
  • 网络Psychological motivation;psychodynamic;psychodynamics
  1. 应用心理动力护理理论探讨护士在癌症疼痛评估中的作用

    The Role of Nurses in Pain Assessment from Psychodynamic Point of View

  2. 心理动力对人的行为影响很大,有时甚至是决定性的。

    Psychodynamic heavily affects man 's behaviors , and is even decisive sometimes .

  3. 通过操作性心理动力性诊断2(OPD-2)评估组员内在关系模式焦点改变情况,发现动力性干预组和平行干预组差异达到显著水平(p0.05)。

    As to evaluate the change of the focus of the inner relational matrix of team members though OPD-2 , we found that the differences between dynamic intervention group and the parallel intervention group reached a significant level ( p 0.05 ) .

  4. 发现在为盈利铤而走险的现象背后有着强大的心理动力。

    There are powerful psychological forces behind rule-breaking for financial gain .

  5. 科学认识域中学习的心理动力和认识根源

    On the Psychological Motive and Epistemological Origin of Subjective Learning

  6. 青少年犯罪心理动力系统探究

    Study on the Mental Drive in the Juvenile Delinquency

  7. 始信英雄亦有雌&秋瑾革命英雄意识的心理动力探源

    Probing into the psychic strength of Qiu Jin ′ s revolutionary heroic consciousness

  8. 腐败犯罪动机和变形的需要结构是国家公职人员实施腐败犯罪行为的心理动力;

    Tortured material needs constitute psychological motive of corruption .

  9. 它可以为集体行动激发心理动力。

    It can mobilize psychological resources for collective action .

  10. 人的一切活动都有其心理动力驱动,而需要是心理动力的源泉。

    Need is the source of psychological force which drives man 's activities .

  11. 英语习得中的主导因素&听说能力与心理动力

    Dominant factor in English acquisition ── capability of listening and speaking and psychological impetus

  12. 教学中师生交往的心理动力探析

    Analysis of the Psychological Motives in the Contacts Between Teachers and Students in Teaching

  13. 重视信息反馈,强化和维持交往的心理动力;

    Attach é importance to information feedback , enhance and maintain their psychological motives ;

  14. 当代大学生心理动力结构及其引导策略

    Collegian 's Psychological Motive mechanism and Leading Strategy

  15. 二是发愤著书说表现了艺术创作的心理动力。

    Second , " Writing Books " that show the psychological dynamics of artistic creation .

  16. 音乐学习心理动力研究

    The Research on Music Learning Psychological Motives

  17. 第二章着重探讨音乐学习心理动力系统的结构和功能;

    In Chapter Two , it mainly explores structures and functions of music learning psychological motivation system .

  18. 基于心理动力机制的移动机器人

    Mobile robot based on psychodynamics

  19. 第四,大学生的心理动力素质较高,自我意识较好,但人际管理素质和职业能力素质较差。

    Fourthly , psychology dynamism and self-consciousness are good , while inter-relationship and career capability are relatively low .

  20. 研究青少年犯罪心理动力系统,是研究青少年犯罪之关键。

    The study of the drive system of criminal psychology is the key in the study of juvenile delinquency .

  21. 培养群体交往的心理动力,以群体行为影响个体行为;

    Foster their psychological motives in group contacting , and therefore , affect their individual actions through group actions ;

  22. 心理动力人格取向的依恋研究验证了当代心理动力理论和依恋理论提出的假设。

    Attachment studies on the psychodynamic approach to personality tested and Verified several hypotheses of contemporary Psychodynamic theory and attachment theory .

  23. 问题是,心理动力在科学辩论中,也是以相同的方式在进行循环辩证。

    And the problem is the same sort of dynamic plays itself out even in the scientific debate back and forth .

  24. 超越性意向是文学创作中一种基本的心理动力,它在不同的文学类别中有着不同的表现。

    The transcendental intention is a basic psychological drive in literary creation . It has different performances in different genres of literature .

  25. 但一纸乳腺癌诊断书为她带来了改行作管理顾问的“心理动力”。

    But it was a diagnosis of breast cancer that gave her the " psychological impetus " to become a management consultant .

  26. 在此基础上,进一步论述了音乐教育教学实践中对学生学习心理动力的培养问题。

    Based on these , it takes further exploration about cultivating problems of educational teaching practice to students ' learning psychological motivation .

  27. 社会文化、家庭心理动力、与个人心理能量等三大因素如何影响人类个体行为,以及此三大因素间的交互作用。

    How social culture , family psychodynamics and individual mental energy affect an individual behavior and how these factors interact with each other .

  28. 历史人物的心理动力自然对历史产生一定的影响,有时甚至是决定性的。

    Psychodynamics of historical figures , therefore , make much influence ' on history development in some extent , even decisive some times .

  29. 像大多心理动力论这样解释也许是说的通的,但没有特别的理由说服我们去相信这些解释是对的。

    Like most psychodynamic theories these explanations could be true , but there 's no particular reason to believe they should be true .

  30. 音乐学习心理动力的理论探讨,对普通中小学音乐教育有着积极的现实意义。

    The theoretical exploration of music learning psychological motivation has an active and realistic meaning to music education in general middle and primary schools .