
  • 网络Port Logistics
  1. 电子商务下港口物流系统与GIS相结合的研究

    On the Combination of GIS and Port Logistics System under Electronic Commerce

  2. 基于HLA的港口物流视景仿真系统的开发

    Development of Visual Simulation System of Port Logistics Based on HLA

  3. 基于GIS的港口物流配送系统分析设计

    The Analysis and Designing of Physical Distribution System on Port Based on GIS

  4. 现代港口物流装备的PLC控制及计算机监控系统

    PLC Controller & Computer Monitoring System for Logistics Equipment at Modern Port

  5. 加入WTO给港口物流的发展既带来了极大的机遇与空间,也带来了巨大的压力与挑战。

    WTO accession not only to the devel-opment of port logistics has brought great opportunities and space , but also tremendous pressures and challenges .

  6. 基于BPR的现代港口物流系统重构

    Reengineering of Modern Port Logistics System Based on BPR

  7. 基于GRA和AHP的港口物流能力评价研究

    Study of the capacity of the port logistics based on GRA and AHP

  8. 应用SWOT方法分析了大连港港口物流发展的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战。

    Also , we analyzed the strength , weakness , opportunities and challenges of Dalian port logistics by SWOT analysis .

  9. 利用DEA对江西省港口物流经济发展的资料与数据进行分析,得出其发展效率的评价。(5)江西省港口物流可持续发展的对策。

    Information and data of the economic development of port logistics in Jiangxi Province were analyzed by DEA , and through which get the evaluation of the efficiency of its development ( 5 ) Strategies of sustainable development of port logistics in Jiangxi province .

  10. 在此基础建立了港口物流绩效的方程模型,给出了模型中变量的计算方法,然后利用SPSS统计分析软件进行数据分析,根据该软件所输出的各项指数,确定了所建方程。

    On the basis of the establishment of port logistics performance equation model , the model in the calculation of variables , and then the use of SPSS statistical analysis software for data analysis , according to the soft output of the index are determined by the construction equation .

  11. 本文在分析港口物流中心的现状基础上,将港口物流中心配送分为整箱货物(FCL)配送和拼箱货物(LCL)配送两个方面进行讨论。

    On the basis of analyzing the current situation in Port Logistics Center , this article discuss the distribution of the port logistics center from two aspects : full container load ( FCL ) and less than container load ( LCL ) .

  12. 港口物流与区域经济发展是互相促进的关系。

    Port logistics and regional economic development are mutually reinforcing relationship .

  13. 国外港口物流发展的趋势、特征及启示

    Trend , Characteristic and Apocalypse of the Foreign Port Logistics Development

  14. 港口物流园区建设风险分析与评估

    Risks Analysis and Evaluation of Harbor Logistics Park ′ s Construction

  15. 浙江省港口物流发展研究

    Study on the Development of the Harbor Logistics of Zhejiang Province

  16. 加快发展嘉兴港港口物流的对策研究

    Countermeasure study on speeding up the logistics development of Jiaxing Port

  17. 环渤海港口物流竞合态势与区域整合研究

    Study on Logistics Co-Operation and Regional Integration in Bohai Sea Port

  18. 基于交易成本理论的港口物流联盟模式分析

    Mode analysis of port logistic alliance based on transaction cost theory

  19. 基于组合方法的港口物流需求预测研究

    Forecast Algorithmic for Port Logistic Demand Research Based on Combination Model

  20. 其次,分析了长兴岛港口物流发展的内部环境和外部环境。

    Secondly , It analyzed the environment of Changxing Island port .

  21. 灰色系统理论在上海港港口物流发展预测上的应用研究

    Application of Gray System Theory in the Logistics Forecasting of Shanghai Port

  22. 促进福建港口物流发展的研究

    Study on Promoting the Development of Ports Logistics in Fujian

  23. 港口物流信息平台共享架构及其可视化挖掘

    Visual data mining technology under share framework of port logistics information platform

  24. 山东沿海港口物流可持续发展战略

    Sustainable Development Strategy of Port Logistics in Shandong Coastal Areas

  25. 我国沿海港口物流经营模式研究

    Research on the Port Logistics Management Mode in Our Country

  26. 长三角地区港口物流资源的有效融合

    Effective amalgamation of port logistics resources in Yangtze River Delta

  27. 可以说,这是港口物流园区发展的方向。

    It is the development trend of port logistics park .

  28. 加快青岛市港口物流发展的思考

    Thought to Expedite the Logistical Development in Qingdao Harbor Area

  29. 福州江阴港口物流园区发展战略研究

    A Study on the Development Strategy of Fuzhou JiangYin Port Logistics Park

  30. 宁波舟山港港口物流现状与发展对策

    Analysis and Countermeasure Study on Logistics Status of Port Ningbo and Zhoushan