
  • 网络Cortical nephron;corticalnephron
  1. 结果表明:皮质肾单位较髓质肾单位多,在大小上无明显差异;

    The results indicated that cortical nephron was more than medullary nephron and no obvious difference in size between them .

  2. 用甲状腺机能低下(低甲)和甲状腺机能亢进(高甲)动物模型,对大鼠肾皮质远端肾单位进行了电镜下细胞形态计量学分析。

    An ultrastructural analysis of distal nephron has been investigated using morphometric method for rats with hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism .

  3. 以SpotAdvanced图像分析软件测量犬和大鼠皮质及近髓肾单位、肾小球长径、短径及平均直径,同时比较种属间及不同性别动物之间的区别。

    The larger diameter and shorter diameter of glomerulus in the renal cortex and outer stripe of rats and beagles were determined by Spot Advanced image analysis software . The differences of the above parameters appearing in different species and genders were compared .

  4. 来自皮质不同水平的肾单位近端小管有其各自的走行特点并行使相应的功能。

    The proximal tubules originating from the different levels of the renal cortex have different characteristics in their spatial courses and functions .