
  1. 试验研究表明CFRP筋既可用作混凝土结构的受力筋,又可用作传感器进行结构健康监测。

    The test results show that CFRP bar can be used as both reinforcement and sensors for the structural health monitoring in concrete structures .

  2. 因此,以中强螺旋肋钢丝为受力筋的预应力空心板具有广阔美好的发展前景。

    So the high effective pre-stressed reinforced concrete hollow slab with Medium strength spiral-continuous - ribs steel bar has a good prospect .

  3. 以湖南省“宁乡至横市”超二级公路改扩建工程中斜涵的设计为例,应用群析法建立了斜交桥涵端部异型板的设计宽度、受力筋布置的计算公式。

    This treatise introduces the method of calculating the length of the culverts constructed by the methods of making the frame piers at right angle and skew made for skew pipe culvert .

  4. 型钢混凝土是指在混凝土中主要配置型钢,并配有一定的纵向受力筋和横向箍筋的结构,是钢与混凝土组合结构的一种主要形式。

    The steel reinforced concrete is a structural style of disposing section steel equipped with certain longitudinal and lateral reinforcement in the concrete , it is one of the main form of steel and concrete composite structure .

  5. 复杂受力带筋卷筒结构分析与最优设计

    Structure Analysis and Optimum for Hoist Drum with Inner Ribs Bearing Complex External Force

  6. 利用煤矸石工业废料,首次构想钢骨轻骨料混凝土柱,以及无受力配筋的钢骨轻骨料混凝土柱,并提出相应的计算理论;

    Use the industrial waste-the coal gangue , for the first time imaging the steel reinforced lightweight gangue concrete column , as well as the steel reinforced lightweight gangue concrete column with no reinforced bar , and suggest that corresponding calculation theory .

  7. 双向受力构件配筋与校核算法

    An Algorithm for Sectional Design of Reinforced Concrete Member under Actions of Two-Direction Forces

  8. 刚结式消力池侧墙、翼墙受力与配筋计算分析

    Analysis on the calculation of rigid connection type of plunge pool flank wall , abutment wall tress and reinforcing

  9. 框架墩与普通桥墩相比在构造与计算上有其特殊性,文中介绍了框架墩的应用情况,并详细分析其构造、受力与配筋特点。

    In comparison with universal piers the frame pier has its specific characteristics in the structure and calculation . The paper introduces the application conditions of frame piers and analyzes the structure , forced and reinforced characteristics in details .

  10. 但同时,作为复合结构的加筋土挡墙也存在受力复杂、筋土相互作用显著、需要进行大量分析计算、设计效率低下等弊端,不利于该结构的推广应用。

    At the same time , it is unfavorable to be popularized and applied , because reinforced soil wall has complicated pressure , remarkable interplay mechanism between soil and reinforcement , low design efficiency and need to be calculated in a large amount .

  11. 孔洞参数对梁侧开孔RC梁的受力性能及配筋的影响

    Influence of Opening Parameter on the Mechanical Behavior and Reinforcement of the Side Opening Reinforced Concrete Beam

  12. 钢筋混凝土深梁抗裂度塑性系数和纵向受力钢筋最小配筋率的研究

    A Research on the Plastic Coefficient of Cracking strength and the Minimum Reinforcement Ratio of Deep Beams

  13. 据此提出了理想的筋材受力机制以及使筋材变形接近理想机制从而提高加筋效果的新途径&预应变加筋法。

    An ideal mechanism of bearing force of geotextile and the prestrained reinforcement technique which causes the bearing forces and the deformations of geotextiles to approach the ideal mechanism are proposed .

  14. 大直径圆形平板结构采用无粘结预应力技术,与矩形平板相比,其结构受力特点、布筋方式、设计计算有着不同的规律。

    Using the technique of unbonded prestress in large diameter circular slab has different rule in contrast with rectangular slab in character of structure behavior , reinforcement distribution , design and calculation .

  15. 在试验结果的分析基础上,确定了混凝土薄壁箱梁在不同受力阶段体外预应力筋应力增量计算方法,全过程分析结果与实测值吻合较好。

    Based on the analysis of the test results , the calculation methods for the stress increment of the external prestressing strands of the box girder at different loading stages are developed . The analytical results of the full process of the test agree fairly well with the field measurements .

  16. 关于混凝土结构受弯构件纵向受力钢筋配筋百分率的讨论

    Discussion on the reinforcement ratio of longitudinal bars in flexural members of concrete structure