
  • 网络University of Lyon;ENS de Lyon;Lyon College
  1. 本古里昂大学的BradleyRuffle和艾瑞儿中心大学的Ze'evShtudiner对求职简历中附照片的做法进行了调查研究。在欧洲和亚洲国家,简历中附照片是一种惯例。

    Bradley Ruffle at Ben-Gurion University and Ze'ev Shtudiner at Ariel University Centre looked at what happens when job hunters include photos with their curricula vitae , as is the norm in much of Europe and Asia .

  2. 里昂中法大学(1921-1951)1是近代中法教育合作的重要成果之一,在中法文化交流史和中国留学教育史上都曾产生过一定的影响。

    Institut Franco Chinoise de Lyon ( 1921 & 1951 ) was one of the most important results of Franco Chinese cooperation in education . It also had an influence on both the history of cultural exchange between China and France and the history of Chinese students studying abroad .