
  • 网络High risk industries;high-danger occupation
  1. 河南省高危行业安全生产问题与对策研究

    On the Operation Security of High-Danger Occupation in Henan Province and the Countermeasures

  2. 受多种因素的制约和影响,河南省高危行业安全生产基础比较薄弱,安全生产形势依然严峻。

    Affected by many factors , the operation security of high-danger occupation has a weak basis and the whole situation is still serious .

  3. 运用安全科学服务石化等高危行业成为一项重要课题。

    Applying safety science to petrochemical enterprise becomes an important theme .

  4. 这是因为太空事业是个高危行业,而且一直以来都是如此。

    Because space is a very risky business - and it always has been .

  5. 煤矿行业是一个特殊行业同时也是一个高危行业。

    The coal industry is a special industry as while as a high-risk industries .

  6. 由于化工行业属于高危行业,一旦发生事故将会造成巨大的危害。

    As the chemical industry has the characteristic of high-risk , its accident would cause a severe disaster .

  7. 煤炭行业是关系国际民生的基本行业,同时也是高危行业。

    The coal industry is the relationship between the basic industry international people ' slivelihood , and high-risk industries .

  8. 政府在高危行业推进安全生产责任保险的作用和对策

    Promote the Liability Insurance of Safe Production in the High-risk Industry & The Government 's Role and The Countermeasures

  9. 据预测,高危行业工作者患肺癌的几率比正常人要高出40%。

    It is thought people working in high-risk industries have about a 40 % increased risk of developing lung cancer .

  10. 石化行业是一个高危行业,具有高温高压、易燃易爆、有毒有害、连续作业、点多面广的特点。

    The petrochemical industry is with high risk because of HPHT , Poisonous and Harmful , continuous operation and wide range .

  11. 目前,金属露天矿山开采仍然是我国高危行业之一。

    Presently , the exploitation of metal opencast mines is still one of high-risk industries in the mining in our country .

  12. 煤矿是一种高危行业,安全状况的好坏直接影响着其声誉、经济效益乃至生存。

    Mine is a high-risk industries , the security situation will have a direct impact on its reputation , economic and survival .

  13. 展品2000余件,展示了最新概念的服务机器人新技术、新产品,涵盖工业机器人、服务机器人以及应用于高危行业的特种机器人。

    Over 2-thousand robots , including industrial robots , service robots and specialist robots , are on display at the three-day event .

  14. 我国重大急性职业中毒事故的发生在高危行业、重点毒物和主要岗位有明显的集中趋势;

    The trend of the characteristics of severe acute occupational poisoning accidents is centralized in the high risk industries , poisons and jobs .

  15. 高危行业的员工由于其所处环境的特殊性和面临的较大压力,成为社会和政府重点关注群体。

    Employees of high-risk industries have become focused by society and government due to the special nature of its environment and facing greater pressure .

  16. 加强高危行业雇主责任保险风险管控的思考但不适合危险性一般或略高的女性。

    Enhancement on Employer 's Liability Insurance in High-risk Industries It is not considered appropriate for screening women with average or slightly increased risk .

  17. 燃气企业属于高危行业,有着易燃、易爆、易中毒等特点。

    Gas enterprise belongs to high-risk industry , there are many process features as follows : inflammableness , explosion , poisoning and so on .

  18. 建筑安装工程在许多国家是一个高危行业,在中国建筑业的危险程度仅次于采矿业。

    In most of countries , construction industry is the highest risk job which is the most dangerous in China as well as mine industry .

  19. 作为高危行业的建筑施工企业,在谋划经济发展的同时,更应该有安全发展的谋略。

    As a high-risk industry , construction enterprises should not only plan for the economic development , but also have a " safe development " strategy .

  20. 在现代安全工程需要安全评价的基础上,建立一套全新的针对高危行业从业人员的安全评价方法,是对目前的安全评价的有益补充。

    So , a new safety assessment method for the employees in high-risk industry was built , which was a useful complement to the present safety assessment .

  21. 近几年,我国生产领域的重特大安全事故频发,特别是矿山等高危行业的安全生产形势非常严峻。

    These years , great safety accidents in the production field in our country happened frequently , but mining industry safety production situation , is especially serious .

  22. 安全文化是安全科学发展之本,是高危行业安全生产、生存的基础和灵魂。

    Safety culture is the basis for safety science to develop , is the soul of the safety at work and the existing of the high dangerous industry .

  23. [结论]上述行业可能为鞍钢职业病伤高危行业,每年支出的费用负担严重。

    [ Conclusion ] The industries mentioned above are at high risk to occupational diseases and injuries , and they may have a higher burden of related expenses .

  24. 因此,国务院第397号令《安全生产许可证条例》已将建筑施工企业纳入高危行业并实行安全生产许可制度。

    Therefore , the State Council Decree No.397 " Safety Production License Regulations " has incorporated construction enterprise as high-risk industries and forced implementation of safety production license system .

  25. 随着社会工作在我国的普及,社会工作者的职业风险如同警察、医务人员等高危行业,呈现出愈演愈烈的趋势。

    Along with the prevalence of social work in China , the occupational risks faced by some high-risked-profession social workers such as policemen , medical staff are on the rise .

  26. 危险化学品行业属于高危行业,近年来我国在危险化学品生产、使用、储存、运输等环节事故频繁发生。

    Chemical Industry is a high-risk industry , hazardous chemical accidents frequently occurred when hazardous materials are produced , used , stored and shipped throughout the China in recent years .

  27. 同时提出了环境因子新概念,初步定义了高危行业的定量含义,为各类事故的预防提出了基本的相应对策。

    A concept of circumstance factor is put forward , by which the quantitative definition of high risk industry is defined . Basic countermeasures for various accidents are also put forward .

  28. 建筑行业在高速发展的同时,由于本身具有流动性大、高处和露天作业多等特点,属于伤亡事故高危行业,安全形势十分严峻。

    With the high-speed development , because of their mobility , height operation and open-air operation , construction industry belongs to high-risk industry , and the security situation is very grim .

  29. 金属与非金属矿山是工业生产中的高危行业,其事故发生起数和死亡人数在全国工业安全生产领域占较大的比重。

    The metal mine and the nonmetal mine are high risk industry in industrial production . The number of accidents and deaths is very large in the field of industrial safety production .

  30. 对易受到电磁污染的各高危行业如广电、IT、电力、电信、民航、医疗等,吸波材料的应用十分广阔和必要。

    The material with such properties is in great demand in industries exposed to electromagnetic pollution , such as broadcasting and TV , electrical power , medical equipments and telecommunication , and so on .