
  • 网络participation constraint;participation constrains
  1. 投资者的情绪也会影响其参与约束条件。

    Investor ' sentiment may influence their participation constraint condition .

  2. 在此基础上,笔者提出了解决地方政府参与约束与激励相容约束问题的制度方法。

    The author provides institutional measures for local governments to participation constraint and incentive-compatibility constraint .

  3. 工程监理委托代理关系中激励约束与参与约束的研究

    A Study About IC and IR in Principal-gent Relationship Under the Engineer Supervision Institution

  4. 由此,商业机密利润构成了厂商是否接受专利契约的参与约束。

    Trade secret profit plays as innovator 's rationality constraint for whether to accept patent contract .

  5. “摊丁入亩”、“定额征收”的原则强化了农户的参与约束以及激励相容约束。

    Only collection tax from land will change the participation constrains and the incentive compatibility constrains .

  6. 该机制考虑了激励相容约束和参与约束,因此是一个可行和可实施的机制。

    This mechanism includes participation constraint and incentive compatibility constraint , so it is mechanism which is feasible and enforceable .

  7. 在任何满足代理人参与约束及激励相容约束、委托人的预期效用最大化的激励机制契约中,代理人都必须承受部分风险。

    Contract with participation constraint and incentive compatibility constraint could make principal achieve his objective , agent should share the risk .

  8. 文中简要地介绍了参与约束地震反演的测井数据标准化编辑处理和储层精细标定的方法。

    The paper briefly introduced the methods for standard edit processing of logging data in constrained seismic inversion and fine labeling of reservoir .

  9. 因此,在实际应用中,政府可通过计算而求出具有激励相容和参与约束作用的特许期。

    Therefore , in practice , the government may be able to calculate out the concession period with the incentive constraint and participation constraint .

  10. 对称信息条件下,成本降低额分享率的确定只需考虑生产者的参与约束;

    Only the performance of and restraint on workers are taken into account to determine the sharing rate of cost under symmetric information condition ;

  11. 委托人将代理人按照相对业绩排名给予不同的报酬,在激励相容约束和参与约束条件下,代理人实现自身效用函数的同时也实现委托人的绩效目标。

    With the incentive of compatible constraint and participate constraint conditions , the principal give different remunerations , according to the relatively performance rankings .

  12. 企业的信贷参与约束条件很容易得到满足,从而信贷博弈难以达成银行所期望的分离均衡。

    Enterprise 's individual participation constraint condition can be very easily satisfied , so the credit game could not reach separating equilibrium which the bank would expect .

  13. 并且根据信息经济学中的激励相容约束和参与约束思路,构建一个激励约束机制的简单模型。

    Also in the paper an elementary model of incentive and restraining mechanism is conceived based on the information economics thinking of incentive compatibility constraint and participation constraint .

  14. 在委托代理模型中,本文改进了传统模型的假设条件,考虑委托代理双方对自然状态预期不一致的状况,用概率约束条件代替参与约束,使模型更符合中央与地方政府的现实背景。

    In the model of Principle-Agent , the thesis uses probability restrictions instead of participation restrictions , and considers the divergence of the two sides on natural conditions .

  15. 同时将解雇威胁定量化,把解雇概率植入到参与约束和激励相容约束条件中求得存在解雇威胁时的经营者分成合约分享系数的隐性方程。

    At the same time this paper figures out recessive function of sharing coefficient in sharing contract through transplanting termination probability in agent-principal participation constrains and incentive compatibility conditions .

  16. 企业的产权结构就是通过契约索取权、契约控制权、剩余索取权和剩余控制权这四者的不同组合,来满足企业参与者的参与约束和制度得以生存的效率原则。

    It is a proper combination of contractual claim , contractual control , residual claim and residual control , which try to satisfy the participation constraint and efficient principle .

  17. 中小企业和中小银行之间的关系贷款安排易于满足合约双方的参与约束和激励相容约束,不失为中小企业融资的一条可行途径。

    We comment that SMEs and banks develop relationship lending which is prone to satisfy the participation and incentive constrains , and that relationship lending should be a feasible way of SMEs ' financing .

  18. 首先,我们具体描述委托人所能达到的资源配置集,激励相容约束约束与参与约束共同定义了激励可行的配置集。

    First , we describe in detail the resource allocation set that can be accomplished by the principal . The incentive compatibility constraint and participation constraint together define the allocation set of feasible incentives .

  19. 委托一代理理论则表明在我国资本市场发展初期,委托人在没有解决参与约束和激励相容约束这两个约束条件之前,失信有其必然性;

    Principal-agent theory indicates lacking honest and credit is inevitably during developing initial stage of the capital market of our country , before company 's principal don 't solve joining constraint and incentive compatibility constraint .

  20. 企业分工协作所创造的总收益在支付了所有成员的参与约束之后的剩余为合作剩余,这构成了平均奖的初始源泉。

    After the total income created by collaboration and division in enterprise are paid to all members ' participation constraints , the remaining are cooperative remaining , which constitute the initial source of the average award .

  21. 为了甄别产品质量信息,以产品试用期T为决策变量,从买者的角度出发,设计了一个满足参与约束与激励相容约束的交易契约。

    The model designs a trade contract which meets participation constraint and incentive compatibility constraint to screen the product quality from the buyer point of view , taking time ( T ) for product probation as the decision-making variable .

  22. 在委托&代理理论的分析框架下,公司经理层在参与约束和激励相容约束条件下,使公司价值最大化的最优契约安排中要包含长期激励安排,从而引入了股权激励。

    As the principal-agent model indicated , with participant constraints and incentive compatibility constraints , the best remuneration contract to managers should include long-term incentives to maximum the shareholder value , and thus , the stock-based incentives are introduced into the compensation package .

  23. 在线性规划控制子问题中采用了扩大参与约束集策略、主导约束预测策略、筛选参与控制集策略和限制部分控制的有效可控区间策略等来提高在线计算的效率。

    Some schemes such as amplifying the involved constraint set , predicting the leading constraints , screening the involved control set and limiting validation regions of partial controls to improve the efficiency of on-line linear optimization model solution were utilized in linear programming control sub-problem .

  24. 在另一种不可监督连续努力水平的情况下,仍然依赖委托-代理理论框架与最大化理论,以参与约束和激励约束为工具,得出服务商的最优努力水平与所要承担的风险系数。

    In the other case of the continuous effort level outsourcing game model that cannot be monitored , the optimal degree of efforts and risk factor have been obtained basing on principal-agent relationship and maximization theory , by means of participation constraint and incentives plus restraints .

  25. 对农户的成功治理,取决于各种治理规则/制度能为利益相关者(公司、片长、农户)创造经济租金并妥善分配经济租金,以满足利益相关者的参与约束和激励兼容约束。

    The successful governance to the household fanners depends on the rules or institutions that can produce and allocate economic rent perfectly for each participator to satisfy the stake-holders ' ( the firm , the agents and the households ) incentive compatibility constrain and participation constrain .

  26. 而在签约条件下,供应商竞争可以提高效率,但受到参与约束条件的限制,供应商之间有时并不存在竞争,也就无法改善效率。

    But under the circumstance of contract , the competition of suppliers can improve the efficiency of supply chain . Additionally , the competition among suppliers does not exist when the participant constraint conditions can not met , and then the efficiency does not be improved .

  27. 若要删除参与check约束的列,在删除该列之前,必须首先修改或移除check约束。

    To delete a column that participates in a check constraint , you must first modify or remove the check constraint before you can delete the column .

  28. 体育参与的约束因素、参与动机与参与行为之关系研究&中国青年一代的实证分析

    Study on Relationship between Constraints , Motivation and Behavior of Sport Participation

  29. 如果该列参与了check约束,则当您试图保存工作结果时,数据库服务器将拒绝您所做的修改。

    If the column does participate in a check constraint , the database server will reject your modification when you try to save your work .

  30. ITER是由欧盟、中国、日本等七方共同参与建造的磁约束核聚变实验装置。

    ITER is an experimental fusion reactor based on magnetic confinement fusion , with the cooperation of seven countries including EU , China , Japan , et al .