
  • 网络tee;Tee Box;tee ground
  1. 更准确地说,是用户想让pin指向俱乐部会所或给定球场的第一个发球台。

    To be precise , let 's say the user wants the pin to point to the clubhouse or the first tee of a given course .

  2. 在第2洞发球台,他的对手或同组竞争者打完球后,他发现了自己的错误。

    He discovers his error at the2nd tee after his opponent or a fellow-competitor has played but before he has played .

  3. 师长教师,从发球台到沙池是一百八十码。

    Sir , to the bunker is one hundred and eighty yards .

  4. 先生,你想在蓝色的发球台上发球还是白色的发球台上发球?

    Sir , would you like to play from the blue or white tee ?

  5. 球童在果岭的边缘看到另一名球员在下一洞发球台发球。

    The caddie was on the edge of the green watching another player drive from the next tee .

  6. 球手站在发球台看到球道两边除了沙坑就是水障碍区。

    You can easily see those bunkers and water hazards on both sides of the fairway from the tee box .

  7. 世界高尔夫基金会的“第一发球台计划”和英国的高尔夫基金会方案是两个突出的例子。

    The World Golf Foundation 's " First Tee Programme " and the UK 's Golf Foundation programme are two great examples .

  8. 这是个距离较短的四杆洞,左侧水障碍区从发球台一直延伸至果岭。

    This is a short par4 , the water hazard go all the way on the left side of the fairway from tee to the green .

  9. 若缩放的程度足够,甚至还可以看到每个球洞的特征,比如发球台、球道和果岭!

    With enough zoom , it is possible to make out the individual features of each hole , such as the tee box , fairway , and green !

  10. 球员相信他的球可能丢在水障碍之外了,球员宣布他想打一个临时球,随后他从发球台打了一个球。

    Believing his ball might be lost outside a water hazard , the player announces his intention to play a provisional ball and plays a ball from the tee .

  11. 在走回去从发球台再打一杆前,球员平整了他在沙坑里的脚印,那些脚印在他从发球区打球的路线上。

    Before walking back to play from the teeing ground again , the player smoothes his footprints in the bunker , which are on his line of play from the teeing ground .