
  1. 损坏或破坏&双方责任。

    Destruction or damage – goes both ways .

  2. 为明确双方责任,加强外籍教师与学校的关系,特制定此附件。

    The purpose of this Appendix is to strengthen the relationship of foreign teachers and This School by defining the obligations of each party .

  3. 格式条款能够明确双方责任、提高交易效率,促进经济发展。

    The standard terms are helpful in clarifying the responsibilities of the parties , improving the efficiency of transaction and they greatly promote the development of social economy .

  4. 因此,本文提出以延误事件的加载、共同延误责任分担为基础的改进后的动态分析法,即在动态分析法计算延误的基础上,考虑共同延误作用下如何分析延误双方责任和延误影响。

    M ( I.D.A.M ) on the basis of loading delay occurrences and responsibility share of concurrent delay , Namely , in combination with the principle of D. A. M , I.

  5. 心理契约是员工与组织间的关于双方责任的各种内在信念和主观心理约定,是联系员工与组织之间的心理纽带,是组织行为的强有力的决定因素。

    Psychological contract is about the internal beliefs and subjective psychological agreement of responsibilities between employees and their organization . It is a mental bond that has powerful effects on employees'behavior and at ˉ titude .

  6. 物流经营人作为物流供应链的组织者,其与客户、分包方及与信息技术服务商之间的法律责任除依据法律规定外,合同是划分双方责任的重要依据。

    The liabilities between LSPS who is organizer of logistics supply chain , and customer , supplier and information technology servicer are stipulated by law and contract , which is important to divide the liabilities between both parts .

  7. 另外,本文站在市场主体与政府监管部门两个角度,着重分析市场监管与卖空机制的相互作用,分析随着卖空机制的发展,卖空机制与监督的关系,并明确双方责任。

    In addition , this paper stood in the market main body and the government supervision department from two angles , and focuses on analysing market supervision and shorting mechanism of interaction analysis as shorting mechanism of development , shorting mechanism and supervision relations and clear bilateral responsibility .

  8. 法务会计的出现为法官解决涉及复杂财务会计问题的经济案件提供专业帮助,在合理量化损失、界定双方责任及寻找解决纠纷的有效途径中发挥了重要的作用。

    The emergence of forensic accounting provide the professional help for the judges to resolve the complex financial accounting issues involved in economic cases , it plays an important role at a reasonable quantification of loss , defining the responsibilities of both sides and finding effective ways to resolve disputes .

  9. 形态学教学过程中教与学双方的责任

    The responsibility of the teachers and the students during teaching of morphology

  10. 每页上的材料概括了买卖双方的责任。

    The material on each facing page gives a summary of seller and buyer responsibilities .

  11. 有些时候要用法律文本的形式明确当事双方的责任和权利。

    Sometimes they need the legal principle to confirm the two sides ' rights and responsibility .

  12. 政府和私人部门在进行合作时,要注意按照特许合同的规定履行双方的责任义务。

    When government and private sector cooperate , they are required to fulfill their obligations according to the franchise contract .

  13. 当被作为一个合同来考虑时,需求文档指明了双方的责任,同时对谈判开放。

    When thought of as a contract , the requirements documentation infers obligations on both sides and is open for negotiation .

  14. 因为双方均有责任,单方面要求我方对全部损失承担责任是不公平的。

    It would be not fair if the loss be totally imposed on us , as the liability rests with both parties .

  15. 再次,平衡服务期劳动合同双方的责任分配,这是文章主要的创新点。

    Thirdly , it should be balanced for the responsibility of the both sides of the labor contract . This is the main innovation of this article .

  16. 非违约解除由于是因为非当事人的原因导致的合同目的无法实现从而导致解除合同,当事人双方并无责任。

    The termination not caused by breaching the contract shall not put the liability on the parties since the termination is not caused by the fault of parties .

  17. 医患双方举证责任的分配与承担问题,作为影响诉讼结果的重要因素,多年来,立法和司法都在积极的探索。

    The allocation and bear of burden of proof between doctors and patients will be as an important factor to affect outcome of litigation . In recent years , the legislative and the Judicial are exploring positively .

  18. 第三部分重点阐述了笔者关于网络购物特殊环境下如何分配双方举证责任,以及第三方在纠纷中所应该扮演何种举证角色。

    The third part focuses on the special paper on the online shopping environment , how to allocate both the burden of proof , and the third party in the dispute in the evidence should play what role .

  19. 国际贸易术语是表示商品的价格构成、说明交货地点、确定买卖双方的责任、费用、风险划分等问题的专门用语。

    International commercial terms are a kind of special terms used to specify the price constituents of goods and the place of delivery , to define the responsibility , cost and risk of both the seller and the buyer .

  20. 公平、合理地订立工程干扰事件的相关条款,可以为承发包双方分担责任、计价提供法律依据,规范双方的行为,有利于工程建设目标的顺利实现。

    Fair , reasonable clauses related to constructions disturbance event , provide a legal basis to , valuation and to the behavior of normative both sides , which are conducive to the smooth realization of the goal of construction .

  21. 只有在服务期协议中明确平衡双方的责任,才能使劳动者不会受到资方以服务期为幌子的侵害,才能使强资本,弱劳工的现状有所改善。

    Only balance the responsibility of both parties in the Service Term Agreement , can cause the laborer not to be encroached by the management who uses the article as a cover and make the situation of " strong capital , weak laborer " improved .

  22. 心理契约是指员工和组织之间对双方相互责任和义务的信念系统,它是联系员工和组织之间的心理纽带,也是影响员工行为和态度的重要因素。

    Psychological contract is the perceptions of both the staff and the organization on their mutual obligations . It 's a psychological touch between the staff and the organization , and it 's one of important factors impact on the attitude and behaviors of the staff .

  23. 另外阐述了爱情道德责任的三个功能:增加恋爱双方的责任感、培养恋爱双方的健全人格、维护家庭和睦稳定,以及与爱情的道德责任相对的爱情的法律责任。

    Also on the love and moral responsibility of the three functions : to increase the sense of responsibility of both love and cultivate both love the sound personality , maintaining family harmony , as well as love and the moral responsibility of the relative love liability .

  24. 确定医疗损害赔偿责任中适用何种归责原则,直接关系到医患双方举证责任的分配,决定了医患双方的合法权益能否得到公正的保护。

    The application of criterion of liability in medical treatment damages compensation liability has a direct effect on distribution of proof burden between the two sides of the hospital and the patient and determines whether the legal rights and interests of the two parties can receive fair protection .

  25. 最后,在就业其中建立合同制明确双方的责任和义务,同时改善基层的条件并建立激励机制,鼓励毕业生献身于中西部农村。

    Finally , in the employment , contract system which can clear the responsibilities and obligations of both parties , at the same time improve the conditions for the grass-roots level and establish an incentive mechanism to encourage the graduates devote themselves to the central and western rural areas .

  26. 离婚从来都不是一方的错误:双方都有责任。

    Divorce is never the fault of one partner ; it takes two

  27. 伦敦国际环境与发展研究所气候变化组的负责人SaleemulHuq说双方都有责任。

    Saleemul Huq , head of the Climate Change Group at the London-based International Institute for Environment and Development said both sides were to blame .

  28. 双方应负同等责任,应当报警解决。

    Both sides should bear coequal responsibility , ought to call the police solve .

  29. 控辩双方的证明责任转换的关节点是法官证明评价的形成,这和控辩双方证明责任的性质密切相关。

    The key point on the shifting of burden is the judge 's evaluation of to the proofs .

  30. 男性大学生认为男性在结婚方面承担了较多的责任,而女性大学生则希望双方共同承担责任。

    Male students assume that men have more responsibility , while female students hope that both sides share responsibility .