
yuán shèn
  • protonephridium;protonephron;archinephron;nephridia
原肾[yuán shèn]
  1. 结果35例中MRI显示33例患侧输尿管有不同程度积水,1例无异常发现,1例仅显示肾移植术后原肾萎缩改变。

    Results MRI showed ureteral dilatation in 33 of 35 cases , no abnormal appearance in 1 case , and only primary kidney atrophy post renal transplantation in 1 case .

  2. 对非移植组大鼠10只,间隔20d分别行左、右肾血管体外结扎,移植组大鼠10只,肾移植术后3~5d体外结扎移植肾对侧原肾肾血管。

    The EL of the right native renal vessels were performed in 10 kidney transplant Lewis rats with resected left native kidney 3 to 5 days after kidney transplantation .

  3. 目的探讨以输尿管体外结扎(Extracorporealligationofureter,ELU)取代肾移植受体大鼠原肾切除的可行性。

    Objective To explore the feasibility of replacing nephrectomy of the recipient native kidney with extracorporeal ligation of ureter ( ELU ) for kidney transplantation in rats .

  4. E12~16d(意指胚胎发育到12~16d),在胚中轴形成期显示出原肾遗迹。

    At E_ ( 12-16 ) ( Which means embryo development at 12 ~ 16 day after copulation ), the embryo shows the vestige of pronephros pending the formation of the embryonic axis .

  5. 比较ELU(组2)与原肾术中切除(组3)及原肾术后切除(组4)对肾移植受体大鼠存活及术后早期肾功能的影响。

    The influence of ELU ( group 2 ) and nephrectomy of the native kidney during transplantation ( group 3 ) or after transplantation ( group 4 ) on survival and early renal function of the recipients was compared .

  6. 移植组大鼠结扎原肾肾血管后,均存活良好。

    The transplant rats survived well after EL of the right native renal vessels .

  7. 多囊肾患者保留原肾肾移植术后早期常见症状的观察与护理

    Early observation and nursing of common symptoms with kidney transplantation in polycystic kidney patients without removing the original kidneys

  8. 肾脏是人体主要的排泄器官,它的发育经过原肾、中肾、后肾3个阶段。

    The development of the kidney , the major excretory organ after birth , consists of3 stages : the pronephros , mesonephros and metanephros .

  9. 转人IL-2基因对原代肾细胞癌致瘤性的影响

    Loss of Tumorigenicity of the Primary Renal Cell Carcinoma by Transduced with Human IL-2 Gene

  10. 结论SPF金黄仓鼠原代肾细胞作为乙型脑炎减毒活疫苗的生物原材料安全可靠。

    Conclusion As a raw materials of biologics , the primary kidney cells of SPF golden hamsters were safe and reliable .

  11. 目的:检测培养的大鼠原代肾小管上皮细胞(renaltubularepithelialcells,RTECs)是否表达IL-18Rα和IL-18RβmRNA。

    AIM : To detect the expressions of the IL-18R α mRNA and IL-18R β mRNA in primary rat renal tubular epithelial cells ( RTECs ) .

  12. 大鼠原代肾小管上皮细胞上IL-18Rα、β链的表达

    Expressions of IL-18R α and IL-18R β on rat primary renal tubular epithelial cells

  13. 采用体外侵袭实验分离侵袭性人原代肾细胞癌细胞

    Separation of invasive subpopulation from primary human renal cell carcinoma via in vitro invasion assay

  14. 目的:探讨降钙素原在肾移植术后并发细菌感染诊断中的临床意义。

    Objective : To study the application of procalcitonin in diagnosis of bacterial infection in kidney transplanted patients .

  15. 人白介素-2基因转染对原代肾细胞癌的抑瘤作用

    Suppression of tumorigenicity of primary renal cell carcinoma ( rcc ) cells transfected with human IL - 2 gene

  16. 2例术后因原多囊肾严重感染而手术切除(18%)。

    In 2 cases ( 18 % of the sample ), the polycystic kidneys developed serious infection and were removed .

  17. 人原代肾细胞癌转移性和非转移性细胞的体内外筛选

    Selection of Metastatic and Non-metastatic Cells from Human Primary Renal Cell Carcinoma ( RCC ) in Vitro and in Vivo

  18. 在原发肾恶性肿瘤中,肾癌占80%以上,肾盂癌占8%左右。

    In primary renal carcinoma , renal cell cancer ( RCC ) occupies 80 % , renal transitional cell carcinoma ( TCC ) 8 % .

  19. 原发性肾细胞癌P糖蛋白、DNA拓扑异构酶Ⅱ的表达及临床意义

    Expression of P glycoprotein and topoisomerase ⅱ in primary renal cell carcinoma and its clinical implication

  20. 原发性肾细胞癌中HSP(70)与MDR1/P-gp的表达及其与预后的关系

    Expression of HSP_ ( 70 ) and MDR_1 and Its Prognostic Significance in Primary Renal Cell Carcinoma

  21. 原发性肾细胞癌(简称肾癌,RCC)是泌尿系统常见的恶性肿瘤之一,其发生和发展是一多基因参与和受多因素影响及调控的复杂过程。

    Primary renal cell carcinoma ( RCC ) is one of the most common malignant tumor in urological neoplasms . Just like other tumors , the development of RCC is a complex process involving many genes and factors .

  22. 一种新型原代地鼠肾细胞(PHKC)精制狂犬病疫苗的实验室质量评估

    Evaluation of a new inactivated primary hamster kidney cell ( PHKC ) purified rabies vaccine for human by laboratory tests

  23. 方法:利用水提取无花果叶中的有效成分,然后在Hep2、BHK21和原代兔肾(PRK)三种细胞上研究其抗病毒作用。

    Methods : The effective ingredient was extracted from the leaves of Ficus carica , and the anti-virus effect was observed on Hep-2 , BHK_ 21 and PRK cells .

  24. 结果:(1)在正常肾组织中P-gp表达率为100%(10/10),在原发性肾细胞癌中的表达率70.37%(38/54),与组织学类型和临床分期无关;

    Results : ( 1 ) In normal renal tissue , p-gp was presented in 100 % ( 10 / 10 ), but in RCC was 70.37 % ( 38 / 54 ), not correlated with the type of histology and stage ;

  25. 方法观察161例CRF患者临床和实验室指标,并根据其不同的原发病、肾功能状态、临床心血管检查结果、治疗方法和透析方式进行分组,观察Lp(a)的变化。

    Methods Clinical and laboratory data of 161 CRF patients were observed . The patients were divided into groups based on primary disease , renal function , cardiovascular test results , treatment methods and dialysis methods to study the changes of Lp ( a ) .

  26. 探讨在原代地鼠肾细胞组织培养的狂犬病疫苗(PHKCV)工业化生产中,对病毒滴度与疫苗效力进行测定,并对数据进行分析。

    During the process of industrialized production of primary hamster kidney cell vaccine ( PHKCV ), We determined the virulence and potency and analyzed the data .

  27. 新建成的RLC-310细胞系来自人原发性肾透明细胞癌组织,在体外经过2年的连续培养,已传代130次。

    A newly established renal carcinoma cell line ( RLC-310 ) derived from a human renal clear cell carcinoma tissue has been maintained in culture for over 130 transfer generations in 2 years .

  28. 方法:在体外建立原代兔肾近端小管细胞培养。

    Meth-ods : Primary culture of rabbit proximal tubular cells was established .

  29. 原发性肾窦肿瘤的影像诊断1例报告及文献复习

    Image Diagnosis of Primary Renal Sinus Tumor Report 1 Case and Review Literature

  30. 目的探讨小儿原发性肾毛霉菌病的临床特点。

    Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics of isolated renal mucormycosis in children .