
ɡuó jì chōnɡ tū
  • international conflict
  1. 全球化在缓解国际冲突中发挥的作用呢?

    What about the role of globalisation in diffusing international conflict ?

  2. 霍布斯的自然法与国际冲突理论述评

    On Hobbesian Natural Law and International Conflict Theory

  3. 然而,眼下G20看上去更像是在预示着21世纪将是国际冲突的时代。

    These days , however , the G20 looks more like it is foreshadowing the international conflicts of the 21st century .

  4. 冷战后国际冲突的地缘特征分析

    A Geo-political Analysis of International Conflicts in the Post-Cold War Period

  5. 宗教信仰与现实国际冲突和斗争述评

    On the Religious Belief and Real International Conflicts and Fights

  6. 这些规则将结束国内或国际冲突。

    Rules to end conflicts within or between states .

  7. 解决国际冲突财政援助基金

    Financial Assistance Fund for the Settlement of International Disputes

  8. 后冷战时代国际冲突探源全球化的冲突

    The Exploration of the Causes of International Conflicts In the Post-Cold War Era

  9. 制造认同:大众传媒对国际冲突的再现

    The reflection of international conflicts in the mass media

  10. 评国际冲突根源研究范式之争

    On the Controversy Over the Studying Patterns About the Roots of International Conflicts

  11. 纵观历史,调停者们在谋略解决国际冲突时总会遇到棘手的问题。

    Peacemakers throughout history have faced huge problems trying to solve international conflicts .

  12. 知识产权的域外保护所引致的国际冲突

    International conflicts induced by extraterritoriality of intellectual property

  13. 论计算机犯罪管辖权的国际冲突及其解决

    International conflicts of the Jurisdiction on computer-related crimes and the solution on the conflicts

  14. 国际冲突:概念、类型与解决

    Conception and Type and Solution of International Conflict

  15. 国际冲突与大众媒体

    International Conflicts and the Mass Media

  16. 论国际冲突与国际司法机制

    The International Conflict and International Justice

  17. 四是经济全球化有利于减少国际冲突。

    Fourthly it reduces international conflicts .

  18. 国际冲突研究的误区:“人道主义危机”论

    A misleading on the study of international conflict : theory of " crisis of humanitarianism "

  19. 第2章分析经济全球化背景下税收国际冲突及其负效应。

    Chapter II considers the international conflicts in tax and their negative effects in the economic globalization .

  20. 在解决国际冲突问题上,主张通过协商对话,实现共同安全。

    In the settlement of international conflict , advocates through consultations and dialogues to realize common security .

  21. 指出,经济全球化的发展必然导致税收国际冲突的增加,因为在各国税制差异的现实下,各国经济的日益交融和各国主权意识的增强与延伸必然加剧国家间的税收矛盾。

    The development of economic globalization will surely lead to more and more international conflicts in tax .

  22. 在控制国际冲突的各种方式中,司法方式日益重要。

    Among the various measures to control the conflict , the international justice is more and more important .

  23. 但是单凭此事还不足以让中国让它升级为国际冲突。

    But this alone is not conclusive enough for the Chinese to turn this into an international incident .

  24. 在撒哈拉以南非洲地区,内战和国际冲突继续扩大也会对复苏前景造成不利影响。

    In Sub-Saharan Africa , among other regions , spreading civil and international conflict has also hurt prospects .

  25. 目前,诸多领域都存在着国际冲突,主要有三个层面的国际冲突备受学界的重视:政治层面、经济层面、文化层面的国际冲突。

    Nowadays , Scholars focus on three levels of international conflict : political level , economic level and cultural level .

  26. 冷战期间,围绕两极格局意识形态的对峙而引发的国际冲突,越来越多地呈现出危机态势;

    In cold war era , bipolar world system led to many international conflicts , many of which developed into crises .

  27. 塞缪尔·亨廷顿认为,未来世界的国际冲突的根源将主要是文化的而不是意识形态的和经济的;

    Samuel · Huntington advanced that the origin of the international conflict will be mainly culture instead of ideology and economy .

  28. 在这种经济中,与国际冲突相比,内部发展与外部贸易为几乎每个人都提供了更美好的前景。

    In such an economy , internal development and external commerce offer better prospects for virtually everybody than does international conflict .

  29. 南斯拉夫解体后,科索沃冲突因塞、阿两族的矛盾加剧而趋于激烈,以美国为首的北约的干涉,则使其演变成一场国际冲突。

    Headed by the United States , the NATO Group interfered in it and caused it to develop into an international conflict .

  30. 税收的国际冲突或矛盾有多种表现形式,但其实质是国家间经济利益上的冲突。

    Varied in form as the international conflicts in tax are , the essence is the clash of economic interests between countries .