
  • 网络cortical labyrinth;cortical labyrinty;corticallabyrinth;COttieal labyrinth
  1. 皮质迷路内有近曲小管、远曲小管和肾小体等结构。

    The renal cortical labyrinth contains proximal convoluted tubules ( PCT ), distal convoluted tubules ( DCT ), and renal corpuscles .

  2. 肾小体很大,平均直径约为220μm。长袢型中间肾单位和髓旁肾单位比短袢型浅表肾单位多。皮质迷路内近曲小管远长于远曲小管。

    The renal corpuscles has an average diameter of 220 μ m ; long loop-type intermediate nephron and medullary nephrons are more than the short side loop-type multiple superficial nephron ; cortical labyrinth far longer than the proximal tubule .

  3. 皮质迷路内近曲小管远比远曲小管长;

    Proximal convoluted tubules were far more longer than the distal .

  4. 肾脏皮质内可见皮质迷路和髓放线。

    In cortex , cortical labyrinths and medullary rays exist .