
  • 网络reaction formation;reaction;Formation reaction;Refo
  1. 当反向偏置形成时,半导体的连接点会有反向击穿电压。

    Semiconductor junctions have a " reverse breakdown voltage " at which a reverse-biased junction begins to conduct .

  2. 用高温晶体震荡器、分频器和反向器形成新的工作所需的工作频率逻辑方波,以提高工作频率精度和温度的稳定性;

    High temperature oscillator , divider and inverter produce logic square wave for working frequency so that precise frequency and stable temperature are achieved .

  3. 温度的变化主要引起单畴体内磁化矢量的转动及反向畴的形成,辐照时形成的内应力使磁体原有的磁化矢量方向发生偏转,导致了微细条状畴的形成。

    The temperature rising during irradiation resulted in the rotation of magnetization vector in single domain and the formation of reversal domain .

  4. 影子周围的光环是由于“反向散射”形成的。当阳光射进水滴时,往往会发生这种现象。

    Your shadow 's halo is made by something called " back scattering . " This happens whenever sunlight enters a dewdrop .

  5. 由于电极半导体与电解液之间没有过渡层,导致电子容易出现反向转移而形成暗电流。

    There is not transition layer between the electrode semiconductor and electrolyte , which results the electrons ' reverse transfer easily , then dark current is formed .

  6. 形成期1周的策略投资组合在之后的1周中表现出显著的负收益,意味着如果执行超短期的反向策略(形成期在1周内)可能获得成功。

    Period of 1 week to form a strategic investment portfolio , after 1 week showed a significant negative returns , means that if the implementation of ultra-short-term reverse strategy ( to form a view within 1 week ) may be successful .

  7. 有人字形图案的斜纹纤维。在这种组织中,在预定的区间内将斜纹的斜向反向配置,以形成一系列倒V形纹路。

    A twilled fabric with a herringbone pattern . In this design , the twill direction is reversed at predetermined intervals to form a series of inverted Vs.

  8. 将鱼片卷成圆形、鱼皮向内。用中火清蒸鱼片以固定形状,再冷却。在这种组织中,在预定的区间内将斜纹的斜向反向配置,以形成一系列倒V形纹路。

    Roll fish fillet into a round shape with skin facing in . Lightly steam fillet in medium heat to firm its shape , allow to cool . In this design , the twill direction is reversed at predetermined intervals to form a series of inverted Vs.

  9. 方向的同向剪切趋势抑制反向褶劈理的形成。

    The trend of the P shear with opposite shear sense may constrain the development of the antithetic eccs .

  10. 试验结果表明加热功率、氧化剂流速和加热时间都对阴燃的形成有重要的影响,在相同的加热条件下,同向阴燃比反向阴燃更易形成。

    The results of experiments indicate that the formation of forward smolder is easier than that of opposed smolder in the same heating condition .

  11. 以构造地质学和石油地质学基础理论为指导,探讨胡庆油田北东向反向正断层的形成机理与油气聚集的关系。

    Guided by the basic theories of tectonic geology and petroleum geology , this paper discusses the relationship of oil and gas accumulation and formation mechanism of east north antithetic normal faults .

  12. 研究认为,北东向反向正断层的形成受北西&南东向张应力及右旋剪切力作用控制,反向正断层的走向与张应力方向基本垂直;

    The formation of antithetic normal fault is controlled by WN-ES direction tension stress and right-hand shear stress , the strike is nearly vertical to tension stress , its sealing behaviors are related to the mechanical properties of fault plane .