
  • 网络reaganism;The Reagan Doctrine
  1. 第二章论述了里根主义的提出以及作为其核心内容的低烈度战争战略的内涵与特点。

    Chapter 2 discusses the emergence of Reagan Doctrine and the content of " low intensity warfare " strategy .

  2. 里根主义给保守主义造成的破坏,远远超出了佩林效应。

    The damage Reaganism did to conservatism extends well beyond the Palin effect .

  3. 福克斯是狂热的里根主义者。

    Mr Fox was an enthusiastic Reaganite .

  4. 在里根主义盛行的上世纪80年代,美国海军号称拥有近600艘战舰。

    In the 1980s era of high Reaganism , the US navy boasted close to 600 warships .

  5. 在经济政策方面,里根主义在最初取得成功后又延续了太长时间,结果只带来了财政赤字、有欠考虑的减税和不及格的金融监管。

    In economic policy , Reaganism long outlived its initial successes , producing only budget deficits , thoughtless tax-cutting and inadequate financial regulation .

  6. 她公开支持里根时期保守主义,并且是美国驻联合国第一位女性大使。

    The unabashed apostle of Reagan era conservatism and the first woman US ambassador to the Unite Nations died overnight at her home in Maryland .