction

  8. 脑CT示基底节钙化者的线粒体DNA突变研究

    Study of Mitochondrial DNA Point Mutation in Patients with Basal Ganglia Calcification on Cranial CT

  9. 小儿外伤性基底节&内囊区脑梗塞的临床及CT分析

    Clinical and CT analysis of traumatic cerebral infarction of ganglion basilare-capsula interna area in children

  10. 基底节或/和大脑叶对称性钙化是特发性甲状旁腺功能减退的特征性CT表现。

    Symmetrical calcifications in basal nuclei and lobes are the characteristic CT findings of IHP .

  11. 目的:研究丘脑和基底节区生殖细胞瘤的MR影像特征。

    Objective : To study the MRI findings of germinomas arising from the basal ganglia and thalamus .

  12. MRI引导下立体定向基底节区血肿纵向抽吸引流术

    MRI-guided stereotactic longitudinal Aspiration and drainage of hematomas of basal ganglia region

  13. CT扫描发现双侧基底节区存在细小点状钙化,腔隙性脑梗塞灶毗邻钙化点。

    CT scan showed punctate calcification in bilateral basal ganglia and lacunar infarction just beside them .

  14. 双侧脑基底节对称性低密度病变&婴儿脚气病的一种重要CT征象

    Bilateral Symmetric Hypodense Lesions in the Basal Ganglia : An Important CT Sign of Infantile Beriberi

  15. MRI诊断双侧基底节区对称性分水岭脑梗死

    Magnetic resonance imaging in diagnosis of symmetrical cerebral watershed infarcts of bilateral basal ganglia

  16. 基底节脑出血CT成像中线结构移位与临床

    The significance of midline structure shifting in the patients of cerebral hemorrhage in basal ganglia by computerized tomography

  17. 外伤性基底节血肿预后影响因素的Logistic模型分析

    Prognostic Factors of Traumatic Basal Ganglia Hematoma : a Logistic Regression Analysis

  18. CT、MRI和MRS在原发性基底节区生殖细胞瘤中的诊断价值

    The Diagnostic Value of CT , MRI and MRS in Primary Basal Ganglia Germinoma

  19. 目的研究基底节及丘脑生殖细胞瘤的CT、MR影像表现,并与其他部位生殖细胞瘤的影像表现进行对照,以提高诊断水平。

    Objective To evaluate the role of CT and MR imaging in diagnosing germinomas arising in the basal ganglia and thalamus .

  20. CT扫描显示在一侧或双侧基底节区点或片状钙化,其附近存在类圆形点或片状低密度灶。

    CT scan showed punctuate calcified foci with circular infarcts of low density beside them in single or bilateral basal ganglia .

  21. 目的通过总结17例基底节梗死的CT和MR表现,探讨基底节梗死的影像学诊断和鉴别诊断。

    Objective To discuss imaging differentiating diagnosis of basal ganglia infarction by summarizing the features of 17 lesions on CT and MRI .

  22. 脑CT扫描发现基底节钙化发生率为18/50例(36.0%)。

    The basic ganglion calcif ica tion were revealed in 18 of 50 cases ( 36.0 % ) with brain CT scanning .

  23. 目的:着重研究讨论螺旋性CT在扫描外伤性头颅时发现基底节区腔隙性梗死的作用。

    Objective To study and discuss the function of spiral CT in finding basal ganglionic lacunar infarction when CT is scanning traumatic skull .

  24. CT或MRI显示双侧丘脑、基底节对称性梗死,易合并出血;

    CT or MRI may show symmetrical infarctions in bilateral thalamus and basal ganglia , and it is often combined with hemorrhage .

  25. 目的探讨CT指导下颅内微创血肿清除术对基底节区脑出血患者疗效及预后的影响。

    Objective To explored the influence of computed tomographic-guided microinvasive evacuation of hematoma on the curative effect and prognosis in patients with ganglionic intracerebral hemorrhage .

  26. 头部MRI检查可见左侧脑室旁、胼胝体梗死,右侧基底节、脑桥陈旧性腔隙性梗死;

    Head MRI showed infarction of left paraventricular and corpus callosum , and old lacuna infarction of right basal ganglion and pons .

  27. 方法根据设定标准选择性收治高血压基底节区脑出血病人,采用CT简易定位小骨窗开颅血肿清除术治疗143例。

    Methods 143 patients with hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage in basal ganglia were treated by small bone window craniotomy after the foci were simply aligned by CT .

  28. 头颅MRI改变主要表现为额叶白质损害及主要分布在分水岭、基底节区的单发或多发的腔隙性梗死。

    The change of skull MRI was mainly in white matter of frontal lobe , and single or multiple infarction in watershed and basal nuclei .

  29. 目的研究亚临床期肝性脑病(SHE)患者的MRI特征、基底节区的脑血流灌注模式及锥体外系损伤的表现。

    Objective To investigate MRI characteristics , brain perfusion pattern in basal ganglion and extrapyramidal symptoms in patients with subclinical hepatic encephalopathy ( SHE ) .

  30. 目的了解CT指导下基底节区脑出血锥颅抽吸治疗的有效性与安全性,并对影响锥颅治疗脑出血患者预后的一些相关因素进行分析。

    Objective To investigate the security and validity of stereotaxic aspiration , and explore the risk factors for prognosis in patients with ganglionic intracerebral hemorrhage treated with stereotaxic aspiration .