
  1. 在理论界,关于真理的绝对性与相对性问题争论的焦点在于绝对真理的存在形式上:有的既承认有具体的绝对真理,又承认无数相对真理总和构成的绝对真理;

    In theory , the absoluteness and relativity of the truth focus on the form .

  2. 而真理的绝对性与相对性是每个具体真理都具有的两种属性,二者所体现的是具体真理内容的辩证性。

    However , the absoluteness and the relativity of truth are two properties of every concrete truth , They reflect the dialectism of concrete content of truth .

  3. 本文认为,在科学哲学的相对主义指导下,未来小学科学课程改革需要处理好科学真理的绝对性与相对性、科学发展的阶段性与连续性、个体的科学与公开的科学的关系。

    Under the guidance of relativism in the philosophy of science , the paper states the future innovation in primary school science curriculum needs to coordinate the relationship between absoluteness and relativity of science truth , phase and continuity of science development , individual science and public science .

  4. 绝对真理和真理的绝对性讲的虽然都是真理内容的绝对客观性和向客观事物接近的无条件性,但角度和范围有所不同。

    Although both absolute truth and the absolutism of truth are all concern the contents of the absolute objectivity and the non condition of approaching to objectivity , the angle and the scope are not the same .

  5. 绝对真理不等于真理的绝对性

    The absolute truth is not equal the absolution of truth