
lǐ zhènɡ
  • interior symptom-complex;diseases caused by endogenous factors involving serious disorders in the internal organs
  1. 少阳证或少阳病不同于半表半里证;

    The Shaoyang syndrome is different from the syndrome of half exterior and half interior .

  2. 它是半表半里证的表现,见于少阳病和疟疾。

    They are the manifestations of half exterior and half interior seen in shaoyang disease or malaria .

  3. 探讨《伤寒论》、《金匮要略》及温病学说对半表半里证的认识,阐述半表半里证的现代研究进展,从而为临床治疗半表半里证提供理论依据。

    This article presents the concept of semi-exterior and semi-interior syndrome in several medical classics and its modern research advances , which provides theoretical evidences for clinical practice .

  4. 厚苔以里证为主要证候,多见痰热阻肺、邪热壅肺证候。

    When the fur was thick , the patient 's major syndromes were accumulation of phlegm heat in the lung and retention of pathogenic heat in the lung which belong to interior syndromes .