
  • 网络Issuance cost;distribution costs;floatation cost;flotation cost
  1. 具有代表性的债务期限理论有代理成本假说、信息不对称假说、税负假说、期限匹配假说和发行成本假说等。

    Typically , there are agency cost hypothesis , information asymmetry hypotheses , tax hypotheses , maturity matching theory and floatation cost hypothesis .

  2. 定价机制、承销方式与发行成本:来自中国IPO市场的证据

    Pricing Mechanism , Underwriting Contracts and Issue Costs ; Evidence from China 's IPO Market

  3. 第二部分论述了影响公司IPO决策的主要因素,融资选择多样化、公司治理结构、资本预算、资本结构、信息披露和发行成本。

    The second section illuminates six factors affecting the corporate IPO decision . These factors include variety of financing choices , corporate governance , capital budgeting , capital structure , information disclosure and issuing cost .

  4. 相对于一般债券,FDIC担保债券的发行成本较低,因为在有了政府担保的情况下,投资者愿意接受相对较低的利率。

    FDIC-backed debt is cheaper to issue than normal debt because investors are prepared to accept a lower interest rate because of the government guarantee .

  5. 国债规模与发行成本优化问题的研究

    Research of Government Bond 's Scale and Optimization of Its Issue Cost

  6. 此外主体评级和债项评级均对风险具有一定的揭示力,并反映在发行成本上。

    Besides the company ratings and bond rating are having an impact on issuance costs .

  7. 预测发行成本,包括开发、相关材料、市场营销、培训和首次展示。

    Estimation of release cost , including development , collateral material , marketing , training , and rollout .

  8. 报纸的价格仅能偿付纸张和发行成本,内容则是免费奉送。

    Newspaper prices barely cover the physical cost of paper and delivery , the content is thrown in for free .

  9. 彩票基金是销售总额扣除返奖和发行成本及管理费的全部资金,这是彩票发行获得的净收益。

    The lottery fund is the total amount of sales of lottery tickets minus awards , administrative expenses and costs , which represents the net profit of lottery issuance .

  10. 根据模型结果,债券评级每高出一个等级,发行成本约下降63个基点;而主体评级每高出一个等级,发行成本下降15个基点。

    According to the model results , a higher bond rating , issuance costs dropped about 63 basis points ; while a higher bond rating , down 15 basis points .

  11. 优化国债发行成本的关键在于降低国债二级市场偏高的收益率,优化国债期限结构。

    The key to optimize the cost of bond issue lies on the lowering of the high return rate of the second market of government bond and the optimization of its term structure .

  12. 但与此同时,由于尚未建立完善的信用增级体系,导致发行成本过高,不利于地方建设的推进。

    At the same time , however , yet to establish a sound credit enhancement system , leading to the high cost of issuance , is not conducive to the advancement of local construction .

  13. 利率下调减轻了企业负担,降低了债券发行成本,促进了储蓄分流,但储蓄、投资的利率弹性不大;

    The lowering of interest rate remits the burden of companies , reduces the issue cost of bonds and promotes the saving decentralization but leads to low flexibility of interest rate in saving and investment .

  14. 在一种评级的基础上,另一种评级依然能够给投资者提供有效的信息,两者在一定程度上互补;债项评级由于针对性更强,其对发行成本的影响力大于主体评级。

    Based on a rating , the other rating can still provide useful information to investors ; due to more targeted , the influence of bond rating on the issuance costs is greater than the company rating .

  15. 由于债券发行成本低、激励和约束程度高、发行企业债券筹资便利等原因,应确立企业债券市场融资的主渠道地位。

    Since the cost of the circulation of stock is low and since the degree of inspiration and restriction is high and since the collection to issue enterprises ' stock is convenient , the capital circulation of enterprises ' bond market as the main channel should be established .

  16. 俄罗斯上一次面向国际投资者发债,还是在2000年。上周俄罗斯表示,由于新兴市场主权债券发行成本大幅降低,该国计划在明年第一季度发行美元计价债券,筹集至多180亿美元的资金。

    Russia , which most recently issued a bond aimed at international investors in 2000 , last week signalled plans to raise up to $ 18bn in dollar-denominated securities in the first quarter of next year as the cost of borrowing for emerging market sovereign issuers fell sharply .

  17. 定向增发无盈利要求,发行成本仅为公开发行的一半左右,监管部门的审核程序相对简易,即使是亏损企业也可申请发行,有利于面临良好投资机会的上市公司进行融资。

    It has no regulation on profit . The distribution cost is only half of the public offering . The regulatory review process is relatively simple . Even deficit enterprises can apply for the issue , which is good financing opportunities for the listed companies facing fine investment chances .

  18. 文章还着重分析了资产池的现金流状况以及证券发行的成本与收益。

    It also attaches much emphasis on the analysis of the assets pool cash flow and securities income / cost .

  19. 台湾企业信息透明度与债券发行资金成本关系实证研究&蒙地卡罗模拟法之运用

    Empirical Research on the Relationship of Information Transparency and the Capital Cost of Bonds of Taiwan Enterprises & The Application of Monte Carlo Simulation Approach

  20. 通过对旅游年票现象的经济学分析,本论文在理论上构建了三个模型:旅游年票市场有效性论证模型、发行商成本收益模型和加盟商户正负效应模型。

    Through the economic analysis on tourism yearly ticket , three models were built : the effectiveness model of tourism yearly ticket market , publishers ' cost-benefit model and the contradistinction model of positive and negative effects on joining firms .

  21. 我们借债和发行股票的成本将会降低。

    Our cost of debt and equity will fall .

  22. 该研究调查了2013年至今能收集到数据的155部电影。发行和宣传成本不计算在内。

    The study looked at 155 films for which data was available , dating back to 2013 . Distribution and promotional costs were not factored into the analysis .

  23. 有学者研究发现,配股发行的融资成本明显低于增发新股方式,为何上市公司纷纷弃配股而就增发呢?这个疑问被称之为股权再融资方式之谜。

    Some scholars have found that the costs of stock rations were obviously lower than the re-issuing new shares , but the fact is that the listed companies prefer re-issuing new shares to the stock rations . Why ?

  24. 本文通过研究发现,我国可转换债券市场的风险收益特征等投资效应和考虑发行人资金成本等融资效应,与传统理论以及国外成熟市场现状基本相符。

    Through empirical research , the author argues that , after considering the effects such as risk-return features and the cost of financing , China convertible bond market has similar characteristics with mature market , and is reasonably in accord with the classic theories of financial market and instruments .

  25. 发行量核查的成本

    The Cost Of Circulation Scrutiny

  26. 一般而言,债券资信等级与发行债券的融资成本呈负相关。

    In general , the bond credit ratings and the financing costs of issuing bonds is a negative correlation .

  27. 欧洲市场风险债券发行者的融资成本进一步下降,反映出欧洲良好的信用环境。

    The cost of raising funds for risky borrowers has fallen further in European markets , reflecting a benign credit environment .

  28. 他指出,股票波动幅度较大,这意味着发行人的借债成本会降低,企业能够承担更多的债务。

    Stock volatility is high , which means lower borrowing costs for issuers , and companies have room to take on more debt , he notes .

  29. 在竞争激烈的媒介环境下发展需要进一步的竞争策略:例如进行正确的市场细分、定位,确保新闻纸的特质,有效发行及良好的成本控制等。

    In intensely competitive media environment , development needs further competitive strategy such as correct market segmentation and position , ensuring characteristics of " newspaper ", effective publication , good cost control and so on .

  30. 美国的高利率及本国较低的利率意味着,中国央行在美国所投资的美元为中国赚取的收益,高于发行本币票据的成本。

    High interest rates in the US , and lower rates at home , meant that the dollars invested by Beijing in the US earned the central bank more than it was paying out in local currency bills .