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shòu rè
  • be heated;be affected by the heat;have heatstroke (or sunstroke);have heatstroke;suffer from sunstroke
受热 [shòu rè]
  • (1) [be heated]∶变热;温度升高

  • 物体受热则膨胀

  • (2) [have heatstroue (or sunstroue)]∶中暑或得日射病

受热[shòu rè]
  1. 由于普遍存在介电损耗,材料在微波场中会受热升温,而高温对很多微波系统的工作可靠性和效率都有较大影响,例如微波烧结以及各类微波器件的发热等都属于这类问题。

    As the prevalence of dielectric loss , material can be heated in microwave field and the high temperature will affect greatly the reliability and the efficiency of microwave system .

  2. 目前国外常用的温芯盒法固化剂一般为钝性或潜伏性催化剂,受热时析出强酸而促硬树脂,在硬化过程中仅起催化作用。

    The hardeners commonly used abroad in the warm box process are passive or latent catalysts , which give active acids to catalyze the resin while be heated and just act as catalyzers in the curing process .

  3. 上了年纪的人最容易因受热而生病。

    Those most vulnerable to heat stress are the elderly .

  4. 金属受热就膨胀。

    If metal gets hot it expands .

  5. 受热气体通过水中的盘管输送。

    The heated gas is piped through a coil surrounded by water

  6. 这种烹饪方法也能使两面均匀受热。

    This method of cooking also permits heat to penetrate evenly from both sides .

  7. 蜡在受热时是可塑的。

    Wax is ductile when heated .

  8. 维生素C受热过度就会被破坏。

    Vitamin C is destroyed when overheated .

  9. 气体受热会膨胀。

    When gases are heated , they expand .

  10. 物体受热则膨胀。

    When matter is heated , it expands .

  11. 除非受热,物质不会有膨胀的倾向

    Substances have no tendency to expand unless ( they are ) heated .

  12. 上升暖气流是由于受热而上升的气流。

    Thermals are rising air currents caused by heat .

  13. 水受热变成水蒸气

    Heat evaporates water into steam .

  14. 它也是第一款携带疫苗瓶监测器的疫苗,疫苗瓶上的小标签会因疫苗受热而改变颜色,便于卫生工作者判断疫苗是否安全可用。

    It is also the first vaccine that will carry a vial monitor , a small sticker on the vials that changes color if the vaccine is exposed to heat , letting health workers know whether the vaccine can be safely used .

  15. EAST托卡马克装置冷屏的真空要求与受热分析

    The analyze of vacuum and heat load for ts of EAST Tokamak

  16. 当受热时,PVC可能失去氯化氢并形成一种有色的共轭聚烯结构。

    When heated , PVC may lose hydrogen chloride and form a chromophoric conjugated polyene structure .

  17. 这种RigidMatrix结构稳定且耐热性好,由此阻止了胶原分子在受热时造成的构型及构像的转变。

    Because of stable structure , good resistant stability , the Rigid Matrix can prevent the conformation change of collagen molecule when heated .

  18. 受热流体影响的储层可能形成一些CO2,但产量不足以成为本区CO2的主要来源。

    The carbonate cements in reservoirs under the affection of hot fluid may form CO2 , but the yield of CO2 is low .

  19. X粉晶衍射图表明,煤中矿物质被氧气氧化生成硫酸盐是煤在空气流中受热增重的主要原因。

    X powder diffraction 6 graphs indicate that the sulphate oxidated from mineral in coal is the main reason in gaining weight of coal in air .

  20. 研究了Brownian(布朗)motor在二维耦合的非对称性周期势中同时受热噪声和外部非平衡涨落驱动下的定向输运,讨论了耦合对流行为的影响。

    The transport of a Brownian motor driven by an external fluctuation in a two dimensional ( 2D ) coupled asymmetrical periodic potential is studied .

  21. 正确计算锅炉的半辐射式受热面运用ANSYS软件对注塑机调模板进行有限元分析

    A Study on the Heat Transfer Calculation of Rear Platen Heating Surface The finite element analysis of the rear platen of injection molding machine with ANSYS software

  22. 本文利用有限元法对PCB组件在再流焊过程中的受热进行分析,建立瞬态温度场和应力场模型。

    The paper use finite element analysis method analysis the thermal impact of PCBA during the reflow soldering , and building the temperature and stress distribution model .

  23. 600MW燃煤锅炉受热面污染特性试验研究

    Experimental research on fouling characteristics of heating surfaces in a 600 MW boiler

  24. 探讨了三氟乙酸盐受热分解(TFAMOD)方法在多晶织构Ag基片上制备YBCO膜的工艺参数与薄膜的成分和取向、表面形貌及超导电性之间的关系。

    The influences of processing parameters on phase purity and texture , surface morphology and superconducting properties of YBCO films fabricated by TFA-MOD method were discussed .

  25. 热重分析表明,当IFR-PP受热燃烧时,IFR参与了PP的热分解反应并促使部分碳化。

    Thermogravimetric results indicate that the IFR takes part in the decomposition reactions of PP and promotes it to carbonize as the IFR PP undergoes heating and burning .

  26. 我们通过对同步光的功率谱分析和基于ANSYS程序的受热形变分析,设计出一面带水冷系统的铍镜用以反射可见光和透射X射线,以满足设计要求。

    After the analysis of SR power spectrum and the heat transfiguration based on ANSYS program , we designed a beryllium mirror with a water-cooling system to reflect visible light and transmit X-ray to satisfy requirements of design .

  27. 结果:无论是否经受热暴露,高锌组淋巴细胞增殖反应与NK活性均显著高于中、低锌组。

    The proliferation of lymphocyte and the NK cell activity were higher in high zinc group than in moderate and low zinc groups no matter the rats were exposed to heat or not .

  28. 本文利用有限元软件ANSYS对孔洞式滑轨在炉内受热时的温度场分布进行了模拟计算,得出了孔洞大小和滑轨高度变化与改善加热效果的关系。

    In this paper , by using FEM software-ANSYS , the temperature field of new slide rails in heating furnace was simulated , the relations are educed between the heating effect and the hole size , slid-rail height .

  29. 由于含铅钎料熔点低,受热区长度只要150mm就可以了。

    Fitting to lower melting point of tin-lead solder , the length of zone of heating is 150mm ;

  30. 350MW锅炉受热面的安装

    Installation Process of Heating Surface for 350 MW Boiler