
  1. 公共经济论与国家分配论的比较及思考

    A Comparison Between the Theory of Public Finance and That of Government Distribution

  2. 但只有国家分配论能够合理解释不同社会经济形态下的财政现象、本质。

    But only the State Distribution Theory can explain the financial phenomena and essence of different economy modality .

  3. 借鉴“公共财政论”发展“国家分配论”

    Draw lessons from " the theory of public finance " and develop " the theory of national division "

  4. 进而阐明科学性、开放性的“国家分配论”,仍然是我国当前进行社会主义市场经济建设的理论根据。

    Scientific and open-minded " National Distribution Principle " also can provide theoretical support in developing socialist market economy of China .

  5. 我国社会主义财经还是应该坚持国家分配论的财政本质观。

    This essay analyzes the improper aspects of this opinion and insists on the essence doctrine of theory of State Distribution .

  6. 与时俱进、坚持发展国家分配论&荆襄磷化投资失误引发的思考

    Keeping up with Times , Further Developing " National Distribution Principle " & Reflection on the Investment Failure of JING XIANG LIN HUA

  7. 因此,国家分配论较公共财政论而言,更具一般性,是更符合一般性经济规律的理论。

    Therefore , compared with the Theory of Public Finance , the State Distribution Theory is more universal and more accordant with economic law .

  8. 对待“国家分配论”的正确态度是在坚持中求发展,即在其基本理论指导下发展和完善适应市场经济需要的具体理论和政策。

    The correct attitude towards this theory is to develop and perfect specific theories and policies to fit the needs of market economy guided by this theory .

  9. 本文将公共经济论与国家分配论作一个系统的比较与分析,从而得出笔者关于在社会主义市场经济体制下公共经济的几点思考。

    This paper compares these two theories completely and presents a number of the authors'considerations of how to put into practice the Public Finance theory under the socialist market economic system .

  10. 本文认为公共财政只是国家分配论在市场经济体制下的一种表现形态,它不等于公共经济。

    He author holds that public finance is not equal to public economy , which is only an expression of the theory of national distribution under the condition of market economy system .

  11. 而在其他经济条件下国家分配论又可以有其他更贴切的表述方式,如家计财政、生产建设财政等,但其理论内核都脱不了国家分配论的巢臼。

    Whereas , State Distribution Theory has else expression in other economic modality , such as Household Finance , Production and Construction Finance , but their kernel is the same as the State Distribution Theory .

  12. 公共财政论只是国家分配论发展到市场经济条件下的一种基于其特定财政现象和特征的更贴切的表述方式,只能解释市场经济条件下的财政规律。

    The Theory of Public Finance is just a more appropriate expression of the State Distribution Theory , which base on the market economy 's specially financial phenomena and characters and explain the financial law of the market economy .