
  • 网络Psychodynamic;Psychodynamics;psychological dynamics
  1. 方法利用心理动力学理论对时间设置及其相关现象进行分析。

    Methods The psychodynamic theory was used to analyze time setting and correlated phenomena .

  2. 前者研究其组成和机制,分析其文化、生物学特点及心理动力学。

    Scientific investigation that explore into their components and mechanism has been described as cultural and biological features with a psychodynamic consideration .

  3. 论《红与黑》的心理动力学建构

    On the psycho dynamics construction of The Red and the Black

  4. 心理动力学的新修正与发展:内在小孩疗法原理及其应用

    Corrections and development of psychodynamics : Inner child therapy and its application

  5. 背景:早期针对羊水穿刺孕妇的心理动力学研究依据的是从过程某一点的调查问卷获取的量化数据。

    Background : Earlier studies on psychodynamics of women undergoing amniocentesis relied on quantitative data obtained from questionnaires at one point in time .

  6. 她的教学和研究领域:组织心理学、组织中的情感、小组和团队心理动力学、战略人力资源管理。

    Her teaching and Research areas : Organizational Psychology , Emotions in Organizations , Group and teams psychodynamics , Strategic Human Resource Management .

  7. 二元对立原则与《奥赛罗》运用心理动力学嫉妒理论,分析《奥赛罗》以嫉妒为主线的心理线索及其剧中主要人物的嫉妒心理类型。

    By applying psycho-dynamics , the present paper analyses the psychological cues with jealousy as the main line in Othello and the different types of jealousy mentality of the main characters in the play .

  8. 这期间,研究者主要依据心理动力学理论和特质理论等,运用观察、投射和测量等方法对某个或某几个专项进行研究。

    During that time , the researchers mainly used the method of observation , projection and survey and so on which based on the psychodynamics theory , the trait theory and the society study theory to study one or more sport events .

  9. 本文用新弗洛伊德主义解读司汤达代表作《红与黑》,以证实《红与黑》对人类灵魂的展示为现代心理学提供了诸多经典范型,并建构了完整的心理动力学体系。

    This paper tries to use Neo-freudism to decode Stendhal 's representative work The Red and the Black , and to demonstrate that the revelation of Man 's soul in this work provides paradigms for the modern psychology and constructs an integrated psycho-dynamics system .

  10. 第三部分即第五章为理论模型应用部分,介绍分析了心理动力学在人力资源管理各个部分:工作分析、人员选拔、绩效管理、薪酬管理、员工培训、职业发展方面中的应用情况。

    The third part is to chapter five of the application of theoretical model , introduce and analysis the psychodynamics of human resources management in various parts : job analysis , selection , performance management , salary management , staff training , and career development of the situation .

  11. 医科院校大学生心理状态与家庭动力学的相关性特征(英文)

    Correlation between mental status and family dynamics among medical college students ;

  12. 心理干预在尿动力学检查中的临床效果老年慢性心力衰竭患者自我护理能力调查及干预效果的研究

    Investigation on the Self-care Behavior and Study on Nursing Intervention Effect among Elderly Patients with Chronic Heart Failure

  13. 当代心理健康服务理论主要包括心理动力学理论、认知理论、行为主义理论、人本主义理论和整合主义理论等。

    A number of theories are included in contemporary mental health service , such as psychodynamic theory , cognitive theory , behavioral theory , humanistic theory and integrating theory .

  14. 上述系列研究的结果表明:1.我国心理健康服务从业者所使用的理论主要来自国外,以认知理论、精神分析/心理动力学理论、人本&存在主义理论和行为主义理论等西方传统理论流派为主。

    The foreign theories are the main sources of the theory which is practiced by Chinese mental health servicer , and the most frequently used theories are western traditional theories , such as cognitive theory , psychoanalytic / psychodynamic theory , humanistic / existential theory and behavior theory . 2 .