
  • 网络note-issuing bank
  1. 香港的纸币由三家发钞银行发行。

    In Hong kong , banknotes are issued by three note-issuing banks .

  2. 发钞银行必须按7.8的固定汇率交出无息美元保证,才可发行流通纸币。

    The note-issuing banks may issue currency notes only by surrendering non-interest-bearing US dollar backing at a fixed exchange rate of 7.80 .

  3. 这些负债证明书成为了发钞银行发行的钞票的法定支持,而这种安排实际上是一种货币发行局制度。

    These certificates were the legal backing for the notes issued by the note-issuing banks under what became , in effect , a currency board system .

  4. 大西洋银行在葡萄牙里斯本建行。建行最初目的为执行葡国海外殖民地发钞银行的职能,及推动当地的经济发展。

    Banco Nacional ultramarino is established in lisbon , portugal , with the initial objective of acting as an issuing bank in the Portuguese overseas territories and to contribute to their economic development .