
  1. 结果表明:Hopfield型神经网络算法应用于双运带式输送机主参数的模糊可靠性优化设计十分有效。

    The result shows : it is effective that we apply Hopfield neural network algorithm to the fuzzy reliability optimal design on the main parameter of conveyer .

  2. 双运带式输送机主参数的模糊优化数学模型

    Main parameters ' fuzzy optimization mathematical model of two-way running belt conveyer

  3. 双运风循环风机,保证收缩炉内温度均衡。

    Double cycle fan system , ensure temperature is equal inside of heating oven .

  4. 方图表坛城,蓝、绿色表悲智双运。

    The two colors , blue and green , mean disinterested wisdom and compassion .

  5. 双运带式输送机的模糊可靠性优化设计

    The optimal design of fuzzy reliability on double transporting belt conveyer based on neural network algorithm

  6. 而密法双运的实修亦借由红白菩提的出现来暗示。

    And the Tantric Love practice is also hinted at by the presence of white and red bodhis .

  7. 磁信号放大检验显示器由小功率双运放大器耦合一个检验显示开关电路而成;

    The magnetic induction head is electrically connected with the input end of the magnetic signal amplifying test display ;

  8. 所以我们把这个仪轨或修法叫做:大悲心与大手印的双运。

    Particularly in this Sadhana , therefore we call this Sadhana or this path : none dual great compassion and Mahamudra .

  9. 以牵引电机运行的最小功率消耗为目标函数,构造出了双运带式输送机主参数的模糊优化数学模型。

    The objective function is the minimum power loss of the traction motor . It constructs the fuzzy optimization mathematical model of the two_way running belt conveyer 's main parameters .

  10. 报道了采用双抽运头串联的对称直通腔结构及KTP晶体腔内倍频实现高功率红光激光输出的实验结果。

    The experimental results of high-power red laser constituted of a symmetrical linear resonator with two pumping modules , and intracavity frequency-doubling with a KTP crystal are reported .

  11. 学习性工作:研制出LD双端抽运Nd:YVO4调Q绿光激光器。

    Learning work : A kind of " LD dual-end-pumped Nd : YV04 Q-switching green laser " is developed successfully .

  12. 双端抽运的30W光纤激光器实验研究

    Experimental Study of 30 W CW Fiber Laser by Two-End Pumping

  13. 为了提高半导体激光器抽运的全固态激光器的输出功率与光-光转换效率,设计并使用了双端抽运双Nd∶YVO4绿光激光器。

    In order to improve the output power and the optical-optical conversion efficiency of a laser diode pumped all-solid-state laser , a double Nd ∶ YVO_4 crystals green laser was designed .

  14. 本文报道了采用带有微柱镜的二极管阵列双侧面抽运的Yb:YAG板条激光器,实验中使用的激光晶体尺寸为6mm×10mm×1mm,掺杂浓度为3%。

    In this paper , a laser diode arrays two-side-pumped Yb : YAG slab laser employing miao-lens was developed , the Yb : YAG slab was 6mm × 10mm × 1mm in size . and the doping concentration was of 3at % .

  15. 双端抽运Nd:YVO4激光晶体的半解析热分析

    Semi-analytical thermal analysis of double-end-pumped Nd : YVO_4 crystal

  16. 双端抽运双Nd:YVO4连续绿光激光器

    Double-end-pumped double Nd : YVO_4 crystals continuous green laser

  17. 激光二极管双端面抽运Tm:Ho:GdVO42μm激光器

    Tm : Ho : GdVO_4 Laser at 2 μ m Using Laser-Diode Double-End Pumping

  18. 报道了双端抽运连续输出的掺Yb3+双包层高功率光纤激光器。

    A two-end pumping high power continuous-wave ( CW ) Yb 3 + - doped double-clad fiber laser was reported .

  19. 在双曲双步输运模型基础上建立数值模型,针对超短脉冲激光作用下硅薄膜的微观能量输运过程展开理论研究。

    A numerical model which is based on the hyperbolic two-step model is developed to investigate the microscopic energy transport in silicon thin films during ultra-fast laser heating .

  20. 本文求得了激光微波双共振抽运碱原子束时基态原子实现最大非均衡分布的条件,这与新近的实验结果相符。

    We obtained the conditions under which the maximum non-equilibrium distribution of the population of alkali atoms in the ground state in atomic beam pumped by laser-MW double resonance is achieved . These conditions are consistent with recent experiments .

  21. 减小制冷温度,可以使晶体温度降低,但不能改善晶体内温度和应变分布的不均匀性。而且,分析了采用复合晶体和双端抽运方案下的晶体内温度和应变的分布变化情况。

    While the decrease of the cooling temperature can decrease the temperature in the crystal , but the nonuniformity of the temperature and the thermal strain can not be changed . At the same time , the thermal effects of the composite crystal and double-end-pumped lasers are simulated .

  22. LD双端端面抽运Nd:YVO4折叠腔主振荡器的稳定性研究

    Research on Stability of LD Dual-end-pumped Folded Resonator Nd : YVO_4 Master Oscillator

  23. 频率分辨双光束耦合抽运-探测技术中的空间效应研究

    Study of Spatial Effects in Spectrally Resolved Two-beam Coupling Pump-probe Technique

  24. 本文分别计算了用单激光和双激光进行抽运时的光抽运效率;

    The optical pumping efficiency for both single and double laser pumping are calculated .

  25. 采用三步法联立求解了双中心带输运物质波方程和二维耦合波方程。

    The three step method is used to solve both the band transport equation and the two-dimensional coupling equation .

  26. 基于Pulser/sustainer技术,设计了独立可控的双高压开关抽运电路。

    By the Pulser / sustainer technique , an excitation scheme with two high voltage switches independently controlled is employed .

  27. 结果表明,双光子激光对抽运和光场强度均有阈值要求。

    It is found that , for TPL there exist threshold requirements both for pumping and for the light field intensity .

  28. 它每天生产两百万双筷子,被运到中国,日本,韩国和美国。

    It is already producing two million chopsticks a day that are being shipped to China , Japan , Korea and the United States .

  29. 基于这些我们研究了自旋关联效应当中自旋轨道耦合作用,量子点内自旋反转作用和交换相互作用对于串行双量子点输运性质的影响和作用。

    Based on these , we study the role of the spin correlation effects which point the spin-orbit coupling and the spin-flip effect in the quantum dot and exchange interaction in the transport properties of the serial double quantum dots .

  30. 该保护电路采用了双通道输入/双通运输出。

    A dual channel input / output is adopted for the circuit .