
  • 网络domestic logistics
  1. 最后详细描述了基于GPS的烟草物流配送信息平台的总体架构、系统构成和主要实现的功能,以期为国内物流企业实施类似项目提供依据。

    In the end of the thesis , there is a detail description of the GPS-based tobacco logistics and distribution information platform for general framework , system structure and the main function . I hope this thesis can provide the domestic logistics enterprises a basis for the similar projects .

  2. 国内物流业信息化进程现状分析

    Current Situation Analysis of Information Process of Domestic Logistics Industry

  3. 尤其是进入WTO后,我国的物流行业在经过合理过渡期后,将取消大部分外国股权限制,外国物流企业将进入我国市场,势必给国内物流企业带来巨大冲击。

    Especially entering WTO , after our logistics industry come by reasonable transition period , it will cancel most limitations of foreign stock authority .

  4. 中国加入WTO,国外世界级的物流公司瞄准国内物流市场陆续登陆。

    With the China 's entry of WTO , the world top logistics companies all aim at China 's logistics market and compete into it .

  5. 随着全球经济一体化、协同商务和第三方物流的兴起,传统物流企业逐步转型,国内物流产业竞争逐步加剧,同时,我国加入WTO之后国外物流供应商加快了进军中国市场的步伐。

    With global integrated economy , collaborative commerce and third-party logistics , domestic traditional logistics enterprise is gradating , the competition of domestic logistics industry is pricking up , at the same time , overseas logistics enterprise mend their pace coming into home market after affiliating WTO .

  6. 立足服务内需发展国内物流企业

    Study on the Development of Logistics Enterprises based on Domestic Demand

  7. 应该说,国内物流企业的宏观发展方向已经明确。

    In other words , the macro-logistics enterprises have a clear direction .

  8. 浅谈智能标签在国内物流供应链中的应用

    RFID and Application in Logistics Support Chain

  9. 国内物流咨询市场浅析

    Analysis on Domestic Logistics Consulting Market

  10. 随着国内物流行业的日趋成熟,对物流制品的要求不断提高。

    As the domestic and international logistics industry develops , the demands of logistics products continually increase .

  11. 但我国物流专业人才极度短缺,影响了国内物流业的长足发展。

    The very short of physical distribution talents influenced the great development of domestic physical distribution industry .

  12. 由此可见,国内物流企业必须打造自己的品牌,才能赢得市场竞争的主动权。

    In order to win the initiative of market competition , domestic logistics enterprises must create their own brand .

  13. 提出了作为大型连锁家电零售企业,在目前国内物流业发展比较滞后的背景下,成立专业化的第三方物流子公司是一个明智的选择。

    It provides the logistics ensuring way for the large-scale home appliance chain business retail company to develop faster .

  14. 因此物流的核心问题&建设有竞争力的物流配送网络系统引起了国内物流学者的广泛关注。

    Therefore the core of logistics , building a competitive system of home-delivery , has caused extensive concern of domestic logistics scholars .

  15. 随着第三方物流、物流园区的兴起,我国的传统物流企业逐步转型,国内物流产业的竞争逐步加剧。

    The traditional domestic logistics enterprises have been faced up with transformation since the third party logistics and logistics park started growing .

  16. 随着汽车行业的日益壮大以及电子商务的不断进步,国内物流行业也得到了飞速发展。

    With the rapid growth of automotive industry and the consistent improvement ofe-commerce , the domestic logistics industry has also been rapid developed .

  17. 然而,蓬勃发展的国内物流市场,不断吸引着国外物流企业争先恐后地前来抢滩。

    However , the vigorous development of the domestic logistics market , continues to attract the foreign logistics companies rushed to come to beach .

  18. 为使国内物流适应国际大环境,并能利用自身优势,取得长足的发展。

    In order to fit the international condition , at the same time made a long development , We must use our own advantage .

  19. 如何留住老客户,发展新客户是每个国内物流企业领导所关注的问题。

    How to keep old customers and to develop new customers is the problem that each local logistics business enterprise leadership pays attention to .

  20. 如何在复杂多变的环境中应对激烈的竞争、合理配置和整合资源是国内物流企业面临的大挑战。

    It is great challenge for our logistics enterprises to face the severe competition and distribute resources in the condition of complicate and changing environment .

  21. 随着国内物流业的蓬勃发展,物流园区对推动经济发展的重要性被越来越多的人所认识。

    With the vigorous development of domestic logistics , more and more people know the importance of developing logistics parks to promote the development of economic .

  22. 在外资进入速度加快的情况下,国内物流公司希望在有限的时间里,能够使自己的网络以及整体竞争力都有所提升。

    Faster in the case of foreign investment , domestic logistics companies like limited time , can make their own network and the overall competitiveness has improved .

  23. 国内物流企业在全面实施作业成本计算法之前,可以利用作业成本法中的作业分析法,作为一种新的成本管理观点和思路应用于物流企业成本管理中。

    The activity analysis method included in ABC can be used in logistics cost management as a new way to manage logistics cost before implementing ABC calculation method .

  24. 近年来,国内物流金融业务是一种较新的金融及物流创新服务产品,目前市场处于加速上升状态,也成为国内银行业务发展的一种趋势。

    In recent years , logistics financial service is moving up now in our country , and it will become a trend for both the 3PLs and banks .

  25. 介绍了什么是物流信息化,如何实施物流信息化,并揭示了国内物流信息化的现状,指出了物流信息化所面临的问题。

    The paper introduces what logistics informationalization means and how to realize it , probes into the present situation of internal logistics informationalization and points out its problems .

  26. 现代物流事业快速发展,作为物流自动化的核心产品,扁平件分拣机在中国邮政乃至整个国内物流行业中占据重要地位。

    In the days of Rapid development of modem logistic , as a hard-core production of Logistic Automation , the flat-sorter occupies an important position of China Postal automation .

  27. 另一方面,更多外资的物流公司也进入中国,大大加剧了国内物流企业间的竞争。

    On the other hand , there are also increasing numbers of logistics companies with foreign capital entering China , which strengthens greatly the competitions between domestic logistics corporations .

  28. 一方面国内物流企业自身发展面临着小、散、多、弱等特点,与国外物流企业相比缺乏核心竞争能力。

    On the one hand , the domestic logistics enterprises have the characteristics of small , scattered , weak , etc. Compared with foreign logistics companies , they lack core competitiveness .

  29. 投资者和分析师还称,阿里巴巴也没有清楚地说明该公司与14家国内物流公司合作的财务条款。这些物流公司确保在网上下单的包裹能递送到最终消费者手中。

    Investors and analysts also said Alibaba didn 't clearly spell out the financials of its cooperation with 14 domestic logistics companies that ensure packages ordered online get to end consumers .

  30. 在此基础上,为推动国内物流设备技术的进一步发展,对研究开发的目前国内的空白产品&推块式分拣机的总体设计作了全面系统的论述。

    Then in order to propel the internal equipments and technology for logistics forward and research and develop sliding shoe parcel sorting machine , base on these analyses , this paper all-side .