
yuán xíng xīng
  • protoplanet;original planet
原行星[yuán xíng xīng]
  1. 平静的原行星进化到富有戏剧性的状态。

    The peaceful evolution of the protoplanets reached a more dramatic phase .

  2. 这些就是原行星,现在的行星正是从它们演化而来的。

    These were the protoplanets from which the planets of the present developed .

  3. 和原行星状星云成协的致密反射星云

    Compact Reflection Nebulae Associated with Protoplanetary Nebulae

  4. 原行星是一个巨大的天体。

    The protoplanets were huge affairs .

  5. 研究灶神星或许有助于得到早期太阳系形成的线索,因为灶神星这个不同寻常的世界也许是残留的最大原行星之一。

    Studying Vesta may give clues to the formative years of our early Solar System , as the unusual world may be one of the largest remaining protoplanets .