
  • 网络State-owned commercial bank;SOCB;socbs
  1. 加入WTO后国有商业银行的策略取向

    Policy Orientation of State-Owned Commercial Banks after China 's Accession into WTO

  2. WTO与我国国有商业银行内控制度的法律完善

    WTO and Perfecting of Internal Control Legal System of Chinese State-owned Commercial Banks

  3. WTO后过渡期国有商业银行的产权改革策略探析

    The Research on State-owned Commercial Bank 's Property Right Reform during the WTO Later Transition-period

  4. 加入了WTO后,面临着日益增大的竞争压力,国有商业银行改革任重而道远。

    State-owned commercial banks have faced increasingly competitive pressure and it is far away for the reforms since China joined WTO .

  5. 第三部分通过SWOT分析,进行国有商业银行的战略选择与发展战略。

    Third Part : The strategic option and development strategies of the State-owned Commercial Banks by SWOT analysis .

  6. 加入WTO后,国有商业银行将与外资银行在业务、人才等方面展开激烈竞争。

    After entering WTO , the state owned commercial banks will compete violently with the foreign commercial banks in both business and talents ' market and other fields .

  7. 而我国加入WTO后,金融业开放的领域不为扩大,外资银行的进入,我国国有商业银行将面临巨大的挑战,国有商业银行的的改革也势在必行。

    After China 's entry into WTO and its commitment to open more financial sectors to foreign countries , the reformation of national commercial banks takes the center stage in financial institutional reformation .

  8. 面对加入WTO后愈加激烈的国际和国内银行业竞争,如何提高国有商业银行的经营效益,进而提高其竞争力,是不可回避而又迫切需要尽快研究的课题。

    Facing increased competition both in foreign and domestic banking industry after entering WTO , how to improve the management efficiency and the competitive ability of state-owned commercial banks has become an urgent and unavoidable research subject .

  9. 随着我国加入WTO,中国金融业的进一步开放,国有商业银行将面临着激烈的竞争,能否成功地留住和吸引人才是竞争取胜的关键。

    Along with the entry of our country into WTO and the further opening-up of Chinese finance trade , our state-owned commercial banks will be faced with fierce competition . The key for winning the competition lies in keeping and attracting talent or person of ability .

  10. 随着我国金融市场的改革开放,国内中小股份制商业银行纷纷崛起,特别是加入WTO后外资银行通过多种渠道进入我国金融市场,致使原四大国有商业银行一统天下的局面不复存在。

    With the reform and opening of Chinese financial market , the small and medium-sized joint-stock commercial bank are rising in China , the foreign-funded banks enter into Chinese financial market via many channels , which leading the stated-owned commercial bank cannot control Chinese banking industry anymore .

  11. 由于目前我国国有商业银行基本制度是在计划经济下建立起来的,随着社会主义市场经济改革推进过程中和中国加入WTO,现行国有商业银行制度越来越成为银行进行市场化经营的障碍。

    Due to the basic system of the state owned commercial bank is founded in the planned economy , when the market economy reform boosted in China and China entered the WTO , present system of the state owned commercial bank became the obstacle of marketing management .

  12. Markov链在企业坏账预测中的应用另一方面,由于国有商业银行由于长期以来受呆账坏账风险的影响,对贷款的回款速度异乎寻常的敏感,保证贷款安全成为凌驾于确保贷款收益之上的目标。

    The Application of Markov Chain in Forecasting the Amount of the Enterprise 's Bad Account On the other hand , as the state-owned commercial banks were long affected by bad debts , they are unusually sensitive to the loan repayment speed while ignoring their profitability .

  13. 国有商业银行信贷资产流失的现状、成因与对策

    Drain of Credit Funds of State-owed Commercial Banks and Its Solutions

  14. 国有商业银行会计业务流程再造的现实思考

    Practical Thought on Accounting Business Process Reengineering of State-Owned Commercial Banks

  15. 国有商业银行风险管理现状及对策研究

    On the Risk Administration Situation and Strategies of State-owned Commerce Bank

  16. 国有商业银行不良资产管理和处置问题研究

    Bad Assets Management of the State-owned Commercial Banks and Its Handlings

  17. 国有商业银行运营中的寻租问题研究

    On the Rent-Seeking Activities in the Running of State-Owned Commercial Banks

  18. 国有商业银行风险的表现形式和化解途径

    Risks of State owned Commercial Banks and Ways to Eliminate Risks

  19. 国有商业银行机制变革中的非显性问题

    The Implicit Problems in the Mechanism Reform of State-owned Commercial Banks

  20. 针对国有商业银行的自身管理因素,提出要构建我国国有商业银行信贷风险控制体系。

    It proposes to construct a system to control credit risk .

  21. 国有商业银行引进外资隐忧

    State-owned commercial bank be cautious in absorbing foreign capital business vision

  22. 关于增强我国国有商业银行综合竞争力的几点认识

    Reflections on Improving Comprehensive Competitive Competence of Chinese National Commercial Banks

  23. 在这场严酷的竞争中,我们的国有商业银行是否已经做好了充分的准备?

    In the rigorous competition , is our commercial bank ready ?

  24. 我国国有商业银行规模经济的实证分析

    Demonstrational Analysis of Business Scale of China 's State-Owned Commercial Banks

  25. 国有商业银行经营风险及内控机制

    State commercial bank 's operating risk and inner control mechanism

  26. 国有商业银行资产如何保全?

    How to pretect the assets of the state-owned banks ?

  27. 改体亦须塑魂&对国有商业银行企业文化的重新定位

    Reform Soul-Building Reposition of Enterprise Culture by State-Owned Commercial Banks

  28. 我国国有商业银行核心竞争能力研究

    Research on Core Competitive Power of the State-owed Commercial Bank in China

  29. 国有商业银行采取连锁经营管理模式的探讨

    Discussion on Chain Operation Management Mode Adopted by the State-Run Commercial Banks

  30. 国有商业银行信贷管理体制的经济分析

    Economic Analysis of the Credit Management System of the State-owned Commercial Bank