
  • 网络EMLyon Business School;EM Lyon
  1. 这一看法获得了里昂商学院(EMLyonBusinessSchool)高级讲师曼米特•辛格(ManmeetSingh)的赞同,辛格过去13年一直在中国工作。

    It is a message echoed by Manmeet Singh , senior affiliate lecturer at EMLyonBusiness School , who has worked in China for the past 13 years .

  2. 但仅实现国际化还不够,法国里昂商学院(EMLyon)院长贝尔纳?贝勒唐特(BernardBelletante)表示。

    But being international is not enough , says Bernard Belletante , director-general of EMLyon .

  3. 里昂商学院(EMLyonBusinessSchool)由于跌出MBA榜单之外,整体排名下降了15位,同时北方高等商学院(EdhecBusinessSchool)由于未能进入EMBA榜单,整体排名下降了8位。

    EMLyon Business School dropped outside the MBA ranking and lost 15 places overall , while Edhec Business School failed to make it into the Executive MBA ranking and lost eight places overall as a result .