
gǎng kǒu chéng shì
  • port city
  1. 2018年,一只名叫金辉(音译)的奶油色博美犬在韩国港口城市釜山被活埋,差点死掉。

    Jin-hui , a cream-coloured Pomeranian , was buried alive and left for dead in 2018 in the South Korean port city of Busan .

  2. 一个阿拉伯移民准备在法国南部的港口城市Sète开一家主营鱼和蒸粗麦粉的餐馆而做着种种努力,故事以此为主线展开。

    An inter-generational family drama , it follows the efforts of an Arab immigrant in the southern French port of S è te to open a fish-and-couscous restaurant .

  3. 台湾希望,本周在港口城市高雄开幕的世界运动会(worldgames),也能取得类似效果。

    Taiwan is hoping to turn a similar trick when it hosts the world games at the port city of Kaohsiung this week .

  4. 美国CNN电视台无法独立证实这份视频录像的真实性。这份视频据称是哈拉夫在索马里南部港口城市梅尔卡向支持者发表讲话时录制的。

    CNN can not independently verify the authenticity of the audio recording , which was purportedly made by Khalaf during a speech to followers in the southern port city of Merca .

  5. 与中国东部港口城市青岛原油爆燃事故相关的7名中石化(Sinopec)员工已被警方控制,此次事故已导致至少55人死亡。中石化是中国第二大石油企业。

    Seven employees of China 's second-largest oil company have been detained in connection with a crude oil explosion that killed at least 55 people in the eastern Chinese port city of Qingdao .

  6. 利物浦是座港口城市,而KOP精神是利物浦的精髓所在,利物浦因此而闻名天下。

    Liverpool is usually a glass half-full kind of city , and The Kop are renowned throughout the world for their humour and spirit .

  7. 据日本广播协会(nhk)报道,一些日资工厂受到攻击,包括一家松下(panasonic)工厂和一家位于华东港口城市青岛的超市,其中一家被纵火。

    Japanese broadcaster NHK said some Japanese-run factories , including a panasonicfacility and a supermarket in the eastern port of Qingdao , were attacked and one was burnt .

  8. 利用1985年TM影像和2004年ASTER影像解译的结果,从五方面分析了海峡两岸的典型港口城市-泉州市和高雄市1985~2004年土地利用的变化及差异。

    Based on the Land use maps interpreted from TM images in 1985 and ASTER images in 2004 , this paper comparatively analyzes the land use / cover change between QuanZhou and GaoXiong city in 5 different aspects .

  9. 中国石油天然气集团公司(CNPC,简称:中石油)已同意支付3200万美元和解金,以了结中国最大一桩环境公益诉讼案。5年前,中国东北港口城市大连附近海岸遭遇了一起中国史上最严重的原油泄漏。

    China National Petroleum Corp has agreed a $ 32m environmental settlement in the nation 's largest public interest lawsuit , five years after China 's worst-ever crude oil spill fouled the coast near the northeastern port of Dalian .

  10. 中国同意向巴基斯坦提供65亿美元贷款以便在其南部港口城市卡拉奇(Karachi)建造两座核电站,这是中国迄今为巴基斯坦单一项目提供的最大融资交易。

    China has agreed to provide Pakistan with a $ 6.5bn loan to construct twin nuclear power stations in the southern port city of Karachi , the largest ever Chinese financing deal for a single project in the country .

  11. 同时,玛瑙斯(manaus)仍是中国货物进入巴西的最佳切入点之一,这个亚马逊河港口城市提供的免关税待遇可使成本保持低廉。

    Meanwhile , one of the favourite points of entry for Chinese goods coming into Brazil remains Manaus , the Amazonian city whose duty-free status helps keep costs low .

  12. 第二章:港口城市悉尼-地之魂

    Chapter 2 : Sydney the Harbour City - Spirit of Place

  13. 现在这座南部的港口城市确实已经进入在高度戒备状态了。

    And so this southern port city is truly in lockdown .

  14. 沿海港口城市交通运输能力评价模型研究与实证分析

    Coastal port city transportation ability evaluation mode research and demonstration anlysis

  15. 宁波自古以来是个重要的沿海港口城市,港口的地理优势决定了宁波这座城市港口导向型的经济体系。

    Ningbo is an important coastal port city since ancient times .

  16. 宁波港口城市发展的经济地理分析

    A Survey of the Economic Geography of the Port City Ningbo

  17. 厦门港口城市性质研究

    A Study on the Urban Characteristics of the Port of Xiamen

  18. 北方港口城市的组群发展战略探讨

    The Investigation of the Group Development Strategy of Northern Port Cities

  19. 我国沿海港口城市的结构分析及发展走势

    Structural Analyses and Developing Trends on the Coastal Port City in China

  20. 港口城市交通文化的研究具有现实意义。

    It has some realistic significance to research the culture .

  21. 建设宁波国际港口城市的战略思考

    A strategic reflection on building of Ningbo into an international port city

  22. 以色列战斗机轰炸黎巴嫩的一个港口城市。

    Israeli warplanes bombarded a port city in southern Lebanon .

  23. 巴西东北部港口城市。

    A port in northeastern Brazil . an intermediate part or section .

  24. 瑞典西南部一个港口城市;瑞典的第二大城市。

    A port in southwestern Sweden ; second largest city in Sweden .

  25. 儒勒·凡尔纳出生在法国港口城市南特,并在那里长大。

    Jules Verne was born and raised in the port of Nantes .

  26. 太平洋沿岸智利北部一港口城市。

    A port city on the Pacific in northern Chile .

  27. 面向21世纪的中国沿海港口城市发展战略

    Development strategy of Chinese coastal port cities in 21st century

  28. 加拿大西部一港口城市;新布伦兹维克省的最大城市。

    A port in eastern Canada ; the largest city in New Brunswick .

  29. 第三章是港口城市产业结构演进机理分析。

    The third chapter analyses the development mechanism of port cities industry structure .

  30. 蒂姆:洛杉矶,美国西部的一个港口城市。

    Tim : Los Angles , a port city of the west part .