
yīn zhèng
  • yin syndrome
阴证[yīn zhèng]
  1. 康复新滴剂对照组总有效率为71.0%,其中阴证痊愈率为22.0%,阳证痊愈率为40.0%,P<0.01,2组相比有显著差异,辨证换药治疗组效果明显优于对照组。

    In the control group , the total effective rate was 71.0 % , with a cure rate of 22.0 % for yin syndrome and a cure rate of 40 for yang sgndrome ( P < 0 . 01 ) . Great difference was found between the two groups .

  2. 结果:辨证换药治疗组总有效率为97.3%,其中阴证痊愈率为72.4%,阳证痊愈率为82.0%;

    RESULT : In the differential dressing change group the total effective rate was 97.3 % , with a cure rate of 72.4 % for patients with yin syndrome and a cure rate of 82.0 % for patients with yang syndrome .

  3. 略论王好古的阴证学说

    Briefly on Wang Haogu 's School of Yin Conditions

  4. 血浆黏度增高幅度的差异可能为阴证、阳证临床表现不同的病理基础之一。

    Difference of Increase degree of viscosity can be cause of difference of signs in Yin - and Yang-syndrome .

  5. 《伤寒论》阳证宜针、阴证宜灸规律探讨

    Approach to Rules of Acupuncture for Yang Syndrome and Moxibustion for Yin Syndrome in The Treatise on Febrile Diseases

  6. 对于消渴病早期上、中消症状有较好的改善作用,临床适用于湿热困脾证、胃肠结热证、燥热伤阴证。

    It is suitable for treating the wet and heat puzzling the spleen , heat remaining in the stomach and intestines , dryness and heat consuming Yin pattern identification .

  7. 喻昌的《医门法律》,在辨证论治方面有诸多创见如对中寒阴证、中风、痉病、湿热证、中暑、燥病等各病证辨证论治,各具特色。

    Such new ideas on syndrome differentiation and treatment administration as cold attack , stroke and dampness syndrome were created in Medical Laws by Yu Chang , with their own characteristics .

  8. 随着患者病程的进展,患者的证型在进行变化,在早期,以阳证为多,后期,阴证的比例增大。

    Along with the progress of the patients , the evidence in patients change the type . In the early days , Yang card is more , later period , Yin card increase and be the bigger part . 4 .

  9. 为提高针灸治疗中风后遗症的康复疗效,首先应分辨阳证、阴证以选穴,并结合头颅、脊背、面部、四肢等部位取穴治疗,以利于智力、肢体功能恢复;

    To enhance the rehabilitating effects of acupuncture on apoplectic sequelae , the yin and yang syndromes should be identified first , and the acupoints on head , back , face and limbs were selected according to the individual condition , which helps the recovery of intelligence and limb movement .

  10. 茵陈术附汤对阴黄证大鼠肝细胞凋亡及Bcl-2和Bax表达的影响

    Hepatocyte apoptosis and the expression of Bcl-2 and Bax in Yin-jaundice rats

  11. 胃阴不足证患者萎缩、肠化积分治疗后与治疗前比较均有显著性差异(P0.05)。

    Stomach yin deficiency syndrome atrophy , intestinal metaplasia points before and after treatment were significantly different ( P0.05 ) .

  12. 结果:阳类证患者血浆CCK-8水平显著高于阴类证患者(P<0.01)。

    Results : The plasma CCK-8 level of the patients with yang syndrome was evidently higher than that of the patients with yin syndrome .

  13. 阴黄证大鼠血浆Cor、ACTH、TXB2及6-Keto-PGF(1α)含量的变化及温阳活血退黄方的干预效应

    Changes of Cor 、 ACTH 、 TXB_2and 6-Keto-PGF_ ( 1 α) in plasma and effects of warming YANG and promoting blood flow and eliminating jaundice Fang in YING jaundice rats

  14. 方法:在采用异硫氢酸苯酯(APIT)灌胃诱导大鼠肝损伤的基础上,结合中药大黄灌胃加寒湿环境因素,建立中医阴黄证黄疸动物模型。

    Materials and Methods : We got the animal model of TCM jaundice of Yin - Huang in rats , which lived in the damp and cold environment and ig .

  15. 阴黄证内毒素水平的实验研究

    Levels of Endotoxin with Yin Jaundice Syndrome in Rats

  16. 阴躁证辨治刍议

    On Differentiation of Yin Restlessness Syndrome

  17. 找出其相关性,为阴黄证和阳黄证的诊断提供依据。

    Discovers its relevance , provides the basis for cloudy Huang Zheng and the positive Huang Zheng diagnosis .

  18. 出血中风急性期阳类证、阴类证辨证标准的初步研究

    Initial Study of Yang Syndrome and Yin Syndrome 's Standard of Differentiation in the Acute Stage of Hemorrhage Stroke

  19. 结论骨密度与气虚证、脾虚血瘀证、肾虚阴亏证具有密切关系,气虚、肾虚阴亏、脾虚血瘀是老年性骨质疏松症的基本病理因素。

    The qi insufficiency , kidney-essence and yin-deficiency , and spleen insufficiency and blood stasis are the basic pathological factors of osteoporosis .

  20. 太阴病的性质,尽管其多属脾阳不足证,但亦有脾阴不足证;

    Although the character of Taiyin syndrome is the syndrome of spleen yang deficiency , sometimes the syndrome of spleen yin deficiency occurs .

  21. 目的:探讨阴黄证血浆内毒素水平以及内毒素血症在阴黄证肝损伤发病机制中的作用。

    Objective : To investigate the plasma levels of endotoxin in rats with Yin jaundice syndrome and its effects on the pathogenesis of hepatic injury .

  22. 结论:1、本课题提出阴黄证基本病机为脾阳虚寒湿挟瘀。

    Conclusion : 1.The study has suggested that the insufficience of the spleen and cold-damp and blood stasis is the fundmental pathogenesis of YIN huang jaundice .

  23. 方法将肺痨咯血患者属肺阴亏损证者138例随机分成两组。

    Method To divide randomly 138 patients with hemoptysis induced by pulmonary tuberculosis ( belonged to the syndrome of lung-yin deficiency in Chinese medicine ) into two groups .

  24. 结论:内毒素血症为阴黄证常见并发症,内毒素血症在阴黄证肝损伤发病中具有重要作用。

    Conclusion : Endotoxemia is one of the common complications in Yin jaundice syndrome , and it plays an important role in the hepatic injury of Yin jaundice syndrome .

  25. 目的:建立中医阴黄证黄疸动物模型,同时探讨温阳利湿退黄中药对阴黄证黄疸动物模型的治疗效果。

    Objects : To establish an animal model of TCM jaundice of Yin-Huang and discuss the effect of Chinese herbal which were applied to the animal model of TCM jaundice of Yin-Huang .

  26. 17例阴黄证患者主要脾虚兼有湿邪(浊)为主,该证型16例,占94.1%,另外1例肾虚患者也兼有脾虚;

    Among 17 patients with Yin-jaundice , 16 patients ( 94 . 1 % ) are of spleen deficiency complicated with dampness pattern , only 1 case with kidney deficiency plus spleen deficiency pattern .

  27. 目的:观察慢性充血性心力衰竭中心气(血)虚证和心阴不足证患者血清内源性洋地黄因子含量的变化,探讨其临床意义。

    Objective : To study the change of serum contents of Endogenous Digitalis like Factor ( sEDF ) in Congestive heart Failure ( CHF ) with deficiency of the Qi or deficiency of the yin and to explore its clinical value .

  28. 结果1.所选120例消化性溃疡中医分型中肝胃郁热证占34.17%、肝胃不和证30.83%、脾胃虚弱(寒)证24.17%、胃阴不足证10.83%。

    TCM stagnant from the selected 120 patients with peptic ulcer , heat of liver and stomach type to account for 34.17 % , 30.83 % disharmony of liver and evidence and weak evidence spleen 24.17 % , as well as 10.83 % stomach yin deficiency . 2 .

  29. 结果:①米槁心乐滴丸能降低阴寒凝滞证心肌缺血大鼠血浆内皮素(ET)的水平。

    Results : ① Migao Xinle dropping pill decreased the level of blood plasm ET of he rat model of myocardial ischemia of stagnation of yin-cold ;

  30. 滋阴降火法治疗更年期综合征阴虚火旺证的临床研究

    Clinical Research on Zi Yin Jiang Huo Method on Treating Menopausal Syndrome Caused by Deficiency of Yin and Excess of Fire