
fā xínɡ quán
  • publishing right;right of issuance
  1. ITV将拥有两家集团共同开发的内容的海外发行权。

    ITV will own the rights for overseas distribution of the content the two groups co-develop .

  2. 网络盗版不断增加,DVD和国际电视市场日趋萎缩,也对电影发行权的销售构成压力。由于广告市场疲软,电视台用于购买影片播放权的资金减少。

    Sales of distribution rights are also under pressure from rising internet piracy and the shrinking DVD and international television market the weak advertising market means broadcasters have less money to spend on licensing films .

  3. 东宝株式会社则享有真人版影片的日本发行权。

    Toho will handle distribution of the film in Japan .

  4. 论著作权中的发行权用尽规则

    On the rule of exhaustion of the right of issue in copyright

  5. 电子货币时代货币发行权的分散化趋势研究

    Decentralization of currency emission authority in the electronic times

  6. 第一节讲述满映统治影片发行权。

    Section I describes " full reflection " rule of film distribution rights .

  7. 主张货币的铸造权和发行权应统归国家;

    The montage and the right of issuing should belong to the coutry ;

  8. 他作品的独家发行权就值几百万。

    His exclusives are worth millions to us .

  9. 银行的董事会通过了价值40亿美元的新股发行权。

    The bank 's board of directors approved a $ 4 billion stock right offering .

  10. 近日他正在拍摄一部俄斯罗题材的美式大片,并在好莱坞兜售地区发行权。

    These days he produces American-style blockbusters on a Russian theme and sells distribution rights in Hollywood .

  11. 货币犯罪的法益既包括国家的货币发行权,又包括货币的公共信用;

    The legal interests of currency crimes include distributing authority of currency and public credit of currency .

  12. 出版单位对本版出版物具有总发行权。

    A publishing entity shall have the right of general distribution over the publications of the current edition .

  13. 文章分析了信息网络传播权的概念、特征和性质,尤其是对它与发行权、播放权、复制权的区别进行了详细的分析。

    In addition , the paper distinguishes among issue right , broadcast right and duplicate right in detail .

  14. 但在欧元区,由于货币发行权掌握在欧洲央行手里,因此对于个别国家而言,债务货币化难以实施。

    A further curse is that countries of the euro zone do not independently control their own money .

  15. 对此,本文主张我国应准予地方政府地方公债的发行权,并由西部省区优先试行。

    With regard to this topic , the thesis argues that China should grant local governments the authority to issue LPD .

  16. 港币的发行权属于香港特别行政区政府。

    The authority to issue Hong Kong currency shall be vested in the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region .

  17. 我国银行法规定,货币发行权归中央银行。

    According to the Bank Law of our country , the authority to issue currency shall be vested in the central bank .

  18. 法拉·斯特劳斯与吉鲁科斯出版社获得了本书在美国的发行权,但还没定下具体出版日期。

    Farrar , Strauss & Giroux has acquired the book in the United States but has not set a publication date yet .

  19. 负责取得优质音乐录影带、娱乐性节目等之美国本土以及全球发行权。

    Responsible for recording and mixing of sound and acquisitions of developed entertainment videos and music videos for domestic and international distribution .

  20. 中央银行的央行职能有所加强,但还没有独占货币发行权。

    Bank and promoted the Central Bank of China to be a central bank , but the banknote issue did not be centralized .

  21. 韦伯相信,有一家香港公司就通过赋予自己发行权的方式,以稀释自身股权来威胁一只维权对冲基金。

    Mr Webb believes one Hong Kong company has given itself issuance powers to threaten an activist hedge fund with dilution of its stake .

  22. 在此基础上,本文从复制权、发行权、改编权、信息网络传播权四方面分析了链接侵权问题。

    Based on the above disscussion , the paper analyses the copyright problems of hyperlink in the construction of digital library in three aspects .

  23. 多数国家不明确规定表演者发行权,而用作者权利方式加以涵盖。

    Most countries do not clearly defined distribution rights of performers , but the rights are covered by the way of the author right .

  24. 然而去年十月,谷歌向作者和出版商支付了1.25亿美元,解决了图书版权争纠纷,得到了一些受版权保护的图书的发行权。

    But last October , Google reached a one hundred twenty-five million dollar legal settlement to also make parts of some copyrighted books available .

  25. 美国网飞公司与优酷达成协议,购入优酷自制流行侦探剧《白夜追凶》的海外发行权。优酷是中国互联网巨头阿里巴巴旗下的视频网站。

    Netflix reached a deal to distribute a popular detective drama series produced by Youku , which is owned by China internet giant Alibaba .

  26. 各国基于自身国内贸易状况,通过发行权用尽原则的适用,对其做出允许或禁止的规定。

    Countries based on its own domestic trade situation , through the " principle of exhaustion of distribution rights ," to regulate the parallel imports .

  27. 表演者扩张的经济权利指发行权、出租权与信息网络提供权。

    The expansion of economic power refers to the right of distribution right , the right of rental , the right of providing information network .

  28. 除此而外,公司拥有的特许经营权还包括:电子读物出版发行权和互联网出版发行权。

    Apart from that , the franchise rights of the Company include : the right to publish e-books and right to publish on the Internet .

  29. 馀深信当银行机构拥有了货币发行权,其对自由的威胁更胜军队。&托马斯·杰斐逊。

    I sincerely believe the banking institutions having the issuing power of money , are more dangerous to liberty than standing armies . & Tomas Jefferson .

  30. 三大网络国际公约等主要国际公约都规定了表演者的发行权,但内容各有侧重。

    The International Convention on the three major networks and other major international conventions provide for performer 's distribution rights , but they are different in content .