
  • 网络development level;Developing level;Level of development
  1. 按照东、中、西部地区分组后研究发现,FDI的技术溢出效应与地区经济技术发展水平呈负相关关系。

    Furthermore , the effect is negatively correlative with regional technical and economic development level .

  2. GDP是反映一个国家或地区经济实力,评价经济发展水平的综合性指标。

    GDP is a comprehensive index of reflecting the national or regional economic strength and evaluating the economic development level .

  3. 基于ANN的山东省可持续发展水平的区域差异

    Study on Regional Differentiations of Sustainable in Shandong Based on Artificial Neural NetWork

  4. 作各地区的经济开放度与GDP的回归分析,结果表明经济开放度与地区经济发展水平具有很强的正相关性,经济开放是影响经济发展的很重要的原因之一。

    Further linear analysis revealed that the degree of economic openness and GDP had strong and positive relations .

  5. 本文讨论的是WorldWideWeb的命名技术和标准化的目前发展水平,以及一些技术的历史和发展过程。

    This article discusses the current state of the art in naming technology and standardization for the World Wide Web , as well as some of the history and evolution of the terminology .

  6. 绿色GDP是扩展的国家财富度量指标,可以用来评价可持续发展水平。

    Green GDP is an indicator for measuring expanded nation wealth , and it can be used to evaluate the level of sustainable development .

  7. 吉林省是全国整体发展水平的标志性省份,主要表现为国土面积、人口数量、GDP总量三大指标均约占全国的2%左右。

    Jilin Province is the " marked province " in the whole development of China , which shows 2 % of the three quotas-its land , population and GDP .

  8. PCM发射机是再入遥测设备的核心部件,它的发展水平直接影响再入遥测系统的发展。

    PCM transmitter is the key part of reentry telemetry system and its level influences the development of the entire system .

  9. 接着,结合基于XML的工作流系统的体系结构和当前的技术发展水平,提出该系统的设计方案,并利用UML类图进行了描述;

    In the following , The design solution of this workflow system is given based on the system architecture and nowadays technology developing levels , the solution is also described using UML class graphic ;

  10. 经济发展水平最高的沈阳中小学校拥有健康教育的专职教师的比例最高达到56.7%,与抚顺、铁岭相比有显著性差异(P0.05)。

    In comparison of three cities , shenyang , at highest economical level , had highest school percentages on full-time health education teachers ( 56.7 % ), significantly different from Fushun and Tieling ( P0.05 ) .

  11. 这一认识既照顾到作为无形财产的知识产权的特征,也没有违背TRIPS的要求,符合我国目前的社会经济发展水平。

    This understanding has taken into consideration the characteristics of intellectual properties as intangible assets and at the same time it is not in violation of TRIPS and is in conformity with China 's present economic level .

  12. 绿色GDP下的企业核算可以使国民经济核算指标更准确地反映社会的发展水平,宏观调控时尽可能地减少偏差,引导企业真正走向可持续发展之路。

    The business enterprise checks under " green GDP " that can make the index of national economy check to reflect the social development level more accurately , reduce the deviation possibly for the macro adjusting , really lead the business enterprise into the road of sustainable development .

  13. 其中主要是运用了德尔菲法等方法对城市化进程进行测度;利用统计分析软件SPSS对城市基础设施与城市化发展水平的关系进行分析;利用层次分析法对基础设施的供应水平进行测度。

    Delphi and some other methods were used in the measurement of civilization development . Statistic software SPSS was applied for analyzing the relationship between urban infrastructure and its development ; and administrative level analysis method was applied for measuring of supply level .

  14. 按照一定的原则构建了一套评价世界遗产地旅游整体发展水平的指标体系,并运用层次分析法(AHP)对一个具体的世界遗产案例&湖南省武陵源进行分析和评价。

    According to certain principle , the author sets up an index system of appraising the development ability of the heritage site tourism , using Application level analysis ( AHP ) to a specific case & the World Heritage Site Wulingyuan , Hunan Province included analysis and evaluation .

  15. 电动汽车(EV)是实现汽车能源多元化与零排放节能环保汽车的理想选择,但由于车用动力电池性能发展水平的制约,纯电动汽车的发展与应用受到了有识之士的质疑。

    Electric vehicle ( EV ) can realize the localization of energy source and it is the ultimate choice of zero-discharge , energy-saving , and environment-friendly automobile . However , the behavior of the power cell restricts the application and development of electric vehicle .

  16. 在对UMS系统的研究工作的论述中,介绍了国内外机载机电系统管理综合化技术的发展水平和国内UMS研究方案,概要地论述了UMS的研究过程及其主要技术创新。

    In addition , the world levels of integration technologies on airborne electromechanical system and the UMS concepts at home are also presented , with a summary of UMS research processes and major technical innovations .

  17. Friedman的核心&边缘模式作为理论基础,分析了广东省四大经济地域发展水平的差异,探讨了空间极化与空间扩散趋势。

    Friedman 's core-periphery theory , the differences between the four economic regions of the province are analyzed , which are divided in terms of the natural and socio-economic conditions . Furthermore the tendency of the spatial polarization and diffusion is examined .

  18. 湖南经济发展水平的区域差异与区域协调

    Regional difference and coordination of economic development level in Hunan Province

  19. 锭子质量的优劣反映了棉纺设备发展水平的高低。

    Quality of spindle reflects level of textile machines ' development .

  20. 关于提升吉林省旅游业发展水平之思考

    A Study on the Promotion of Jilin Province 's Tourism Development

  21. 陕西省县域经济发展水平的差异

    Differences for the economic development levels of counties in Shaanxi Province

  22. 经济发展水平、经济结构及产业布局;

    Economic development level , economic structure and layout scheme of industry ;

  23. 湖北省各地区发展水平综合评价

    Comprehensive appraisal of development level in every area of Hubei

  24. 内蒙古区域经济发展水平的评价研究

    Research on the evaluation of regional economic development level in Inner Mongolia

  25. 社会经济发展水平综合指标初探

    On the Comprehensive indicator for Measuring the Levels of Social Economic Development

  26. 我国城市化与农村经济发展水平的省际差异及相互关系

    Provincial Differentials and Corelation Between Urbanization and Rural Economic Development

  27. 政府与社会各界都应该对县域经济发展水平差异扩大的态势和趋势加以重视。

    Both the governments and society should attach importance to the trend .

  28. 包括人口数量及分布、经济发展水平、社会制度;

    Including population quantity and distributing , economic development stage and social regime ;

  29. 我国人口发展水平的综合测评

    Comprehensive Evaluation of the Population Development Level in China

  30. 我国教育发展水平与政府各级教育投入关系研究

    Research of China Educational Development Level and Every Educational Investment Relations from Government